March 2017SRUG Meeting Minutes
March 22, 2017, 1:30 – 3:30 pm
Call: 701-328-1601 – Conference ID/passcode: 64989#
Inst / Attendee / Inst / Attendee / Inst / AttendeeCTS / Ramona Breuer / DSU / Johnna Douthit / NDSU / Ranelle Ingalls
CTS / Mary Bergstrom / DSU / Kathy Meyer / NDSU / Marie Gordon
CTS / Deb Ott / LRSC / Dan Johnson / UND / Patty Dorsher
CTS / Tom McNaughton / MaSU / Sharyl Hanson / UND / Ray Pospisil
NDUS / Lisa Johnson / MiSU / Rebecca Ringham / UND / Christina Fargo
Guest / Rick Tonder / MiSU / Deb Kinzel / UND / Scott Correll
BSC / Tom Leno / NDSCS / Barb Mund / VCSU / Jodi Klier
BSC / Sandy Fried / NDSU / Rhonda Kitch / WSC / Crystal Hotchkiss
DCB / April Abrahamson / NDSU / Jackie Schluchter
- Meeting minutes recorded by April Abrahamson(DCB)
- Approval of February SRUG meeting minutes: Scott Correll (UND) moves to approved minutes. Rebecca Ringham (MiSU) seconds. All Approve
Classroom Utilization and Scheduling
- NDUS conducted an inventory of space utilization on the campus’ in the university system. NDUS found that there was low utilization on some campus’ and will not be authorizing construction until the utilization numbers are acceptable. NDUS is requiring campus’ centralize their scheduling of classroom space so all classrooms are utilized and there is no preferential scheduling by department.
- Rhonda (NDSU) There are departments that have department controlled labs (i.e., chemistry), how are these rooms handled? Campus’ cannot be scheduling Biology labs in a Chemistry lab.
- Rick Tonder- Departments will retain control but cannot schedule their own labs, they must be centrally scheduled.
- Rebecca (MiSU) Are IVN classrooms being counted in the space utilization numbers?
- Rick Tonder- Yes IVN rooms are being counted in the utilization numbers
- Registrar’s offices are scheduling classes in PeopleSoft does that meet the centralized requirement?
- Rick Tonder- It only meets requirement if it is all encompassing.
Student Record Development Updates:
- CTS Update (McNaughton, CTS)
- This site provides a roadmap for the next 12 to 18 months. It also displays outages and completed projects; it is updated as timelines change or projects are added.
- After reviewing if there are any suggestions please contact Tom McNaughton
- SIS/NSC integration update
- Tom McNaughton (CTS) still reviewing, cost of implementation is expensive, possibly 1st quarter of 2018. Campus Solutions 9.2 will need to be ready to implement before the NSC integration can occur.
- Prioritization of DRs- None to prioritize
- DR status updates (SR Business Analysts, CTS)
- The withdrawal/cancel communication will be moving to production
- Mona (CTS) A training guide and more information to come
- NDUS transfer student transcript directive
- Work group met and had a discussion about some of the questions that need to be answered before guidelines can be established.
- Recommend that the directive be changed to Fall 2018 rather than Fall 2017 for implementation. Or if change to Fall 2018 would not be allowed do not allow audit of this directive until Fall 2018 to allow campus’ time to transition and update their communications.
- Some questions that will need to be answered: Should institutions charge for personal use (i.e., sending to HR for job application), who should have access? Does access need to be restricted? What kind of security/data privacy concerns does this cause? Can campus’ access both undergraduate and graduate coursework? Should service indicators stop the sharing of transcripts? If they do stop the sharing is it only financial holds that stop campus’ from sharing transcripts or do general holds also stop campus’ from sharing transcripts.
- Comm Gen updates – Carry over to April Meeting
- Honors standing (Dean’s List, President’s List, etc.) (Braaten, MiSU)
Old Business:
- Student teaching course component definition (Klier (VCSU), Ringham (MiSU), Kitch (NDSU), Fjeld (CTS))- No updates
- CCUG updates (Hotchkiss, WSC)
- Delegated access- No update
- Report F – DR request update (Hotchkiss, WSC, Breuer, CTS)
- Crystal (WSC) created DR which was approved by the User group.
- Mona (CTS) Need to determine which term history load becomes effective Summer 2017 (2740) or Fall 2017 (1810).
- Dan (LRSC) makes a motion to move forward with this DR, Rebecca (MiSU) seconds
- BSC- Approve, DCB- Approve, DSU- Approve, LRSC- Approve, MaSU- Approve, MiSU- Approve, NDSCS- Approve, NDSU- Approve, UND- Approve, VCSU- Approve, WSC- Approve
- Mona (CTS) per email after the meeting- DR list will be updated and this DR can be prioritized during April Meeting.
- IR/SRUG Joint Meeting
- IR group would like to meet with SRUG group before NDACRAO meeting in June. Meeting would take place June 6th and would start wither 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm. An invitation will be sent soon.
- Draft Residency Manual- Draft has gone to AAC and SAC for approval
- There were some questions about legal interpretation of some of the policies, these questions were sent to legal counsel and legal has stated that the residency handbook interprets the policies correctly.
- Manual will be official soon
- Prior life experience credit entry (Breuer, CTS)- Claire (BSC) sent an email request to the work group. Keep on agenda for April Meeting
New Business:
- Communicating OERs (no book purchase required) to students (Klier, VCSU)
- Bookstore may communicate this information to the student, nothing is being communicated through the registrar’s offices.
