
8th Grade

Mr. FarnerAugust, 2014

Welcome to a new school year!

Many new things can be expected this year, so prepare yourself for transition!

In this class you will gain a better understanding of our Earth and its people. We will use a combination of geography, history, economics, government and culture to focus on our Western Hemisphere. A special emphasis is placed on our nation's/state's history and its effect on our lives. Students will leave this course with a greater appreciation of our past. My purpose is to focus on several historic events, and stimulate enough interest within the student to pursue learning about these key events and how they have influenced our present day society.

The following are some of my requests and expectations as you enter my classroom. Please review this handout and prepare yourselves for a great 2014-2015 school year!

Class Rules

  1. Respectthe personal space and property of everyone.
  2. Come to class prepared (pen, pencil, text, homework, daily planner, and a library book).
  3. Come to class on time. Two unexcused tardies will be accepted per semester. A 3% grade reduction will be taken from your citizenship grade for each additional tardy.
  4. All classwork needs to be completed in pencil only.
  5. A tardy will be counted for each time you must leave class--No passes to the library!
  6. Cheating will not be tolerated.
  7. Do not leave your seat without permission.
  8. My desk and personal possessions are off limits.
  9. Violence will not be tolerated under any circumstance.
  10. Vandalism will not be tolerated (writing in books, on desks etc.).
  11. NO GUM.
  12. If you are not proud enough to put your name on your work…I will not further embarrass you by grading it.
  13. Anything left in my room will be placed in my lost and found.
  14. Do Not Disrupt Learning


  1. Students will be assigned to sit in alphabetical order. I reserve the right to move individuals.

Substitute Teachers, Educational Assistants, and Guests:

Guests/helpers entering our classroom can expect to be treated with the utmost respect. Consequences for bad behavior will range respectively, with the minimum punishment being automatic detention. If such an event should take place, I will side with our substitutes and guests. Show respect!

**No bathroom or

drinking fountain passes

will be allowed when

there is a substitute!


It is the student’s responsibility to gather missing assignments due to absences.

Students are expected to find out what they missed by checking the assignment board and collecting their homework from the make-up area of the classroom. Students are encouraged to consult the classroom DIA (Director of Internal Affairs).

Students are expected to collect old assignments the day they return to school. Make-up assignments will be due the next time class meets.

Late Work

  1. Personal responsibility/accountability is expected of each one of us. If you disagree—try showing up late to your first job.
  2. No late work will be accepted unless you were absent.
  3. For absences, place work in the "make-up tray" next to my desk.
  4. In order to receive credit, you must include a brief explanation of your absence, and the date you were gone.


  1. You will NOT flunk this class if ALL assignments are in.
  2. Grades will be figured on a points possible/points earned basis. All points will be proportional to each assignment (tests/projects—receiving the greatest number of points)

100 – 90 = A

89 – 80 = B

79 – 70 = C

69 – 60 = D

59 – 0 = F


Tests will account for approximately 40% of your overall grade. Be sure to properly prepare for tests! If you are absent for a test—it is your responsibility to set up a time for makeup. If this is not done by the end of the nine weeks you will receive a ZERO!


Homework will account for approximately 30% of your overall grade. Quizzes will account for 20%. Map quizzes will be taken every Tuesday and Thursday.


Proper behavior, staying on task, and coming to class prepared is a necessity. Therefore, 10% of your overall grade will be known as your "citizenship grade". For every excess tardy or forgotten classroom item, your grade will be reduced in this area.

I have read Mr. Farner’s Classroom Management Plan. I understand and agree to follow it.


Signature of Student