Marcuse, Peter – Publications list
Marcuse, Peter. 1962. "The Protection of Trade Secrets," Connecticut Bar Journal, September.
Marcuse, Peter. 1962. "Benign Quotas," Journal of Intergroup Relations, Spring; reprinted in Freedom Now, Alan F. Westin (ed.), New York: Basic Books.
Marcuse, Peter. 1965. Equality, (coauthor), Pantheon Press, New York, 1965.
Marcuse, Peter. 1969. "Integration and the Planner," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, March.
Marcuse, Peter. 1971. “Is the National Parks Movement AntiUrban," National Parks and Recreation Magazine, July.
Marcuse, Peter. 1971. "Social Indicators and Housing Policy," Urban Affairs Quarterly, December.
Marcuse, Peter. 1971. Tenant Participation for What?, Washington D.C., The Urban Institute, Working Paper No. 11220, July 30, 1970.
Marcuse, Peter. 1971. "The Rise of Tenant Organizations," The Nation, July; printed in HousinginAmerica, Daniel Mandelker and Roger Montgomery (eds.), Indianapolis: The BobbsMerrill Co., Inc., pp. 4929, 1973 and 1979; also reprinted in Housing Urban America, John Pynoos, Robert Schaffer, and Chester M. Hartman, eds., Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co., pp. 4954, 1973 and 1981.
Marcuse, Peter. 1972. "Homeownership for Low Income Families: Financial Implications" Land Economics, Volume 48, Number 2, May, 1972, pp. 134-143
Marcuse, Peter. 1972. "Indicators for Housing Policy," Environmental Design: Research and Practice, Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference, Environmental Design Research Association, Los Angeles, January.
Marcuse, Peter. 1972. "How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too a New Tax Proposal that Helps the Cities, Yet Costs the Local Taxpayer Virtually Nothing," Architectural Forum, March.
Marcuse, Peter. 1972. "The Legal Attributes of Home Ownership." Washington, D. C., The Urban Institute, April 13, Working Paper #20911.
Marcuse, Peter. 1972. "Home Ownership for Low Income Families: Legal and Financial Implications" Ph.D. dissertation, University of California at Berkeley.
Marcuse, Peter. with Richard Clark, "Tenure and the Housing System: The Relationship and the Potential for Change," Working Paper 20984, Urban Institute, 1973.
"Conservation for Whom?" in Environmental Quality and SocialJustice in Urban America, James Noel Smith (ed.), Washington, D.C.: The Conservation Foundation, 1974, pp. 1736; reprinted in California Today, Vol. 2, No. 6, June 1974.
Marcuse, Peter. 1975. "Residential Alienation, Home Ownership and the Limits of Shelter Policy," Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, Vol. III,. 2, November. pp. 181203.
Marcuse, Peter. 1976. "Professional Ethics and Beyond: Values in Planning," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, Vol. 42, No. 3, July. Reprinted in Donald Hagman, Urban Planning, Minneapolis: West Publishing Co., 1980, and in Martin Wachs, ed., EthicsinPlanning, Rutgers University: Center for Urban Policy Research, 1985.
Marcuse, Peter. 1976. "Mass Transit for the Few," Society, Vol. 13, No. 6, SeptemberOctober.
Marcuse, Peter. 1977. "Some Political Implications of Planning: Professionalism, Ethics, and Planning Theory," in Thierry Noyelle (ed.), Symposium on Planning Theory, Papers in Planning, No. 2, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of Pennsylvania, June.
Marcuse, Peter. 1978. "Housing Policy and the Myth of the Benevolent State," Social Policy, Jan. Feb. Reprinted in Housingin America: Problems and Perspectives, Roger Montgomery and Daniel Mandelker, 2nd edition, Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill, 1979, and in Critical Perspectives on Housing, Rachel Bratt, Chester Hartman, and Ann Meyerson, eds., Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.
Marcuse, Peter. 1978. "The Political End of Planning Education," in The Structural Crisis of the 1970s and Beyond: The Need for a New Planning Theory, Proceedings of the Conference on Planning Theory, May, Division of Environmental and Urban Systems, College of Architecture and Urban Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Marcuse, Peter. 1978. German Housing Programs. Typescript.
Marcuse, Peter. 1979. "Redlining: Banks," in Working Papers for a New Society, July August.
