Pharma tech firms WerumIT Solutions and Zenith Technologies announce global MES partnership

Customers benefit from best-in-class pharma MES combined with local implementation support

Lüneburg, Germany, May2, 2016 – Zenith Technologies and Werum IT Solutions have formed a global partnership to support pharmaceutical companies with the implementation of manufacturing execution system (MES) technology to improve production performance.

The collaboration brings together Werum IT Solution’s MES PAS-X software, which is designed to increase efficiency, improve productivity and meet regulatory requirements during pharmaceutical manufacturing, with Zenith Technologies’ ability to integrate systems and provide on-the-ground automation technical support. The PAS-X software is used by the majority of the world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech companies but also by many regional and mid-sized manufacturers.

The partnership, which was signed at Werum’s headquarters in Lüneburg, Germany, makes Zenith Technologies an Endorsed Service Partner of Werum IT Solutions in both the USA and Europe. Zenith Technologies will support Werum customers during all MES implementation phases, delivering comprehensive support and consultancy services that complement Werum’s manufacturing IT solutions.

“We are delighted to partner with Zenith Technologies,” says Torsten Isenberg, Senior Director Services at Werum IT Solutions GmbH. “As an Endorsed Service Partner, Zenith Technologies has the knowledge and experience required to be part of our PAS-X service partner program. Our main objective is to ensure a high level of support for our customers through reliable, experienced and certified partners.”

Brendan O’ Regan, chairman and founder, Zenith Technologies, adds: “Given our combined expertise in automation and the similarities in our customer base, the collaboration represents a strategic move for both companies. By combining Werum’s MES technology with our technical implementation experience, we can provide customers with a high quality of service, training and local level support, helping them to remain both compliant and competitive. We are continually investing in training and working together with Werum and other solution providers to ensure we stay ahead with the latest technology.”


Brendan O’Regan, chairman and founder, Zenith Technologies, Torsten Isenberg, Senior Director Services,Werum IT Solutions, Karl Hoffmann, Senior Director Marketing & Business Development, Werum IT Solutionsand Hans-Peter Subel, CTO, Werum IT Solutions, signing the agreement at Werum’s HQ

About Werum IT Solutions

Werum IT Solutions is the world’s leading supplier of manufacturing execution systems (MES) and manufacturing IT solutions for the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries. Its out-of-the-box PAS-X software product is run by the majority of the world’s top 30 pharmaceutical and biotech companies but also by many mid-sized manufacturers. Werum’s manufacturing IT solutions help pharma manufacturers to increase efficiency, improve productivity, and meet regulatory requirements. Founded in 1969, Werum is headquartered in Lüneburg, Germany, and has many locations in Europe, America, and Asia.

Werum is part of Medipak Systems, the Business Area Pharma Systems of the international technology group Körber. The Business Areas five companies, Dividella, Mediseal, Rondo, SeidenaderMaschinenbau and Werum IT Solutions, are global leading providers of high-quality solutions for the manufacturing and packaging process of pharmaceutical products. As a Medipak Systems company, Werum provides integrated IT solutions for all phases of pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical production – including process development, commercial production, and packaging as well as track & trace serialization.Körber employs nearly 12,000 professionals worldwide in industry- and technology-leading companies. The group achieved a sales volume of more than 2.3 billion Euros in FY 2014.


Dirk Ebbecke

Director Corporate Communications

Werum IT Solutions GmbH

Wulf-Werum-Str. 3

21337 Lüneburg, Germany

Tel. +49 4131 8900-689

Fax +49 4131 8900-20

