Project Identification
Project Name / Customer Name / SAP Subsidiary
GDC Delivery Manager / SAP Subsidiary Program Manager / GDC Project Manager
SAP Subsidiary l Project Manager / Customer Project Manager / GDC Quality Lead
Object Overview
Object ID / 49 / Business Process / QA Processing in Billing
Object Title / FSEH-049-QA Processing in Billing
Month end exception report. Manual generation of Billing documents where Overall status in not “Green”.
Object Description
SAP Release / SAP Module
Cycle of Testing / C1 / C2 / C3 / C4 / Required Development Completion Date / DDMONYY
Complexity of Object / Simple / Medium / Complex / Program run / Batch / Real-time / Both
Type of Enhancement / User Exit / Badi / Area Menu / Search Help / Dialog Screens / Data Dictionary Objects / Priority / Low / Medium / High
SAP Transaction and Menu Path / Z*VF04 / Data Volume / TBD
Similar SAP Transaction / VF04 –Billing Due List / Similar SAP Program / SDBILLDL
FS Control
Functional Consultant – Author and Phone Number / Process Owner and Phone Number
Planned Date of FS Completion / DDMONYY / Actual Date of FS Completion / DDMONYY
FS Approved By / Last Name, First Name / FS Approval date / DDMONYY
Other Contact and Phone Number / Other Contact and Phone Number
Document Version History
Version No / Version date / Author / Summary of Changes
Maxum requires a quality assurance process step before Invoicing the customer. This process includes review of the invoices for accuracy of data based on order, customer requirements and corresponding paper work. The goal is to bill properly the first time so the rework is minimal.
Functional Description
The billing due list VF04 the system lists the documents to be invoiced on the basis of the selection criteria populated/predetermined in initial screen. However, standard SAP billing due list does not support Maxum requirement for QA process prior to generation of the Billing documents.
Enhanced Z*VF04 exception report will display the list of billing documents, where one or more QA process status/s for individual billing documents is not “Green”, allowing visual verification or manual intervention before invoice is generated.
Additionally, Z*VF04 exception report will allow the users to force a manual generation of Billing document, where one or more QA process status/s is not “Green”. However, this transaction will be allowed only if it is executed as a part of Month End period (seven last days of the current month plus seven days of the new month).
Dependencies / Constraints
Constrains: No constraints identified at this time.
Dependency: Doc Link SAP interface and data collation development needs and to be finalized.
ZSOSTATUS table must be updated from data collation with required info prior to Billing QA process execution. (ZSOSTATUS definitions described in FSIP-160-Interface: 06 Document Image System spec.)
It is assumed that Doc Link SAP and Data Collation will function as designed to be able to pass the information required for QA process and Billing document generation.
Month End period = Seven calendar days of the current month plus seven calendar days of the new month.
Assumed that 90% of billing documents created via on-line exception report will need no manual intervention and will be resolved through the system.
Security Requirements
Functional Requirement
  • The billing due list exception report Z*VF04 (executed on-line) will list the sales documents, which are selected for billing, but have one or more QA process status/s for individual documents, which are not “Green”. The list will allow visual verification or manual intervention before billing document is generated.
  • The billing due list exception report Z*VF04 (executed on-line) will list the sales documents, which have one or more QA process status/s for individual documents, which are not “Green”, However, where Billing document is already manually generated and displayed on the report.
  • Additionally, Z*VF04 exception report will allow the users to force manual generation of the billing documents, where one or more QA process status/s s for individual documents are not “Green”, but only if postings falls within Month End period.
  • Manually generated billing documents will be automatically release to accounting.
  • Through manual generation of the billing document/s provisional ZTPT output will be will be created and send immediately in .PDF format (when saving the application) to the place holder (path of file) provided

Flow of Enhancement
[Please provide the flow of object to be enhanced. For example in the program ‘XYZ’ go to screen/Sub screen 101 there modify/add a field]
Part A: Selection Screen: Transaction Z*VF04; Program Z*SDBILLDL
The selection screen includes the following fields.
