Maps must accompany all petitions/resolutions.
Maps must accompany all petitions and resolutions.Please carefully review the map and legal description submission requirements specified in the statutes listed below. Include clear, clean and appropriately sized copies of all plats, right-of-ways, and other supporting documents referred to in the legal description. Mapping requirements are described in Minnesota Statutes 414 as follows:
Subd. 1 Corporate boundary map.A municipality initiating any boundary adjustment authorized by this chapter shall file with the chief administrative law judge a corporate boundary map. Any proposed boundary adjustment shall be delineated on a copy of the corporate boundary map.
Subd. 2Plat maps.Any party initiating a boundary adjustment, which includes platted land, shall file with the chief administrative law judge maps which are necessaryto support and identify the land description. The maps shall include copies of plats.
Corporate and plat maps are defined as:
414.011 Subd. 9.Corporate boundary map."Corporate boundary map" means a map which accurately describes the boundaries of a municipality.
414.011 Subd. 10.Plat map."Plat map" means that document recorded in the office of the county recorder in the county where the area is located.
Further clarification for legal descriptions is found in the Minnesota Rulespertaining to municipal boundary adjustments. Listed as a necessary requirement for filing a petition with MBA is the following:
6000.0800 Subp. C. A map showing the property proposed for consideration and its relationship to any surrounding municipality. All distance references should be given in length. Beginning points should be land survey monuments and the description must close the boundaries. References to roads or railroads should be to survey lines such as centerline or known right-of-way line. The intent to include or exclude highway, railroad, and street rights-of-way surrounding platted blocks or lots should be clearly stated.
NOTEON PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS: All petitions must include a complete and accurate property description. Descriptions taken from property tax statements are not acceptable.
Cities and townships are encouraged to work with their county surveyor or planning and zoning officer to ensure that the legal description and supporting mapping documents for the subject area meets the county requirements before filing with the Municipal Boundary Adjustment Unit.
Municipal Boundary Adjustment Unit Contacts
Star Holman 651-361-7909
Katie Lin 651-361-7911
(June 2011)