Manual Chamber Vent


Use this procedure to manually vent the chamber. To automatically vent the chamber,

refer to Automatic Chamber Vent Procedure.

Reference Documentation: Chamber Pump/Purge-Automatic Procedure

Equipment Required: None


1. Perform the Chamber Pump/Purge-Automatic Procedure.

2. If you intend to open the process chamber after venting, set the gap set point value Index 246 to be about 5.5 (cm). This value is in the chamber macro page. The gap drive lead screws can extend too long into the wells they travel in. This will cause them to crash into the well walls when you tilt the upper chamber housing to open up the process chamber.

3. Select the Configuration page from the Menu page.

4. Put the system into manual mode (Index 306).


1. Close the chamber isolation valve. Chamber Macro Page, select line item Chamber ISO. Select command Close

2. Open the entrance loadlock pump valve. ELL Macro Page, select line item ELL Pump Valve. Select command Open.

3. Pump the entrance loadlock until ELL VAC SENSE field reads 500.

4. Close the entrance loadlock pump valve. ELL Macro Page, select line item ELL Pump Valve. Select command Close.

5. Open the entrance loadlock inner door.

ELL Macro Page

Select line item ELL Inner Door Close

Select command Open

Select line item ELL Inner Door Open

Select command Open

6. Open the entrance loadlock vent valve.

ELL Macro Page

Select line item V65 ELL Vent Valve

Select command Open

7. Vent the entrance loadlock and chamber until ELL ATM SENSE displays TRUE.

8. Close the entrance loadlock vent valve.

ELL Macro Page

Select line item V65 ELL Vent Valve

Select command Close

9. The chamber is vented.

Warning: Do not open up process chamber if gap set point value Index 246 is less than 5.0 (cm).

10. You may open up the process chamber if the above warning is adhered to.

Completion (Returning the Chamber to Base Pressure)

1. Close the chamber (if open).

2. Return the system to the automatic mode.

Configure Page in Menu page

Select line item System control mode

Select command Automatic

3. Close entrance loadlock inner door and the chamber is automatically pumped.

ELL Macro Page

Select line item ELL Inner Door Open

Select command Close

Select line item ELL Inner Door Close

Select command Close