Maraboon Pet Resort Doggy Day Care Daily Activities

Centre closure is strictly 5.15pm, a late pick-up surcharge applies after 5.30pm, charged at $1 per 1 minute.

There are plenty more packages available for the avid daycare client, just email us at call and speak with our friendly reception team on 4987 7748.

Daily Activity Schedule

(example schedule – we keep our centre dynamic and it changes according to the guest needs)

7:30am-9:00am / CHECK IN / New and regular clients arrive at the centre and introductions are made. Dogs are checked in, their belongings are put into their cubbies, and they wait in their individual “rooms” for play to begin.
9:00am-10:00am / MEET AND GREET / Playgroups are assigned, new guests are behavioural assessed and placed into allocated play groups, meet and greet withfriends, basic training and manners lessons, warm up and stretches before day of fun.
10.00am-12:00pm / HIGH PAW ENERGY / Upbeat music is put on to release morning energy levels. High energy exercises conducted with ball games, MPR conga line, bubble play and loads of cuddles. Staff carefully monitor playgroups to ensure the safety and involvement of all dogs, plus a chance to see what kind of personality and behaviours each of the dogs are arriving with.
12:00pm-12.30pm / YOGA AND SPA / Slow down exercises with walks around the play area and Individual attention is given to each dog within the play area: including massages!
12.30pm-1.30pm / ZEN TIME / Mid day rest time. Music is switched to classical and lighting is dimmed. Cuddles and rest session continues depending on the requirement of the dogs.
1.30pm-2.00pm / TREASURE AND TREATS / Some are ready and raring to go again, whilst others need a gentle wake up, so time to start with gentle exercise once again including slower activities like treasure hunts, bubble blower and find the handler. Dogs are free to roam at their own pace and some are put through fun training games. A few treats are given to encourage good behaviour.
2.00pm-3.00pm / FREE TIME / Playgroups are reassessed and exercises commence. Groups may be rotated to ensure maximum interaction and free play continues.
3.00pm-4.00pm / BRAIN GAMES / Spot training sessions and brain games commence.
4.00pm till close / LOVE AND LICK GOODBYES / Lots of licks goodbye are exchanged, until they see each other again. After a day of this much fun, dogs are returned to their individual rooms for a small nap before their parents arrive. This gives the handlers a chance to do some clean ups for those covered in slobber (or mud!).
Notes / Senior and puppy schedules may vary to incorporate more rest breaks. Operation recovery is also available for dogs that require rest following surgery. This is dependent upon the dog'stemperament and ability to relax in the daycare environment.

Maraboon Pet ResortDDC spots are limited to availability. The best way to ensure your precious pooch doesn’t miss out is to book in advance or create a permanent booking. However, we do have a cancellation list to help accommodate all clients. Ensure you discuss with us your preferred days and other options until your ideal day becomes available. Due to the limited spots, if you 'no show' or fail to cancel your booking within 24 hours prior to the booking, more than twice, you maybe asked to pay for your future bookings in advance, or may be refused entry.

Please be aware that it is normal for your dog to be very thirsty and hungry when they get home. Often when the dogs are having so much fun, they forget to listen to their bellies! So be sure to give them a big drink and feed after DDC.