Marcuse, Peter. 1979. Rental Housing in New York City, 1975 1978. New York: Department of Housing Preservation and Development, Office of Rent Control.
Marcuse, Peter. 1979. "The Deceptive Consensus on Redlining," in Journal of the American Planning Association, 45, 4, October.
Marcuse, Peter. 1980. "Housing in Early City Planning," in Journal of Urban History, Vol. 6, No. 3, Feb., reprinted in slightly different form as "Housing Policy and City Planning: The Puzzling Split in the United States, 18931931," in Shaping an Urban World, Gordon E. Cherry (ed.), London: Mansell, 1980.
Marcuse, Peter. 1981. "The Determinants of Housing Policy," New York, Columbia University, Division of Urban Planning, Papers in Planning No. 21a.
Marcuse, Peter. 1981. "The Targeted Crisis: On the Ideology of the Urban Fiscal Crisis and Its Uses," in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 330ff.
Marcuse, Peter. "The Ideologies of Ownership and Property Rights," in Richard Plunz, ed. Housing Form and Public PolicyintheUnited States, Columbia Monographs on Architecture, Preservation and Planning, New York: Praeger Publishers,
Marcuse, Peter. 1981. "The Strategic Potential of Rent Control," in Rent Control: A Source Book, John I. Gilderbloom (ed.), San Francisco, Foundation for National Progress.
Marcuse, Peter. 1982. "Building Housing Theory: Notes on Some Recent Work," in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 115121.
Marcuse, Peter. with Peter Medoff and Andrea Pereira. l982. "Triage as Urban Policy," SocialPolicy, vol. 12, no. 3, Winter. p. 33 ff.
Marcuse, Peter. 1982."The Determinants of State Housing Policies: West Germany and the United States,” in Norman and Susan Fainstein, eds., Urban Policy under Capitalism, Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
Marcuse, Peter. 1982. Housing Abandonment: Does Rent Control Make a Difference, Washington, D. C., Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies.
Marcuse, Peter. 1983. "On the Feeble Retreat of Planning," in Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer.
Marcuse, Peter. 1983. "On the Ambiguities of Selfhelp in Housing," New York, Columbia University Division of Urban Planning, Papers in Planning, October.
Marcuse, Peter. 1983. "A Luxury Housing Tax," in CityLimits, December.
Marcuse, Peter. 1983. "Towards the Decommodification of Housing: A Political Analysis and a Progressive Program," with Emily Achtenberg, in Chester Hartman (ed.), America'sHousingCrisis: Whatistobedone?, Institute for Policy Studies, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Boston; reprinted in CriticalPerspectivesonHousing, Rachel Bratt, Chester Hartman, and Ann Meyerson, eds., Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1986.
Marcuse, Peter. 1984. Report on Study of Displacement in New York City, with Conclusions and Recommendations, New York, Community Service Society.
Marcuse, Peter. 1984. "Die Bewegung 'Zuruck in die Stadt' gibt es sie überhaupt?" in Zukunft der Metropolen, Band 1: Aufsätze, Technische Universität Berlin, S. 215220.
Marcuse, Peter. 1984. "Measuring Gentrification's Impact: The City Tells Just Part of the West Side's Story," in CityLimits, May, p. 26.
Marcuse, Peter. 1985. "The State of the City's Housing," City Limits, September, vol. X, No. 7, p. 10ff
Marcuse, Peter. 1985. "Gentrification, Abandonment, and Displacement: Connections, Causes, and Policy Responses in New York City," Journal of Urban and Contemporary Law, Volume 28, St. Louis, Washington University, pp. 195240. Reprinted in revised form in Smith, Neil, and Peter Williams, eds. 1986. Gentrification and the City, London, Allen and Unwin.
Marcuse, Peter. 1985. "The Housing Policy of Social Democracy: Determinants and Consequences,"in Anson Rabinbach., ed., The Austrian Socialist Experiment, Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 19845. "To Control Gentrification: AntiDisplacement Zoning and Planning for Stable Residential Districts," New York University Review of Law and Social Change, Vol. XIII, No. 4, pp. 931952, reprinted in Yearbook of Construction Articles, Washington, D.C.: Federal Publications, 1985. Available at
Marcuse, Peter. 1985. “A chi e destinata la sona litoranea.” In Controspazio, vol. XVI, no. 3, September, pp. 2-9.
