Science and the Bible

Biology Appendix 2

The Theory of Evolution and Christian reaction

The Water Babies was first published in a magazine in serial form between 1862 – 1863.

In the following quote Charles Kingsley is satirizing Richard Owen (1804-1892) who believed that the human brain is unique in having a structure known as the hippocampus minor.

NB Kingsley’s “professor” is Thomas Henley Huxley who had demonstrated that apes also have a hippocampus minor.

“He [ the “professor”]held very strange theories about a good many things.Hehad even got up once at the British Association, and declared that apes had hippopotamus majors in their brains just as men have. Which was a shocking thing to say; for, if it were so, what would become of the faith, hope, and charity of immortal millions? You may think that there are other more important differences between you and an ape, such as being able to speak, and make machines, and know right from wrong, and say your prayers, and other little matters of that kind; but that is a child's fancy, my dear. Nothing is to be depended on but the great hippopotamus test. If you have a hippopotamus major in your brain, you are no ape, though you had four hands, no feet, and were more apish than the apes of all aperies. But if a hippopotamus major is ever discovered in one single ape's brain, nothing will save your great-great - great - great - great - great - great - great - great – great - great-greater-greatest-grandmother from having been an ape too. No, my dear little man, always remember that the one true, certain, final, and all-important difference between you and an ape is, that you have a hippopotamus major in your brain, and it has none; and that, therefore, to discover one in its brain will be a very wrong and dangerous thing, at which everyone will be very much shocked as we may suppose they were at the professor. - Though really, after all, it don't much matter; because-as Lord Dundreary and others would put it - nobody but men have hippopotamuses in their brains; so, if a hippopotamus was discovered in an ape's brain, why it would not be one, you know, but something else.”

Charles KINGSLEY: The Water Babies pp.113-114 (Dean & Son, Ltd.)

1654 Archbishop Usher (Ireland), using genealogies in Bible calculated that the Earth was created October 26, 4004 BC, 9:00 am i.e. that the Earth is 6000 years old.

19th century The challenge to a literal understanding of the Genesis creation stories did not only come from Evolution. Geologists - such as Charles Lyle - estimated an age of the Earth far greater than the 6,000 years.

Evolution was questioned by some scientists e.g. William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), on the basis of energy sources then known, calculated that the Sun could be no more than 20 million years - far too short for present species on the Earth to have been formed by evolution. (The possibilities of nuclear energy were not known then.)

20th centuryDNA studies suggest the mechanism for evolution.

1996 Pope Paul II in a speech to the Pontifical Academy of Science said “New knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis” adding “[the idea of natural selection has] been progressively accepted by researchers, after a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge.”