March 38, 2010 TCPC General Membership Meeting

St John’s Lutheran Church, Altamont

Web Meeting Minutes


-Susie Osta, Denise Provost, Bill Van Dyke, Russ Barrett, John Van Wormer, Helen Wood, Carol Fuglein, Joan Stewart, Pat Mulligan, Stephanie Mulligan, Heather Frechette, Jillian Frechette, Sharon Guthinger, Mike Guthinger, Robin Winchell, Meaghan Walter, Rebecca Terhune, Lynne Baldauf, Nicholl Bautochker, Nina Aytiuk, Andi Bailey, Janice Payette, Pat Bowman, Theresa Reynolds

Meeting was brought to order at 2:07 p.m. by club president, Rebecca Terhune

-thanked Janice Payette and Carol Fuglein for providing the food for the meeting

-announced that there were TCPC forms available on the table for members to take

-thanked Janice Payette for organizing the spring auction

-Youth Committee made Show Checklists for the auction. Available on the table for $1 along with a washable marker.

-Theresa read January’s secretary’s report. Report accepted as read

-Lynne read the treasurer’s report and passed a copy around

Show Rules Committee Report – Lynne Baldauf and Pat Bowman

-Sue Mason’s Pony Pals drill team to perform after driving at the June show. Asked Meaghan to remind Sue

-Youth Committee to have a bake sale at June show

-used tack sale at the July show

Nominations Committee– nothing to report at this time

Banquet/Awards Committee– Pat Bowman

-banquet to be held November 6 at the Guan Ho Ha club in Scotia. Info available on the web

-5-6 pm appetizers; 6 pm dinner

-committee to meet again on Monday, April 5 at 7 p.m., Jonathans. Pat to email committee members

Membership Committee – Lynne Baldauf

-applications reviewed and voted on. Lynne will send membership cards and welcome/probation letter

-pony measuring. Does the club want ponies that made it into the fair re-measured? If you made it, fair will not re-measure, but they will remeasure ponies that didn’t make it. Pat Mulligan made the motion to allow the fair measurements to stand if you don’t want your pony remeasured for TCPC. Rebecca Terhune seconded. All in favor.

If you want to be remeasured, contact Lynne/Janice. All TCPC ponies being shown and/or nominated must be measured unless they want the measurement from the fair to stand (or if pony is under 6 years old). Lynne and Janice will be sending a notice out about the measuring.

Ways and Means Committee– Sue Osta and Janice Payette

-spring tack auction–club made a profit for year end awards. 25% of horse show profits to benefit year end awards. Candy sales too. Fall auction would bring in more for year end. There’s funds from the ’09 Banquet also.

-$30 is cost for jackets. Club will not make a profit on them or the hats. Website will be updated to reflect this. Member asked if we were going to have t-shirts available. Janice will look into prices and options. We do not have to bulk order. Polo shirts are popular. Theresa also mentioned that the Live to Ride Trail program is interested in t-shirts. Janice and Theresa will discuss at the April 5 Banquet Committee meeting.

-there will be a tack auction at the July show. Club to take 10%. Sue to bring clothes rack. Any clothes that don’t sell, can go into the club “borrow box” that Pat is setting up with the Youth Committee.

-Sue to collect candy money - deadline is June 15. We have extra to sell if you can.

Social Committee– Rebecca Terhune

-Reba sent t/u cards to sponsors of the spring auction and congrats to Tiffany on the birth of her daughter.

Youth Committee– Pat Bowman

-show checklists for sale with marker for $1at the table. Sam Chest designed art.

-bake sale at the June show

-Pat Bowman introduced an idea for the club to have a “borrow box” at the shows. People always seem to forget something when they’re showing. Youth Committee will organize the donations of clothing, boots, crops, spurs, gloves, hoof polish, leather cleaner, show halters, etc. Members will be allowed to sign out and “borrow for the day”. Pat will have tote available at the shows. Barb Kennedy has shirts, Meaghan will check. If not sold, we’ll donate clothing from the tack sale to the “borrow box”. Members thought this was a great idea. Pat will make sure there’s a list of items available put on the web. Members can then see what we need. Announcer can announce in the am. Sue said items can be stored in the club’s stall at the fair.

Lifetime Members– Rebecca Terhune and Theresa Reynolds

-Carol Fuglein, Sharon Frisbie and Sue Osta. Reba and Theresa discussed the lack of records, but that these members appear to be eligible. We now have a procedure in place to track attendance. Asked membership if anyone else was eligible. Lynne made motion to accept; Sharon Guthinger seconded. All in favor.

Lynne will make lifetime membership cards up for them and refund Carol Fuglein’s dues. Sue Osta asked that her 2010 dues be donated back to the club. Will take photo of the three new “lifers” the next time we’re all together.

-report on Easy St Rescue. Pat attended their mtg. They weren’t interested in our help or money.

Pat will continue to look. Members please let us know if you have an organization in mind.

-Saturday Show Program at the Fair – Meaghan Walter

Meaghan passed out a copy of the program. Lower fees, jumping classes and gymkhana classes. Horses and ponies not in the fair for the week will have their points count. Sue Osta thanked MeaghanWalter and Sue Mason for coming up with the program. Sue Osta asked if they need volunteers to work. Meaghan said they could use some help. They plan on having food for workersand providing t-shirts too.

Sue Osta made a motion that TCPC donate $50 to the Saturday show in the club’s name ifpossible. Reba seconded. Can our banner be hung? Sue will check with the fair.

Meaghan also mentioned that they are looking for someone to lend an automated timer for the game classes.

-Theresa asked if the Thursday open pony show will have the classes pointed. Members felt that attendance at the show would benefit if it was pointed. If members don’t get into the closed pony show at the fair, they can always contact the chairs (Lynne and Sue) to see if anyone would let them ride/drive in classes that they needed points for. Reba made the motion to have the classes pointed for TCPC; Seconded by Sue Osta

-Triple Crown Rep. Reba has a rep that would be available to speak at a club mtg or on a separate occasion to fill our obligation as an educational club. Members want to wait until the fall. Meaghan Walter mentioned having a speaker talk about sports medicine.

-Theresa mentioned that Mitzi Summers was willing to come in and do a clinic on the bitless bridle. She can attend a mtg or have a clinic where members can bring in their horses. Need a location. Would be an insurance issue too. Hold for discussion in the fall.

-pointing 4-H Shows? Dates: June 6 and September 26

Reba and Lynne met with Barb Stevens. 4-H is willing to point classes for us. There is no halter or driving. Over-the-hill can go in 13& over walk-trot class. Theresa was concerned about additional costs and time commitment for nominated members. This will add another two pointed shows. Members agreed to try it for this year and see how it goes.

Voted – all in favor; 1 opposed. Reba to let Barb Stevens know.

-meeting was running over-time, some of the new business will be held for the next meeting.

-Theresa quickly spoke regarding the Berne Parade. If you are interested in being in the Berne Memorial Day Parade, May 31, please let Lynne and Theresa know. They will be driving ponies in the parade and would like to see other members ride, walk or maybe carry the club banner.

-meetings for the summer will be held on a week day evening. Next mtg scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 7pm. Location to be determined.

-Meaghan Walter made the motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 p.m.; Reba seconded.

Theresa Reynolds
