7th May To 30th September 1973
Mandatory Movements Shown In Light Typeface. Trip Workings Shown In Italics
(Some Passing Times Shown For Trip Workings Are An Approximation)
Train / Service/Movement Details (* To/From Sutton Park Line. # To/From Cannock Line). Locomotive Types Actually Allocated To Certain Services May Differ To Those Shown Below / Ryecroft Junction / M / T / W / Th / F / S/Sun8M29 / 15:18 SSuX Tees Yard to Brierley Hill (arr. 01:26 MSuX), calling at Wednesbury (00:18-00:35 MSuX) and Great Bridge (00:43-00:55 MSuX); booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley / 00:01 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8M30 / 17:10 SSuX Tees Yard to Bescot Down Yard (arr. 00:55 MSuX) / 00:44 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8G12 / 21:30 SSuX COY Corby to Oldbury (arr. 01:32 MSuX) via Princes End; NOT SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 00:54 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8D56 / 00:40 MSuX ETY Aston Windsor Street to Toton Yard; balance of 8G57 SX ex-Toton Yard (see 23:07 SSuX and 23:16 FO timelines) / 01:07 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8G12 / 21:30 FO COY Corby to Oldbury (arr. 01:41 SO) via Princes End; SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 01:13 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
7E31 / 00:54 MSuX ETY Langley Green to Normanby Park / 01:23 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
9T20 / 00:40 MSuX (2 x Class 25) ETY Wolverhampton Steel Terminal to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 01:30 MSuX) via Princes End / 01:23 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
6M54 / 17:20 MO (Class 47) ETY COY Carmarthen to Ince & Elton (Shellstar); balance of 6V35 SO ex-Ince & Elton (see 20:32 SO timeline)* / 01:27 TO* / -- / T* / -- / -- / -- / --
6M54 / 19:55 TThO (Class 47) ETY COY Bridgwater to Ince & Elton (Shellstar); balance of 6V35 MWO ex-Ince & Elton (see 18:45 MO and 21:00 WO timelines)* / 01:27 WFO* / -- / -- / W* / -- / F* / --
6M54 / 15:45 WO (Class 47) ETY COY Plymouth to Ince & Elton (Shellstar); balance of 6V35 TO ex-Ince & Elton (see 21:00 TO timeline)* / 01:27 ThO* / -- / -- / -- / Th* / -- / --
8E39 / 01:28 MSuX RWS Bescot Down Yard to Tinsley Yard / 01:39 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8M25 / 16:57 SSuX COY Tyne Yard to Great Bridge (arr. 02:27 MSuX), calls at Wednesbury (01:55-02:18 MSuX); NOT SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 01:41 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
1V53 / 23:55 FO (Class 47) PAS Liverpool to Penzance, calls at Wolverhampton High Level (E-D @ WHL 01:23-01:33 SO); SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 8th SEPTEMBER 1973* / 01:51 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
7G61 / 00:05 MSuX Stanton Gate to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 02:10 MSuX); counterpart of 7D66 MSuX ex-Bescot (see 02:01 MSuX timeline) / 01:52 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
4V73 / 16:17 SSuX (Class 47) FLR Edinburgh Portobello FLT to Cardiff Pengam FLT, calling at Dudley FLT (02:46-03:11 MSuX), booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley; counterpart of 4S88 SSuX ex-Cardiff FLT (see 21:20 SSuX timeline) / 01:58 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
7D66 / 01:50 MSuX Bescot Down Yard to Stanton Gate; counterpart of 7G61 MSuX ex-Stanton Gate (see 01:52 MSuX timeline) / 02:01 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
4E65 / 01:45 MSuX (Class 47) FLR Dudley FLT to Newcastle Follingsby FLT; counterpart of 4M61 SSuX ex-Newcastle Follingsby (see 03:00 MSuX timeline) / 02:11 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
7M96 / 23:30 SSuX COY Tinsley Yard to Brierley Hill (arr. 03:20 MSuX), calling at Wednesbury (02:24-02:38 MSuX) and Great Bridge (02:44-02:54 MSuX); booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley / 02:14 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
0T20 / 02:15 MSuX (2 x Class 25) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 02:40 MSuX); off 9T20 MSuX ex-Wolverhampton Steel Terminal (see 01:23 MSuX timeline) / 02:22 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
6G47 / 01:10 MSuX (Class 47) COY MER Birmingham Exchange Sidings to Walsall Freight Terminal (arr. 02:38 MSuX); balance of 6G43 SSuX ex-Walsall Freight Terminal (see 21:25 SSuX timeline)* / 02:28 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
