DALIAN MAPLE LEAF FOREIGN NATIONAL SCHOOL TEL: 86-411-8238-7757 FAX: 86-411-8239-6922
Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals School - Dalian
November 2015 Newsletter
Coming Events:
November 4 - PAC Meeting @1:30
November 6 - Student Presenting Assembly @ 10:30 ~ 78 Cai Yun Lu
November 11 - Remembrance Day Ceremony @ 10:30 – In Class Only ~ NO ASSEMBLY
November 19 - Last Day of Term 1
November 20 - Professional Development Day – Students not in session
November 25/26 - Multi-Cultural Theme Days – in planning stage – more info to follow
December 4 - Student Presenting Assembly @ 10:30
December 4 - Term 1 Formal Report Card Issued
December 18 - Holiday Concert @ 2:15 p.m. – Formal Dress Day
December 23 - ‘Twas The Night Before Holidays’ Theme Day
December 23 - Last Day of Classes before MLFNS – Dalian School Holiday
Remembrance Day Ceremony (10 min. only) – November 11 @ 10:30
It is a tradition in Canadian schools to hold Remembrance Day ceremonies on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of every year. Approximately twenty million died as casualties of World War I, and it was called ‘The war to end all wars!”. More than 50 million died in World War II, yet today we still have unrest and casualties of warfare that plague our world. Most often the civil and global unrest affects communities and people that already face hardships that we cannot imagine.
In an international school such as ours, we recognize that not everyone considers November 11th an important day, and yet it is our hope that everyone will understand the purpose of looking back and reflecting on not just the World Wars, but all warfare in general. This is something that we do in order to inform and educate our students, our children, (the future leaders our world), that hatred and intolerance can lead to hostility, violence, death and sacrifice.
Welcome Mr. Nathaniel Cooper (ELL Teacher)
Mr. Nathaniel Cooper is joining our school as an ELL teacher in mid-November. He will be working at all levels with primary, intermediate and senior students. Mr. Cooper is from Pennsylvania in the United States and has teaching experience from America, Korea and China. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and Pre-Law in the U.S.
MLFNS-Dalian School Safety
Each fall we like to review with our students and inform parents that seat belt use on our busses is mandatory for all students. All research indicates wearing seat belts can save lives and minimize injuries should an accident occur. Wearing a seat belt is a positive safety habit we can teach our students and can be modelled by staff and parents. Thank you for your continued support at home.
Winter Season Coming
This is a reminder for students to dress appropriately for the cooler weather now approaching. We will still be going outside for recess, lunch and physical education classes. Layered clothing with hats, scarves and mitts will help keep students warm during these times. A reminder for families, that any undershirt under the school uniform should be plain white, without any logo or design on the shirt. Our Uniform Policy is on our School Wiki if you wish to review it. Thank for your support.
Labelled Clothing
Please take the time to put your child’s name on each article of school clothing. This will make for a prompt return if they happen to misplace it. We currently have a number of unclaimed Maple Leaf green P.E. zipper jackets and formal red jackets in our lost and found.
From Your Student Council ~ “Guess the Baby Contest” ~ Multi-Cultural Theme Days
Thanks to everyone who took part in our contest. Student Council raised 200 rmb for the local Dalian Orphanage. Our winners were: Julius Chen, Takaho Okada, Esther Woo, Jun Min Bae, Raymond Li, Hiromichi Sasaki, Sam Woo and Amir Nasiri. The real winner though is the Dalian Orphanage!
The student council is planning for Multi-Cultural Theme Days November 25th and 26th. More information will follow.
Last Day of Term 1 – November 14 and Formal Report Card 1 – December 4, 2015
Term 2 will begin on Monday, November 23rd and Report Cards for Term 1 will be issued on December 4th. At any time during the year you may make a parent/teacher interview or contact your child’s teacher to determine how your child is achieving in the class.
Let’s Keep a Healthy School Environment
The following are suggestions that will aid in helping to maintain a healthy school environment, keep children well, and stop the spread of illness.
Parents should be aware of the early signs and symptoms of illness such as:
Decreased activity – droopy, tired appearance
Irritable behavior – sleepy
Sore throat / swollen glands
Runny nose / cough
Skin eruptions / rashes
Nausea / vomiting / diarrhea
Abdominal pain
Fever (100º or higher is considered a fever)
Parents can help:
Check students health before they leave home
Keep students home when they have signs / symptoms of illness
Be sure your student knows where you are
Give school office current emergency contact information
Make arrangements with relatives / friends to take care of sick children if unable to do so yourself
Children who are treated with antibiotics need to be on the medication for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
Students with fever, or vomiting need to be free of symptoms for a full 24 hours before returning to school.
Students with diarrhea need to be free of symptoms for a full 48 hours before returning to school.
Please contact the school if your child comes down with a contagious illness such as Strep. throat; Chicken Pox; etc.
Thanks for your help in providing a safe and healthy school environment.
School Reminder – Please check us out at http://dmlfns.wikispaces.com/Home
At any time, should you have questions or concerns, please contact the school at 411-8238-7757.
We welcome your feedback and support!