Field / Range/Value / Reference Field/Size
Billing Data
Billing Date from / Multiple Values / FKDAT (DATS 8)
Billing Type / Multiple Values / FKART (CHAR 4)
Billing Document / Multiple Values / VBELN (CHAR 10)
Selection Tab
Organisational Data
Sales Organisation / Multiple Values / VKORG (CHAR 4)
Distribution Chanel / Multiple Values / VTWEG (CHAR 2)
Division / Multiple Values / SPART (CHAR 2)
Shipping Point / Multiple Values / VSTEL (CHAR 4)
Customer Data
Sold-to Customer / Multiple Values / KUNNR (CHAR 10)
Country of destination / Multiple Values / LLAND (CHAR 3)
Sort Criterion / Multiple Values / SORTKRI (CHAR 20)
Documents to be selected
Order-related / Check Box / ALLEA (CHAR 1)
Inter-company billing / Check Box / ALLEI (CHAR 1)
Nota Fiscal relevant docs. / Check Box / OINFREL (CHAR 1)
Delivery-related / Check Box / ALLEL (CHAR 1)
No docs with billing block / Check Box / NO_FAKSK (CHAR 1)
Rebate-related / Check Box / ALLEB (CHAR 1)
Docs with SES Status / Check Box / PDSTK (CHAR 1)
Default Tab
Exchange Number / Multiple Values / OIEXGNUMV (CHAR 10)
Only non-exchange / Check Box / OINOEXGREL (CHAR 1)
The selection screen includes the following fields.
Field / Range/Value / Reference Field/Size
Only exchange items / Check Box / OIEXGREL (CHAR 1)
Default Data
Billing Type / Single Values / FKART (CHAR 4)
Billing Date / Single Values / FKDAT (DATS 8)
Date of Service rendered / Single Values / FBUDA (DATS 8)
Pricing Date / Single Values / PRSDT (DATS 8)
Batch and Update Tab
Output data for Batch Processing
List display / Check Box
Issue collective processing Log / Check Box
Asynchronous / Radio button
Synchronous via VB log / Radio button
Synchronous w/o VB log / Radio button
Part B: Source of Data and Enhancement Logic
Enhancement 1:
Part B: Source of Data and Enhancement Logic
SDBILLDL is the program for Billing due list. This program finds out all the orders or deliveries or both which are due for billing and it will trigger the billing creation. It reads tables like VBAK, VBAP, VBUK, VBUP, LIKP, LIPS etc and the created billing documents are stored in tables VBRK, VBRP. Copy the report SDBILLDL in the customer name space Z*. If the program is copied there is no need to enhance the structure VKDFIF. For the report work as designed need to append VKDFIF structure with new custom fields as follows:
  • ZSOSTATUS-(PO status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(Delivery receipt status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(Signature status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(Stamp status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(BOL status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(MDR status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(CLS status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(Over All status)
  • ZSOSTATUS-(Billing document number, when generated manually).
  • NAST-VSTAT-(Processing status of message)
  • VBRK-FKSTO-(Billing document is cancelled status)
Include V05HZZMO could be used to fill new fields from table Z*SOSTATUS based on VBELN field “Sales Document Number”. (Z*SOSTATUS table will be developed as part of SAP Doc-Link development. Please refer to the Z*SOSTATUS table definitions in FSIP-160-Interface: 06 Document Image System spec).
Selection logic: The billing due list exception report Z*VF04 (executed on-line) will list the sales documents, which are selected for billing, but have one or more QA process status/s for individual documents, which are not “Green”. The list will allow visual verification or manual intervention before billing document is generated. Additionally, the billing due list exception report Z*VF04 (executed on-line) will list the sales documents, which have one or more QA process status/s for individual documents, which are not “Green”, however, where Billing document is already manually generated and displayed on the report.
SELECT All the sales documents ready for billing as per selection criteria (Z*VF04), and check two fields in Z*SOSTATUS table (ZSOSTATUS definitions described in FSIP-160-Interface: 06 Document Image System spec.) “Over All status “of the selected sales document and Billing document number, when generated manually based on VBELN field “Sales Document Number” selection criteria.
WHERE “Over All status “of the sales document EQ to “Not Green“ and/or Billing document number exists for the Sales document.
WHEREBilling document number is found for the Sales Document: Check VBRK-FKSTO (CHAR 1)
with VBRK-VBELN IF VBRK-FKSTO NOT EQ Checked “Invoice cancelled”
Part B: Source of Data and Enhancement Logic
IF Billing document number is found for the Sales Document: Check NAST-VSTAT(CHAR 1) for output type ZEML with NAST-OBJKY EQ VBRK-VBELN and NAST-KSCHL EQZEML IF NAST-VSTATNOT EQ 1 “Fully processed”
List all Sales Documents where the above condition is TRUE, displaying the statuses as described below.