8M69 / 20:14 SSuX Scunthorpe to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 02:44 MSuX); NOT SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 02:33 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8E84 / 02:40 MSuX Bescot Down Yard to Whitemoor Yard* / 02:51 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
8M25 / 16:57 FO COY Tyne Yard to Great Bridge (arr. 04:25 SO), calls at Wednesbury (03:20-04:16 SO); SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 02:55 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
9T58 / 01:45 MSuX (Class 25) ETY Kidderminster to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 03:06 MSuX) / 02:59 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
4M61 / 21:08 SSuX (Class 47) FLR Newcastle Follingsby FLT to Dudley FLT (arr. 03:45 MSuX), booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley; counterpart of 4E65 MSuX ex-Dudley FLT (see 02:11 MSuX timeline) / 03:00 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
0T58 / 03:16 MSuX (Class 25) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot Down Yard (arr. 03:31 MSuX); off 9T58 MSuX ex-Kidderminster (see 02:59 MSuX timeline) / 03:23 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
0E00 / 03:15 MSuX LE Great Bridge to Tinsley; off 8M25 SSuX COY ex-Tyne Yard (see 01:41 MSuX timeline); NOT SATURDAYS 19th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 03:26 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
7M85 / 21:25 SSuX Tees Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 03:46 MSuX); NOT SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 03:26 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8H25 / 00:45 ThO Bestwood Park Junction to Brierley Hill (arr. 04:23 ThO); booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley / 03:34 ThO / -- / -- / -- / Th / -- / --
8E74 / 03:25 MSuX ETY Wednesbury to Scunthorpe; worked by locomotive(s) off 8M75 SSuX Scunthorpe to Brierley Hill (see 22:46 SSuX timeline) / 03:38 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
6K31 / 02:43 WThFO ETY MGR Burton-on-Trent WRD (CM&EE Department) to Crewe; balance of 6P35 TWThO ex-Crewe (see 22:53 TWThO timeline) / 03:45 WThFO / -- / -- / W / Th / F / --
7M85 / 21:25 FO Tees Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 03:58 SO); SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973 / 03:48 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
4V60 / 02:00 MSuX (Class 47) FLR Sheffield Masborough FLT to Cardiff Pengam FLT, calls at Dudley FLT (04:44-05:05 MSuX) and is booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley; balance of 4E66 SX ex-Cardiff FLT (see 22:37 SSuX timeline) / 03:57 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
6M35 / 23:15 MWFO (Class 45) COY Dagenham Dock to Pensnett (arr. 07:20 TThSO); calls at Brierley Hill (Kingswinford Junction RR 05:59-07:10 TThSO)* / 04:05 TThSO* / -- / T* / -- / Th* / -- / S*
6M35 / 23:15 TThO (Class 45) COY Dagenham Dock to Oldbury (arr. 04:37 WFO) via Princes End* / 04:05 WFO* / -- / -- / W* / -- / F* / --
0Z00 / 04:00 MSuX LE Bescot Up Yard to Saltley LHS, off 7M85 SSuX ex-Tees Yard (see 03:26 MSuX timeline); NOT SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973* / 04:10 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0Z00 / 03:56 MSuX LE Brierley Hill to Derby LHS; off 7M96 SSuX ex-Tinsley Yard (see 02:14 MSuX timeline) / 04:19 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
7M08 / 00:35 MSuX Tinsley Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 04:30 MSuX) / 04:20 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
0Z00 / 04:10 SO LE Bescot Up Yard to Saltley LHS, off 7M85 FO ex-Tees Yard (see 03:48 SO timeline); SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973* / 04:20 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
4G11 / 03:42 MSuX (Class 25) PCL Derby to Wolverhampton High Level (arr. 04:51 MSuX); balance of 4P00 SSuX ex-Wolverhampton Low Level PCD (see 21:08 SSuX timeline) / 04:27 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
7M79 / 00:14 MSSuX Whtitemoor Yard to Curzon Street (arr. 05:55 MSSuX), calls at Bescot Up Yard (04:49-05:19 MSSuX)* / 04:39 MSSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
7M79 / 00:14 SO Whitemoor Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 04:49 SO)* / 04:39 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
0Z00 / 04:45 MSuX (Class 47) LE Dudley FLT to Saltley LHS; off 4M61 SSuX ex-Newcastle Follingsby FLT (see 03:00 MSuX timeline)* / 05:02 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
