Manning Valley Kart Club Inc.

Track Address: -

Wingham Sporting Complex

Coghlan Avenue

Wingham NSW

Postal Address: -

Manning Valley Kart Club
PO Box 132
Taree NSW 2430


Phone –0409 965 080

Email –

Website –

I/we wish to nominate for membership to the MANNING VALLEY KART CLUB Inc.

Family Name Given Names


Suburb State Post Code

Family Members Names Licence No. Expiry Date

1………………………………………………………………… ………………….. ……. / ……. / …….

2………………………………………………………………… ………………….. ……. / ……. / …….

3………………………………………………………………… ………………….. ……. / ……. / …….

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5………………………………………………………………… ………………….. ……. / ……. / …….

Phone (Day) Phone (Night) Phone (Mobile)

E-mail @

I/we agree to abide by the rules and by laws of the Manning Valley Kart Club Inc. and subsequent rules of karting as laid down by the Club’s affiliated Association/s.

Signature…………………………………………………………. Dated ………/ ……… / ………

(For New Members Only)

Nominated by Seconded by

Membership Fee's

Family $ 80.00 ( parent’s with resident or student children under 18 years )

Senior $ 60.00

Junior $ 60.00 (under 18 years and includes membership for one non racing parent/guardian )

Social $ 10.00

Office Use Only

New membership/ Membership Renewal

Date ……. / …… / ……. Receipt no …………………………………..

Amount Received …………………………….. Cash / Cheque / Money Order

Direct Deposit:- Holiday Coast Credit Union. BSB: 802214. Acct Number: 214892916

Manning Valley Kart Club Practice Policy

  1. Every Driver and Pit Crew must sign on and pay for practice before setting up or entering the grid area to be covered by insurance.
  1. There must be a mobile telephone available for local emergency services contact.
  1. Flags and fire equipment are available from the fuel shed and must be placed at the exit of the start grid.
  1. A responsible person must be in attendance and that person is to be over 18 years and be a non-participant in the current practice session.
  1. An inspection of the track is to be carried out prior to karts entering the track (a track walk) for practice.
  1. Drivers should present their swipe card licence to a Club Officials or the person controlling practice if requested.
  1. All drivers wanting to use the track are to have a current AKA licence and Club membership.
  1. Midgets and Rookies can practice together, but not with Juniors.
  1. Seniors only together on the track.
  1. All AKA licence holders are only permitted to practice in equipment that they at their age would be eligible to race. This also includes any licence grade restrictions.
  1. Practice is only available Friday, Saturday and Sunday between the hours of 9:00am and 6:00pm unless otherwise arranged by the Club.


I ,...... hereby agree to abide by the

practice rules of Manning Valley Kart Club with the understanding that any breach of

these rules could result in the forfeiture of my right to practice.

Signed ...... Date...... /...... /......