Marcuse, Peter. 1986. "The Beginnings of Public Housing in New York," in JournalofUrbanHistory, Vol. 12, No. 4:353390 August.
Achtenberg, Emily, and Peter Marcuse. 1986. “The Causes of the Housing Problem.” In CriticalPerspectivesonHousing, Rachel Bratt, Chester Hartman, and Ann Meyerson, eds., Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 4-12.
Marcuse, Peter. 1986. "A Useful Installment of Socialist Work: Housing in Red Vienna in the 1920s," in Critical Perspectives on Housing, Rachel Bratt, Chester Hartman, and Ann Meyerson, eds., Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1986. Review of Bullock, N. and Read, J. The Movement for Housing Reform in Germany and France, 1840 1914, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985. In the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, spring, 1986.
Marcuse, Peter. 1986. TheUsesandLimitsofRentControl: A Report with Recommendations, State of New York, Division of Housing and Community Renewal, December.
“New York in the Year 2000.” Social Policy, Fall 1986, pp. 54-56.
Marcuse, Peter. 1987. "Why Are They Homeless," TheNation, April 4, vol. 244, No. 13. Reprinted in Eitzen, D. Stanley, ed., Social Problems, Allyn & Bacon, and in Kennedy, Williams, ed., Writing in the Disciplines, Prentice Hall.
Marcuse, Peter. 1987. "The Other Side of Housing: Oppression and Liberation," in Bengt Turner et al, eds. Between State and Market: Housing in the PostIndustrial Era, Göteborg, Sweden, pp. 232270.
Marcuse, Peter. 1987."The Grid as City Plan: New York City and LaissezFaire Planning in the Nineteenth Century," Planning Perspectives, Vol. 2, p. 287310.
Marcuse, Peter. 1987. "Housing as Discipline: Beyond Decommodification," New York, Columbia University Division of Urban Planning, Papers in Planning.
Marcuse, Peter. 1987. Review of Foglesong, R.E., Planning the Capitalist City: The Colonial Era to the 1920's, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1986, in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol 11, No. 3, 1987
Marcuse, Peter. 19878. "Neighborhood Policy and the Distribution of Power: New York City's Community Boards," Policy Studies Journal, vol. 16, No. 2, Winter, pp. 277289.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Neutralizing Homelessness." Socialist Review, 88:1, pp. 6997. Reprinted in part in Lisa Orr. 1990. The Homeless: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, Greenhaven Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Do Cities Have a Future?" in Robert Cherry et al., eds. The Imperiled Economy, Book II: Through the Safety Net, New York, The Monthly Review Press, for the Union for Radical Political Economics.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Divide and Siphon: New York City Builds on Division," City Limits, Vol. XIII, No. 3, March, pp. 811.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Criticism or Cooptation: Can Architects Reveal the Sources of Homelessness?" Crit 20. Spring, p. 30.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Perspectives on Homelessness." [Book review] Urban Affairs Quarterly, vol. 23, No. 4, June, pp. 647656.
Marcuse, Peter. and Chester Hartman. 1988. "Länderberichte: U.S.A." in Prigge, Walter, and Wilfried Kaib, eds. 1988. Sozialer Wohnungsbau im internationalen Vergleich, Frankfurt am Main, Vervuert, pp. 231271.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Are Planners Judges?" Land Use Law. September. pp. 35.
Marcuse, Peter. 1988. "Stadt Ort der Entwicklung." in Demokratische Gemeinde, November, pp. 115122. Reprinted in "Kommunalpolitik zwischen Tradition und Innovation," Impulse, 10Jahre BundesSGK, and in U.S.A.: Innenansicht einer Grossmacht, Tilman Evers, Herausgeber, Evangelische Akademie, Hofgeismar, F.R.G., 1990, pp. 93108.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "The Pitfalls of Specialism: Special Groups and the General Problem of Housing," in Sara Rosenberry and Chester Hartman, eds, Housing Issues of the 90s, Westport, Praeger, pp. 6782.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "Towards Clarity in East/West Housing Studies: Some Conceptual Issues of 'Market' and 'State'", Conference Paper, Noszvaj, Hungary, June.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "'Dual City': a muddy metaphor for a quartered city." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 13, no. 4, December, pp. 697708.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "Isolating the Homeless." Shelterforce, vol. XI, No. 1, June/July, pp. 1215. Reprinted as Working Papers for Affordable Housing #3, National Housing Institute, Orange, N.J., 1990. Reprinted in Lisa Orr. 1990. The Homeless: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego, Greenhaven Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "On Ethics, History, and Planning Practice." Journal of the American Planning Association, Autumn, p. 500.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "Gentrification, Homelessness, and the Work Process: Housing Markets and Labour Markets in the Quartered City," Housing Studies,vol. 4, No. 3, p. 211220. Reprinted as "Housing MarketsandLabourMarkets in theQuarteredCity," inJohnAllenandChrisHamnett.1991, Housing and Labour Markets: Building the Connections, London: Unwin Hyman, pp. 118135.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "Homelessness and Housing Policy" in Carol Caton, ed., Homelessin America, Oxford University Press, 1989, pp. 138159.
