Maple Leaf Golf Association FALL Meeting Minutes Wed. Nov. 11, 2015 - Queensway

The meeting was called to order at 3:00pm

President – John McMurray

John welcomed everyone back, with a particular hello to the new faces in the crowd.

The original plan for this meeting was to include a presentation on plans for golf course renewal, however progress has been slow and the board continues to work on these plans. As there are 4 projects included and these need to be carefully coordinated, a presentation on the complete plan will be made when the board is ready.

Financially the course is doing well. To date there is an operating loss of $52K, considerably less than the almost $135K budgeted loss, which is approximately an $82.5K improvement. As of November 1st, there were 4,682 more rounds played in 2015 than the previous year. The golf marketing committee has been hard at work and there has been an increase in rounds from outside players.

As of today, there are 35 fewer A memberships than last year and 9 fewer B memberships. There are 17 memberships from new homeowners, which is encouraging.

The Golf Association needs volunteers for the bar at Party in the Park on Sunday - contact John McMurray if you can help out.

Treasurer -Tom Schofield

As of Nov. 11, 2015

Starting balance$1,968.

Income 1,120.

Expenses 1,149.

Current Balance$1,939.

Money market (reserve fund)$3,200. (includes 50/50 revenues from hole-in-one)

A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Norm Wrigley, seconded by Yvon Tarte and passed with a show of hands.

Ladies League – Sharon Hoover

Sharon explained that she is captain this year, stepping in for Doris Babstock who has not yet returned due to health issues.

There are 108 ladies league members, 8 of which are new. Sharon encourages everyone with all skill levels to consider joining the ladies league.

The December luncheon will include a fashion show.

Men’s League – Norm Wrigley

Norm noted that there are 110members and noted that all are welcome.

There will be 4 socials; the first is November 24th, with the others in Jan, Feb, and March.

Jack White got a hole in one today - Congratulations Jack!

Mixed League - Jane Robertson

The Winter Mixed League Golf began on Nov 5th and runs to March 24th. There will be no games on Christmas Eve or New Year’s eve.

As of yesterday there are 178 members, an increase from last year at this time. Memberships can be purchased in the ProShop every day of the week. Social memberships are available in the Starter Shack on Thursday mornings.

We are excited to announce that Gayle & Dick Lemay will act as ‘assistant’ coordinators this year and take over the league next year. We feel this is a good next step for the league and hop it will encourage others to get involved.

The first social will be Dec. 3rd, tickets available on Nov. 19th & 26th in the Starter Shack. Coffee and coaching is returning.

Golf Course - Nancy Miller

Nancy’s team continues to work hard to keep what is an aging course in good condition. A hot & wet summer meant more weed and pest control efforts.

A reminder for cart path only on par 3’s except #6 and #18, and around tees and greens

Nancy has a new assistant - Scott Giles.


Questions from the membership:

Q: Yvon Tarte - rakes in or out of bunkers

A: both are acceptable, but leaving them in is preferred - makes it easier for grass cutting equipment around bunkers

Q: Sharon Hoover - heard that a par 4 will be removed in the course renewal, is this true?

A: No

Q: Chris Hemstead - can we get some advance information about the course renewal projects?

A: Everyone will have to wait for the presentation; the board is not yet ready to share information.

Q: Paul Smith - what’s happening with the 15th green?

A: This green has been the site of a test of a new herbicide.

Q: Sue McElroy - the drop area at #11 has changed, why?

A: This was based on a recommendation from the golf committee; it’s a more fair shot to the green.

Q: Chris Rice - can you clarify whether carts 30 feet from green means power and/or walking carts. He often sees walking carts closer on #14.

A: The 30 feet from green rule applies to both power and walking carts.

A suggestion from Dawn Brocklehurst was made to make the sign noting the location of the drop zone at #10 more obvious.

It was noted that the Sept/Oct Accents provides a brief description of the course renewal projects.

As there was no new business, Chris Rice made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Hank Goyette and passed by a show of hands. The meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.

John McMurray, President

GA Minutes November 11, 20151