The Moroccan Association of Microbial Biotechnology and Protection of Natural Resources(MICROBIONA)


Laboratory of VirologyMicrobiology and Quality/Ecotoxicology and Biodiversity & ReNSA center

Faculty of Sciences and Techniques‐ Mohammedia,

Hassan II University of Casablanca

Registration and Abstract submission Forms


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before 1stApril 2016

First Name
Last Name
Institution / Organization
*PreferredPresentation Mode:
PreferredTheme / Check the theme of your choice:
Theme I: Microbial Biotechnology and Human Health: bioactive substances for medical biotherapy, innovative therapy.
Theme II:Microbial Biotechnology and Animal Health: Control measures, Vaccination strategies.
Theme III: Microbial Biotechnology and Environment: Treatments and processing of liquid and solid wastes.
Theme IV: Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture, Agri-Food and Bioindustry: Agri-Food and Agribusiness, Genetic improvement, Biopesticides, Plant-microbe interactions and Crop improvement, Biological control, Animal production, Food security.
Theme V: Recent advances in Microbial Biotechnology
*Abstract Title:
Authors' Names*


The authors are invited to fill the registration form and submit the abstract using the Template available at the conference web site.

The Abstract should be sent to and the Registration form should be sent o later thanApril1st 2016

Please indicate “Abstract” in thesubject of your message. The file title of your abstractshould be noted as follow: “FirstAuthor_etal_Topicnumber_Oral-or-Poster”. The communication can bepresented in English or French, however, the Power Pointslides should be in English. The Posters have also to bewritten in English.

Please refer to the abstract template below:

The title of the paper (14 pt Times Bold)
Authors (12 pt Times) : Underline the author who should present the communication
Affiliation of the authors and E-mail of corresponding author (10 pt Times italic)
Topic :I:II:III:IV: V:
oral presentation poster
Abstract (12 pt Times, interline 1.15, Margins 2.5, 200 to 250 words maximum)
The abstract is structured under four heading:
1. Aims of the work: Mention the problem and note the objectives of the research.
2. Methods: State the basic methodology followed in your study.
3. Results: Note the main results of your research.
4. Conclusion: Indicate the significance and impact of the study.
Keywords (12 pt Times): Five to six words


For International Participants:

Registration status / Normalregistration fee / Lateregistration fee
Dates / July, 1st2016 / After July, 30th2016
Teaching-Researchers / 180 € (1980 DH) / 195 € (2145 DH)
Students / 105 € (1155 DH) / 120 € (1320 DH)
Professionals / 195 € (2145 DH) / 220 € (2420 DH)
Accompanyingpersons / 100 € (1100 DH) / 110 € (1210 DH)
Exhibition stand / 400 € (4400 DH) / 430 € (4730 DH)

For MoroccanParticipants:

Registration status / Normalregistration fee / Lateregistration fee
Dates / July, 1st2016 / After July, 30th2016
Teaching-Researchers / 1000 DH / 1100 DH
Students / 600 DH / 700 DH
Professionals / 1500 DH / 1700 DH
Accompanyingpersons / 600 DH / 700 DH
Exhibition stand / 3000 DH / 3400 DH

The registration fees cover the participation to the congress,the publication cost of CD or the book of abstracts, WelcomeCocktail, Coffee breaks and Lunches. Accompanying personsare entitled to the same except the congress documents.

NB: the accommodations is not included in registration fees

The payment of registration fees will be done after receiving theacceptance letter (after approval of abstracts by the ScientificCommittee), by bank transfer to the account of the AssociationMICROBIONA (please see the conference website:

Account Name: Association MICROBIONA

Account Number, BMCI Bank Marrakech My Abdellah :

B.M.C.I. Bank, Marrakech My Abdellah

Avenue Prince My Abdellah -Im AHLAM II 40000, Marrakech - Maroc


- Please specify your name and mention: "Registration Fees, Association MICROBIONA". After the operation, receipt of payment should be scanned and sent as attached file by e-mail to:

- Participants must pay any transaction charges required by the bank.

- The students should provide a written administrative proof that they are registered in university or in school.

- Please see the conference website for any other information( , ;

MICROBIOD 3 Aventi Hotel, Mohammaedia 24-26 October 2016

Emails: , ,

TEL: +212 6 61 74 88 62 or +212 6 62 01 37 72