"Off Site Displacement: How the Changing Economic Tide of a Neighborhood Can Drown Out the Poor," with Raun Rasmussen and Russel Engler, Clearinghouse Review of National Clearinghouse for Legal Services, vol. 22, No. 11, April 1989, pp. 135270.
Marcuse, Peter. 1989. "Community SelfGovernment in New York City and the Private Market: Recipe for Permanent Conflict." in SelfGovernment and Social Protection in the Urban Settlement and at the Enterprise, Moscow, Institute of Sociology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Reprinted, in revised form, in "New York City's Community Boards: Neighborhood Policy and its Results," Naomi Carmon, ed., 1990. Neighborhood Policy and Programmes, New York, Macmillan/St. Martin's Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. Review of Irving Welfeld, Where We Live.American Political Science Review, vol 84.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Political compromising in East Germany." In These Times.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "The Wende in EastGermany," Tacheles, Vol 6, No. 1, June, pp. 1114.
Marcuse, Peter. Interviews. Sonntag, Berlin am Abend, Morgen, Bofast (Sweden), Public Broadcasting System,Der Spiegel.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Les Sans Domicile Fixe aux USA." in Dan FerrandBechmann, ed., Pauvres et mal Logés, Les Enjeux Sociaux de L'Habitat, Paris, Éditions L'Harmattan
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Kommunales Wohnungsbau in den U.S.A. Reformprojekt oder Ghetto?" in ______.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Letter from the German Democratic Republic." Monthly Review, Summer 1990.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. A German Way of Revolution: Politisches Tagebuch ein Amerikaner. Berlin, Dietz Verlag
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Social, political and urban change in the GDR: scarcely existing socialism." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 14, no. 3, September.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "United States of America." in van Vliet, Willem, ed. International Handbook of Housing Policies and Practices. Westport, Greenwood Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "A Legacy Considered: East German Requiem." The Nation, October 22, vol. 251, no. 13, pp. 449450. reprinted in Marla Stone and Harold James. 1992. When the Wall Came Down: Reactions to German Reunification. New York/London, Routldege
Marcuse, Peter. 1990. "Gefahren der Marktwirtschaft in der Stadtentwicklung Erfahrungen der USA." in Gesellschaftskionzeption und Stadtentwicklung, Bauakademie der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, Berlin, p. 27ff.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Die bescheidene Stadt: Von einer Zukunft ohne Herrscherstädte und ohne Wegwerfstädte." in Franz Dobusch und Johann Mayr, eds., Kommunalpolitische Perspektiven, Vienna, Orac.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Today's Lessons from Yesterday's Research: The Case of the GDR." Review of Rueschmeyer et al., The Quality of Life in the German Democratic Republic,Journal of International Affairs, vol. 45, No. 1., pp. 277283, summer.
Marcuse, Peter. and Fred Staufenbiel, eds. 1991. Wohnen und Stadtpolitik im Umbruch: Perspektiven der Stadterneuerung nach 40 Jahren DDR. Berlin, Akademie Verlag.
