Friday 1:30pmApril 28, 2017


Members Present: Beverly Bedsole, Glenda Erwin, John Freeman, Carolyn Huckabay, Raymond Powell, Judson Rives, Jeannie Rogers, Jack Sibley, and Sandy Spaulding.

New Members Present: None

Members Excused: Ellen Abbington, and Candy Cox

Staff: Van Reech

The Quarterly Meeting of the Mansfield Female College Museum State Governing Board met in regular session on Thursday January 26, 2017 at 1:30pm at that Museum. There were 9 members present, no new members, and 2 members excused.

Raymond Powell called the meeting to order and Jack Sibley led in prayer and the Pledge.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 20, 2016 meeting as printed. Minutes were approved.

Mr. Powell reported that Wayne Waddell said there were no new museum closings and that our museum and the Mansfield Battlepark were safe for the time being.

Van Reech reported that AT&T had finished the installation and hookup of the new Fiberoptic Computer lines. Pricing quotes from Prison Enterprises will be presented to the Historical Society for Genealogical Library Bookshelves. Christmas programs are scheduled for Retired Teachers, UDC, and DAR. New dates were scheduled in 2017 for the DAR and Delta Kappa Gammameetings. A meeting was held with members of the Noel Foundation at LSUS to discuss and advise us on improving our cataloging system. Visitor counts at 439were up 10% over last quarter.

Jack Sibley reported on comments by a bottle expert at the Exhibit Museum on bottles found under our Museum by TEPCO employees in August. Carolyn Huckabay suggested outreach to network with other Parish towns for joint activities. Beverly Bedsole thought having lunch picnics on our grounds would be popular. Glenda Erwin said a Book Review program by the new editor at the Shreveport Times would be interesting. Jeannie Rogers will contact Rowena Anderson and try to get more of our new genealogical books cataloged and up on the shelves.

Mr. Powell asked Van Reech to try to coordinate the next quarterly meeting with Mr. Waddell so that he could attend and swear in all members. He also asked for a motion to adjourn and after it was made and seconded all stood and exited.