MantenoMiddle School
Cheerleading Constitution
Basketball Season 2014-2015
The Purpose:
The cheerleaders shall promote and uphold school spirit.
The cheerleaders shall encourage good sportsmanship.
The cheerleaders shall strive to engage the crowd to participate during athletic events, pep assemblies, competitions, and other extra-curricular performances.
The cheerleaders are ambassadors of Manteno Middle School and will encourage and initiate positive relationships with other schools.
The cheerleaders shall possess positive leadership skills and shall seek to model the highest of personal standards both on and off the court.
Values of a Cheerleader:
Positive leadership skills
High academic standards
Athletic ability
Good sportsmanship
Honesty, integrity, loyalty
Strong communication skills
Courtesy, tolerance, self-control
Responsibility, respect, confidence
Hard-work ethic
Team Membership:
The squad will cheer at all home 7th and 8th grade boys basketball games. When not cheering actively, cheerleaders must sit and cheer with other cheerleaders.
Practice Rules and Responsibilities:
Cheerleaders will report to practice appropriately dressed with appropriate equipment (i.e. That means wear clothes that are school appropriate and that you can move in, as well as athletic shoes)
All cheerleaders are required to attend scheduled practices and games during the season unless excused by the coach personally.
- Examples of excused absences: illness with a parent/physician note, family emergencies.
- Examples of unexcused absences: another sport, leaving early and/or coming late, doctor’s appointments that are scheduled in advance
- Please talk to your coach ASAP if you know you are going to be absent!
When missing practice or a game , whether for an excused or unexcused reason, the cheerleader is expected to learn any material she may have missed. This must be done on her own time.
Disciplinary action for missing practice that is not excused by the coach will receive the following disciplinary action:
o1st offense: Suspension from participation/competition date
o2nd offense: Suspension from one week of practices and games/competitions
o3rd offense: Immediate removal from the squad
oUnexcused absences may be disciplined by running instead. This is up to the coach’s discretion.
Any cheerleader who misses consecutive practices due to illness may not be permitted to participate at the next game/competition. As with any sport, it may take some time to work the participant back into the routine. This decision is left to the discretion of the coach.
Cheerleaders must be on time for practice.
oTardiness will be disciplined by running laps or stairs.
o5 tardies will result in a dismissal from the team.
Cheerleaders need to work with one another in a cooperative and confident manner. Poor sportsmanship displayed towards the coach or team will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
oExamples of such behavior: inappropriate facial expressions, complaining or whining, verbalizing negative comments, showing reluctance to participate when asked, verbal abuse to coach or other team members, quitting during practice
o1st offense: Asked to leave practice.
o2nd offense: Suspended from next game/competition.
o3rd offense: Dismissed from the team.
All cheerleaders must be on time at games for which they are required to cheer. A specific arrival time will be set for all games which will reflect a proper warm-up time.
All cheerleaders are expected to cheer for the entire 7th and 8th grade games.
Any cheerleader who misses a game and is unexcused will be suspended for one week. Any other infraction for any kind will result in dismissal from the team.
A cheerleader shall not cheer at any athletic event unless she has been in school the day of the event.
Team members are required to be in their respective positions with two minutes left on the clock. Failure to do this will result in benching for the remainder of the game or running.
Any cheerleader who knowingly violates the safety of another cheerleader will automatically be dismissed from the squad.
Cheerleaders will not talk and socialize while actively participating in athletic events. Excessive talking during sidelines will result in benching and/or suspension and/or running as specified by the coach.
Conduct and Responsibilities:
A cheerleader may not eat, drink pop, or chew gum while on the floor.
A cheerleader represents MantenoMiddle School and, as a school representative, should conduct herself in a respectable manner at all times.
A cheerleader is expected to show maturity, interest, emotional stability, and sound judgment in classes and other activities.
Any skills performed at tryouts MUST be used during the season.
The hospitality room is the responsibility of the entire team. Each cheerleader is to supply a snack for home games on a rotating basis. No one will be allowed to leave following home games until the hospitality room is picked up. Always congratulate the other squad after the game.
Cheerleaders will be subject to all athletic rules and guidelines. Smoking, drinking, drugs and theft or vandalism will be punishable according to the rules stated in the MantenoMiddle School handbook. These behaviors will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal.
Public displays of affection whilein uniform are inappropriate and will not be tolerated. Public displays of affection include the following but are not limited to: hand holding, kissing, hugging, sitting on boyfriend’s lap, etc.
oAny cheerleader who exhibits these behaviors will be disciplined in the following manner:
o1st offense: Verbal warning.
o2nd offense: Suspension from the next game/competition or running.
o3rd offense: Dismissed from the team.
Uniforms and Appearance:
Uniforms will only be worn in conjunction with school events and must be worn appropriately (leg zippers are not to be unzipped, no sleeves pushed up, T- shirts hanging out, etc.)
Uniforms should be kept cleanand pressed. Any article lost, stolen, or destroyed must be replaced and paid for by the cheerleader and/or her parents.
No jewelry is to be worn when the cheerleaders are in uniform.
Fingernails must be kept at the length established by the IESA (nails should not be visible above fingertips). No colored nail polish is allowed.
Make-up should be minimal and look as professional as possible.
Please cut and return to Coach Grove
Parent Signature ______Date______
Cheerleader Signature______Date______