Marcuse, Peter. with Wolfgang Schumann. 1991. "Wohnungsprobleme und widersprüchliche Wohnungspolitiken." in Marcuse, Peter. and Fred Staufenbiel, eds. 1991. Wohnen und Stadtpolitik im Umbruch: Perspektiven der Stadterneuerung nach 40 Jahren DDR. Berlin, Akademie Verlag.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Die Merkmale einer widerspüchichen Politik des städtischen Wohnens." in Marcuse, Peter. and Fred Staufenbiel, eds. 1991. Wohnen und Stadtpolitik im Umbruch: Perspektiven der Stadterneuerung nach 40 Jahren DDR. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, pp. 266282.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Die Zukunft der "sozialistischen" Städte" Berliner Journal für Soziologie 2/91, pp. 203210.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. Missing Marx. A Personal and Political Journal of a Year in East Germany, 19891990. New York, Monthly Review Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Abwicklung in East Germany: Renewal, Destalinization, or Suppression? The Incorporation of Research and Higher Education in the ExGDR into the Systems of the F.R.G." New York: Columbia University, Working Papers of the Institute on East Central Europe.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Brainwashing in East Germany: 'DeStalinization' as Ideological Colonization." Monthly Review Newsletter, Fall, Volume 3, No. 2.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. Review of Socialist Housing in the Third World, in Trialog
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "In Defense of Degentrification." New York Newsday, December 2, p. 68
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Purging the Professoriat: Fear and Loathing in the Former East German Academy." Lingua Franca, vol. 2, no. 2, December, pp. 3236.
Marcuse, Peter. 1991. "Housing Reform in Eastern Europe: "State" and "Market" as a Hobson's Choice, with Proposals for Reform." Paper presented at Housing Conference, Oslo, Norway, 1991
ITEMS MISSING FROM HERE TO 1992 housing in the colors of the gdr.
"Political compromising in East Germany." In These Times, 1990.
"Gimme Shelter [Homelessness in New York City]." Artforum, May, 1992, pp. 8892.
"Comprehensive PlanningNot!" [The New York City C.H.A.S.] City Limits, June/July, 1992, p. 22.
"Abwicklung in East Germany: Renewal, Destalinization, or Suppression? The Incorporation of Research and Higher Education in the ExGDR into the Systems of the F.R.G." New York: Columbia University, Working Papers of the Institute on East Central Europe, 1991.
"Intellectual Purge: 'Wrapping Up' East Germany." The Nation, vol 253, No. 23, December 30, 1991, pp. 84648.
"Eastern Europe's Changing Housing Policy." Shelterforce, NovemberDecember, #60, pp. 1819, 1991.
"Brainwashing in East Germany: 'DeStalinization' as Ideological Colonization." Monthly Review Newsletter, Fall, Volume 3, No. 2, 1991.
"Do we really want to house the community?" in Gerry Sweeney, ed. Housing the Community, 2,000. Dublin, Built Environment Research Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology, 1991.
Marcuse, Peter. 1992. "Housing in the Colors of the G.D.R." in Bengt Turner, Jozsef Hegedüs, and Ivan Tosics, eds. The Reform of Housing in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. London and New York, Routledge, pp. 74144.
Marcuse, Peter. 1992.Review of Richard Plunz, Housing in New York City." in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, vol. 16, No. 2, pp 3334.
Marcuse, Peter. 1992. "Why Conventional Self-Help Projects Won't Work." in Kosta Mathéy, ed. Beyond SelfHelp Housing, London and New York: Mansell, (Munich, Profil Verlag) pp. 1522.
Marcuse, Peter. 1992. "Gentrification und die wirtschaftliche Umstrukturierung New Yorks." in Hans G. Helms, hrsg., Die Stadt als Gabentisch: Beobachtungen der Aktuellen Städtebauentwicklung. Reclam, Leipzig
Marcuse, Peter. 1992. "Das Feindbild Stasi sichert dem Westen den Status quo." Frankfurter Rundschau, #112, May 14, 1992, Dokumentation, page 18.
Marcuse, Peter. 1994. "Privatization, Tenure, and Property Rights: Towards Clarity in Concepts." in Berth Danermark and Ingemar Elander, eds. SocialRented Housing in Europe Policy, Tenure and Design, The Netherlands, Delft University Press.
Marcuse, Peter. 1994. "Property Rights." in Bernd Hamm et al, eds. Sustainable Development and the Future of Cities. Trier: Centre for European Studies, University of Trier. Also in: 1998. “Property Rights as a Tool for Sustainable Development.” In Bernd Hamm and Pandurang K. Muttagi, eds. Sustainable Development and the Future of Cities. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing co., pp. 121-132.
Marcuse, Peter. 1995. Review of Suttles, Gerald D. 1990. The ManMade City: The LandUse Confidence Game in Chicago. in Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, vol 12, No. 3, Autumn, pp. 311-313.