Socials 10 – Mrs. Richards

Canadian History 1919 to the Present (new curriculum)


This course explores Canadian participation in global events and traces our development as a country through changes in population, economy, and technology from 1919 to the present. Students will be using six key concepts of historical thinking to analyze the concepts covered in the course:

  • historical perspective
  • cause and consequence
  • continuity and change
  • ethical dimension
  • historical significance
  • evidence


  • students must bring a binder, textbook, pencil, pen to each class
  • Textbook – Creating Canada (online similar copy available )


Unit 1 - Historical thinking concepts
Unit 2 – World War I (New curriculum Gr 9)
Unit 3 – After the war, Depression
Unit 4 – World War II
Unit 5 – Postwar Canada / Unit 6 – Canada’s changing society
Unit 7 – Canadian Identity
Unit 8 – Canadian Government
Unit 9 – Residential Schools
Unit 10 – Global Issues


Assignments and projects are given on a regular basis and must be completed on the due date assigned. There is a class blog to keep up with assignments at

  • if you cannot hand in your assignment by the due date, you will have communicated with me and asked for an extensionahead of time (not the day it is due). Extensions are NOT automatic.
  • If you plan on emailing an assignment, have a paper copy to hand in just in case of a technical glitch.

**Once assignments have been marked and handed back, you will have an alternate assignment to complete. Once an ‘I’ has been given and you have a deadline, zeros will be assessed for all missing assignments past that point.


Tests, Quizzes (Knowledge/Understanding)30%

In class work (problem solving/thinking)40%

Projects/Essays (application)30%


Term 140%

Term 240%

Final Evaluation20%

Friday Extra Help

Fridays have three purposes:

  1. Students who have missed a test will write on Friday
  2. Students who need to work on ‘I’ work have MANDATORY attendance
  3. Extra help is available for any student who requires assistance with the course.

Miscellaneous FAQ:

  1. Devices - – No devices during lessons, quizzes, or tests. Use of devices is at the discretion of the teacher.
  2. Homework – at this grade, if you don’t do it, you know the consequences
  3. Extra Help – take advantage of Friday help time
  4. Missed ClassesIt is YOUR responsibility to find out what you miss when you are absent. You must check my class website to view any video clips we have watched during class and to print missing handouts. Ongoing attendance issues will be dealt with through calls home and/or referral to the administration
  5. Tests – Absence on the day of an evaluation must be documented (office)
  • If you know you will be absent ahead of time, make arrangements to write on an alternate date
  • In case of illness/unexpected absence, present a note to the teacher signed by parent or guardian
  • Skipped tests will not get a chance to write, you will earn a zero
  • All missed tests will be written on FRIDAYs
  1. Cheating and plagiarism - Just don’t do it. It is dishonest, unethical and can have serious academic repercussions. (refer to administration, plus you get a zero with no rewrites)

Successful Student Learner traits:

Responsibility / Organization / Independent Work / Collaboration / Initiative / Self-regulation
- completes and submits class work, homework, and assignments according to timelines
- takes responsibility for and manages own behaviour / - devises and follows a plan and process for completing work and tasks
- establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals / - uses class time appropriately to complete tasks;
- follows instructions with minimal supervision / - responds positively to the ideas, opinions, values, and traditions of others;
- shares information, resources, and expertise and promotes critical thinking to solve problems and make decisions / - demonstrates the capacity for innovation and a willingness to take risks;
- demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning / - sets own individual goals and monitors progress towards achieving them;
- seeks
clarification or assistance when needed

Socials 10 - Richards