This friday is our next scheduled conference call.
Our plan was to spend this call on the details of the observatory.
The rapidly evolving MARACOOS website can be pre-viewed at
Please take a look and pass on some comments on friday.
The asset map has evolved rapidly, and is pretty impressive.
Click on the USGS data to get the warning window - too many assets - we may break your browser.
One of the weekly Wednesday website calls is happening tomorrow,
so people are continuing to update this site over the rest of the week.
If you have action photos, we can use them in the dynamic content field
at the top of the website, something that is being turned on today or tomorrow.
For other observatory related news:
Jay was planning to talk about the ensemble weather forecasting product.
John Kerfoot has the new codar data viewer on a beta site with the zoom in feature enabled.
Take a look and feedback.
You need to mouse over the map to enable the zoom in window. Instructions will be added to the real one.
We also need people to look at the links under data and models.
If you have a link you think we should point to, let us know.
Another activity we need to plan is the spring glider run.
We don't have codar spares money in MARCOOS, we dropped that to zero with the budget cut.
So we continue to limp along with what we have and more outages.
The restructuring to the codar real time data stream has begun in preparation for the ROWG meeting
and the April 30 report to provide a template for the national network.
Matt is likely to have satellite data updates.
I have seen some of John Wilkin's validation results - we are especially interested in any results
showing improved forecasts when CODAR is assimilated for moving the national HF Radar network forward,
and improved forecasts when glider data is assimilated for jumpstarting the national glider network.
I know there is interest in beach basics related outreach to consider.
And, the ongoing story of MARCO - maybe a meeting?
Other topics to add?