IF any of the statuses are EQ “Y“ in Z*SOSTATUS table for the relevant sales document status display ICON_GREEN_LIGHT (table ICON) on the Z* SDBILLDL worklist for this sales document.
IF any of the statuses are EQ “N“ in Z*SOSTATUS table for the relevant sales document status display ICON_RED_LIGHT (table ICON) on the Z* SDBILLDL worklist for this sales document.
IF any of the statuses are EQ “NA“ in Z*SOSTATUS table display ICON_DUMMY (table ICON) on the Z* SDBILLDL worklist for this sales document.
IFZ*SOSTATUS table has Billing document number associated with sales document in Billing document number field display Billing document number on the worklist for this sales document.
Enhancement 2:
User may choose to generate a billing document for one or more sales documents from the list as a part of Month End process even if one or more QA process statuses/s for individual invoices is not “Green”. This functionality has to be allowed ONLY as a Part of Month End process (seven last calendar days of each month plus seven calendar days of the new month). System check needs to be incorporated into “SAVE” action of the user comparing if the date of this transaction (SY-DATUM) falls within Month End period. If it is than to allow generating a billing document and writing a document number to Z*SOSTATUS-Billing document number field. If this is NOT within Month End period issue a warning message: “SALES DOCUMENT IS INCOMPLETE”.
Suggested place of code:
ogram: SAPLV60P form: vkdfs_user_command
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add your date check here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Part C: Layout
Report Headings:
Use standard VF04 report headings plus headings listed below from table ZSOSTATUS.
Detail Lines:
Col. No / Column Title / SOURCE / Comments
Standard VF04 columns / Z* SDBILLDL
Delivery receipt status / ZSOSTATUS-Z*TBD
Signature status / ZSOSTATUS-Z*TBD
Stamp status / ZSOSTATUS-Z*TBD
Over All status / ZSOSTATUS-Z*TBD
Billing Document Number / ZSOSTATUS-Z*TBD / For manually created Billing Documents.
Check the following fields that required authorization check:
☐ Company Code☐ Business Area☐ Cost Centre
☐ Credit Control Area☐ Account Type☐ Controlling Area
☐ Sales Organization☐ Division☐ Distribution Channel
☐ Plant☐ Purchasing Organization☐ Material Group
☐ Warehouse Number
☐ Other: ______
Additional Comment on Authorization check:
No authorization checks required within program. Authorization must be granted to new T-code within profile ______.
Transaction Code (if required): ______.
Job Role______.
Assumptions in Functional Design
Open Issues in Functional Design
Add a Billing document selection criteria variants to the selection screen of the Z*VF04 report.
Pricing check during QA processing.
Business Test Conditions (To be furnished by the Functional Consultant)
Please indicate the business level test conditions that should be used to verify successful operations of the Enhancement:
Z*SDBILLDL has to display sales documents, which have either QA process status/s for individual sales documents, which are“Not Green” or sales documents, where Billing document is already manually created, but not cancelled billing documents or billing documents with output type ZEML fully processed.
Z*SDBILLDL will have to allow users to generate a billing document for one or more sales documents from the list as a part of Month End process even if one or more QA process statuses/s for individual invoices is not “Green”.
Z*SDBILLDL will have to disallow users to generate a billing document for one or more sales documents from the list if it is not a part of Month End process.
Examples would include:
  1. Testing an error-free run: Display sales documents with one or more statuses from ZSOSTATUS table are“Not Green” or which have a billing document associated with sales document.
  1. Testing the exception processes: Do not display on the work list Billing documents with VBRK-FKSTOEQChecked “Invoice cancelled”
  1. Testing the exception processes: Do not display on the work list Billing documents with output type ZEML fully processed: NAST-VSTAT for ZEML EQ 1 “Fully processed”
  1. Testing the exception processes: Should allow users to generate a billing document for one or more sales documents from the list as a part of Month End process even if one or more QA process statuses/s for individual invoices is not “Green”.
  1. Testing the error handling: Should not allow users to generate a billing document for one or more sales documents from the list if they are not a part of Month End.
  1. More scenarios’ will be identified during final testing of the report.
[Document all control scenarios associated with this development. Examples would include 1) Rounding of dollars and cents; 2) Audit trail processing; 3) Reconciliation reporting]
Scenario # / Input Selection Criteria / Expected Result
Related Documentation (attach OSS notes, emails, download of existing report, etc)