Marcelino Agundez (Observatoire de Paris – Meudon)
"The chemistry of molecular anions in circumstellar sources"
Takayoshi Amano (University of Waterloo)
"Submillimeter Laboratory Identification of CH+ and CH2D+"
Dimitar Bakalov (Institute for nuclear research and nuclear energy, Bulgaria)
"Transition spectrum of HD+ ions in external magnetic field"
Arnold Benz (ETH Zürich)
"Ionized Molecules in the Water Chemical Network observed by Herschel"
Joel Bowman (EmoryUniversity)
"Calculated spectra of CH5+ and H5+ and isotopologues using ab initio potentials and dipole moment surfaces"
Kenneth Brown (Georgia Institute of Technology)
“Laser-cooled atomic ions as probes of molecular ions”
Tucker Carrington (QueensUniversity)
“Computing and understanding the vibrational andro-vibrational spectra of CH5+”
Jose Cernicharo (INTA-CSIC, Madrid)
"Unveiling chemical complexity in the ISM and CSM through sensitive
line surveys from ground and space facilities"
Alexander Dalgarno (HarvardUniversity)
“The Molecular Ion HeH+”
Otto Dopfer (Technische Universität Berlin)
Luca Dore (Università di Bologna)
“State-to-state rotational transition rates of molecular ions by collisions with helium”
Olivier Dulieu (Laboratoire Aimé Cotton)
Michael Duncan (University of Georgia)
"Infrared spectroscopy of mass-selected carbocations"
Geoffrey Duxbury (University of Strathclyde)
Edith Falgarone (Observatoire de Paris & Ecole Normale Supérieure)
"CH+ and turbulent dissipation in the diffuse medium"
Miwa Goto (Max-Planck Institut für Astronomie)
“H3+ in the Galactic center toward GCIRS 3 and GCIRS 1W: local enhancement of the cosmic ray ionization rate"
Eric Herbst (OhioStateUniversity)
“New Interstellar Ions and what we can learn from them”
Nick Indriolo (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"Probing cosmic-ray acceleration and propagation with H3+ observations"
Sergey Ivanov (Ruhr-UniversitätBochum)
"Quantum-induced symmetry breaking explains infrared spectraof CH5+ isotopologues"
Marilyn E. Jacox (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
“Infrared Spectra of Small Molecular Ions Trapped in Solid Neon”
Christian Jungen (Université Paris-Sud)
"Dynamics and spectroscopy of diatomic and triatomic hydrogen ions"
Kentarou Kawaguchi (OkayamaUniversity)
“Early negative ion studies related to C6H- and recent ion spectroscopy”
William Klemperer (HarvardUniversity)
“Speculations on Complexes of Astronomical Relevance”
Holger Kreckel (ColumbiaUniversity, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"Experimental results for H2 formation from H- and H and implications for first star formation"
Jacek Krełowski (NicolausCopernicusUniversity)
"Molecular cations CH+, OH+, and HC4H+ in translucent interstellar clouds"
Valerio Lattanzi(HarvardUniversity)
"Laboratory study of isocyanic acid ions: rotational spectroscopy of NCO- and H2NCO+"
Timothy J. Lee (NASAAmesResearchCenter)
"Accurate Ab Initio Vibrational Frequencies and Spectroscopic Constants for the
Astro-Molecular Ions C3H+, N2OH+, and C3H3+ and their Isotopologues"
Derek Lis (California Institute of Technology)
"Herschel/HIFI detection of interstellar H2Cl+: Implications for chlorine chemistry in UV irradiated regions"
John P. Maier (Universität Basel)
"Electronic Spectra of Astrophysically Interesting Ions"
Gerald Mathias, Marcel Baer, and Dominik Marx(Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
"Probing Microsolvated Hydronium and Zundel Cations via Theoretical Messenger Spectroscopy"
Fusakazu Matsushima (ToyamaUniversity)
“Precise frequency measurement of terahertz lines ofastronomically interesting molecules and ions”
Benjamin McCall (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
"The ortho:para ratio of H3+ in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas"
Michael McCarthy (HarvardUniversity)
"Molecular Cations and Anions in the Laboratory and in Space"
Frédéric Merkt (ETH Zürich)
"Studying molecular cations from the parent neutral molecules by photoelectron spectroscopy"
Takeshi Oka (University of Chicago)
“H3+ in the Central Molecular Zone of the Galactic Center”
Annemieke Petrignani (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
“High-sensitivity spectroscopy of cold H3+; visible transition frequencies and probabilities”
Richard J. Saykally (University of California, Berkeley)
"Recombination-Pumped Infrared Molecular Hydrogen Lasers"
Peter Schilke (Max-Planck-Institut für RadioastronomieUniversität zu Köln) and Volker Ossenkopf (Universität zu Köln) to be read by Stephan Schlemmer (Universität zu Köln)
"Herschel absorption line studies ofmolecular ions toward SgrB2"
Stephan Schiller (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
"Precision spectroscopy on a simple molecular ion:HD+"
Stephan Schlemmer (Universität zu Köln)
"Towards THz Spectroscopy of Trapped Ions"
Floris van der Tak (SRON Netherland)
"What Herschel tells us about molecular ions in space"
Konstantina Vasilatou (ETH Zürich)
Friedrich Wyrowski(Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie)
"APEX telescope observations of new molecular ions"
Shanshan Yu (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA)
“Laboratory spectroscopy of OH+, H2O+ and H3O+”