- Rhonda (NDSU) will check to see what NDSU is doing.
- Perceptive Software (Ringham, MiSU)
- Marcy (CTS) there is a report which can be run to determine which documents could be purged out of Perceptive Content.
- Rhonda (NDUS) contacted AJ Klein(NDSU) who had previously ran the report to purge their documents from Image Now. The response received from AJ (NDSU) is below:
- Good question! I guess I really don’t have an immediate answer for that. Locally, most departments did a purge cycle last spring prior to the migration to NDUS. I do know that members of the NDUS team are working on the setup for the Retention Manager module (which would automatically handle document purges), but we haven’t gotten any kind of status report on its readiness so I suspect it won’t be ready to use this fiscal year. With that said, each department should have the ability to manually purge documents using existing queues within their workflow. I believe each department’s workflow has a “Purge-Review” and a “Purge-Delete” queue where identified documents can be sent to the first queue, reviewed, recorded into the deletion log, and then forwarded to the next queue for final deletion. What we don’t currently have is any kind of student list identifying which students have or have not been enrolled in the past three/five/eight years. I’ll mention the potential need for such a list to the crew in my office. I’ll submit a question regarding the status of the Retention Manager to the NDUS team and I think I can still submit topics for the agenda for the next steering committee meeting so that it is discussed more broadly amongst the institutions.
- AJ (NDSU) will update Rhonda (NDSU) when he receives information.
- Solomon Report (Ringham, MiSU)
- Continuing education and Audit students are being included in the Soloman Report, they were not included in past reports. Rebecca (MiSU) These students are not included in internal enrollment reports.
- Rebecca (MiSU) will write a DR to change the report to remove the Continuing education and audit students from the report.
- DR was send to SRUG via email, approval for DR was voted on by email
- BSC- Approve, DCB- Approve, DSU- Approve, LRSC- Approve, MaSU- Approve, MiSU- Approve, NDSCS- Approve, NDSU- No record of vote, UND- No record of vote, VCSU-Approve, WSC- Approve
- Blackboard integration (Ringham, MiSU)
- Blackboard integration should be completed by Summer 2018
- With the integration grade books should populate in Campus Connection from Blackboard so instructors do not have to put grades in 2 places
- Mona(CTS) full student roster should populate in blackboard. The instruction mode (IA or IS) will not be the determining factor for population of the student roster in blackboard.
- SSRC error reports in NSCH (Schluchter, NDSU)- Move to April meeting
- Best practices re: letters requesting information from attorneys representing students (Ringham, MiSU)
- Rhonda (NDSU) When requests are received a Routing slip is created which goes to each department (i.e., health, conduct). If a transcript is requested an invoice is sent and must be paid before the transcript will be sent
- If there is a student signature most campus’ comply with the request.
- Continuing Education/workshop catalog number change (Ringham, MiSU)
- Effective starting this summer
- NDUS Program Inactivation communication after final approval (Hotchkiss, WSC)- Move to April meeting
- NDUS Draft Residency manual (Kitch, NDSU)
- WUE/WICHE reporting
- BSC- Tom Leno, DCB- April Abrahamson, DSU- Kathy Meyer, LRSC- Registrar’s office and Admissions Office, Masu- Registrar’s office, NDSCS- Barb Mund but moving to admissions,
- WUE/WICHE and MHEC reports are a system reports
- NDUS is reviewing whether to keep membership in WUE/WICHE or MHEC, most schools only have membership in one.
- Listing BSC as a four-year institution in Campus Connection (Hanson, MiSU)
- BSC is classified as 4-year by federal government but 2-year by state. Effects IPEDS reports if BSC is classified as 4-year.
- Rebecca (MiSU) can do a manual course enter with the college or university code.
- College Board no longer collecting/disseminating SSN effective August 2018 (Gordon, NDSU)
- Mary (CTS) The electronic file does not include SS#’s- there have been no problems.
- Summer and beyond SRUG meetings – consistent scheduling (Kitch, NDSU)- Move to April meeting
- What days and times work for other campus’? Need a consistent schedule.
Ongoing status updates:
- College Scheduler (Kitch (NDSU) and Correll (UND))
- Live at NDSU- Going well
- Live at UND- Well received
- Complete PERC set up(Kitch, NDSU)
- Mona and Deb (CTS) have more questions
- Who has access?
- What kinds of things do campus’ want to be able to do?
- Rhonda (NDUS) will facilitate a connection with campus’ using PERC and Mona (CTS) to get questions answered so this can move forward
- BSC- No response, DCB- Does not use PERC, DSU-No response, LRSC-No response, MaSU- Does not use, hopes to in the future, MiSU- Uses PERC, NDSCS-No response, NDSU-No response, UND-No response, WSC- Uses PERC, VCSU-No response
- PeopleSoft graduation process (Ingalls, NDSU)- Move to April
- Ad Astra optimizer (Kitch, NDSU)- Move to April
- CourseLeaf PeopleSoft bridge (Kitch, NDSU)- Move to April
Future meetings:
- April 26th
- May 24th
Future agenda items:
- Ad Astra overview
- Clean up of CCN list (Hotchkiss, WSC)
Invite admission user group to provide a step-by-step of entering an applicant