8G79 / 03:24 MSuX Toton Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 05:12 MSuX) / 05:02 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8G75 / 04:55 MSuX RWS Bescot Up Yard to Kings Norton* / 05:07 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0Z00 / 04:42 ThO LE Brierley Hill to Derby; off 8H25 ThO ex-Bestwood Park Junction (see 03:34 ThO timeline) / 05:12 ThO / -- / -- / -- / Th / -- / --
8M05 / 00:41 MSuX COY Normanby Park to Wednesfield Road Goods (arr. 05:46 MSuX) / 05:13 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
0E00 / 05:10 SO LE Great Bridge to Tinsley; off 8M25 FO ex-Tyne Yard (see 02:55 SO timeline) / 05:21 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
9T74 / 05:10 SSuX (Class 25) Bescot Down Local Sorting Sidings (DLSS) to Bordesley Yard (arr. 07:00 SSuX), calls at Washwood Heath Up Yard (06:10-06:35 SSuX)* / 05:22 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
0T15 / 05:37 MO (Class 08) LE Bescot LHS to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 05:54 MO); for Yard Pilot duties / 05:46 MO / M / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
9G08 / 04:06 TThSO COY Derby St. Mary’s to Spring Vale (arr. 06:24 TThSO) via Princes End / 05:46 TThSO / -- / T / -- / Th / -- / S
8G61 / 04:13 SSuX Toton Yard to Aston Windsor Street (arr. 06:25 SSuX) / 05:51 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0T32 / 06:05 SSuX (Class 25) LE Bescot LHS to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 06:20 SSuX); for 9T32 SX to Bloomfield (see 07:07 SSuX timeline) / 06:13 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T18 / 06:02 SSuX (Class 47) ETY Bescot Down Local Yard to Lea Hall (arr. 07:01 SSuX)# / 06:14 SSuX# / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
8M89 / 02:45 MSuX Tinsley Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 06:28 MSuX) / 06:18 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8K06 / 06:30 MSSuX (Class 24) ETY Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Grange Junction (D-E @ Walsall 06:42-06:52 MSSuX) / 06:38 MSSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / --
9T31 / 06:30 SSuX (Class 25) Bescot Down Local Yard to Lichfield Trent Valley Low Level (arr. 07:41 SSuX), calls at Lichfield City (07:11-07:26 SSuX) / 06:42 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0G49 / 06:40 SSuX (Class 47) LE Bescot LHS to Lea Hall (arr. 07:20 SSuX); to work 07:50 SSuX MGR to Rugeley PS (arr. 08:04 SSuX)# / 06:50 SSuX# / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
0Z00 / 06:40 SO Bescot Up Yard to Burton-on-Trent LHS; off 8M89 MSuX ex-Tinsley Yard (see 06:18 MSuX timeline) / 06:50 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
6M58 / 01:16 MSuX (Class 47) Y COY Teesport to either Rowley Regis (arr. 07:35 MSuX) or Wednesbury (arr. 07:04 MSuX); Rowley Regis train booked for Banking assistance from Perry Barr West Junction up Soho Loop incline / 06:52 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
9T26 / 06:15 SSuX (Class 25) ETY Langley Green to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 07:06 SSuX); locomotive works 6F75 SX departure to Winsford Junction as far as Walsall (see 08:22 SSuX timeline) / 06:59 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8K06 / 06:52 MO (Class 24) ETY Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Grange Junction (D-E @ Walsall 07:04-07:14 MO) / 07:00 MO / M / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
9T32 / 07:00 SSuX (Class 25) Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bloomfield South Staffs Wagon Co. (arr. 08:43 SSuX) via Princes End; runs-round at Spring Vale Sidings (07:39RR08:37 SSuX) / 07:07 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T28 / 07:00 SSuX (2 x Class 25) RWS Bescot Up Yard to Lawley Street Goods (arr. 08:00 SSuX), calls at Sutton Park GPO (‘As Required’ SSuX) to detach traffic off 7M79 MSuX ex-Whitemoor Yard (see 04:39 MSSuX/SO timelines)* / 07:10 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
5E91 / 06:40 SO (Class 47) ECS Tyseley Sidings to Walsall (arr. 07:28 SO). Forms 1E91, the 08:02 SO PAS Walsall to Yarmouth; SATURDAYS 26th MAY TO 29th SEPTEMBER 1973* / 07:24 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
8M05 / 02:32 MO COY Normanby Park to Wednesfield Road Goods (arr. 08:02 MO) / 07:27 MO / M / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
6G41 / 06:53 MSuX (Class 47) MGR Daw Mill to Ironbridge PS (arr. 08:52 MSSuX/09:24 SO)* / 07:36 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0Z00 / 06:40 MSuX (Class 47) LE Knowle to Bescot LHS (arr. 07:53 MSuX); off automotive service from Parkeston* / 07:42 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0T36 / 07:45 SSuX (Class 25) LE Bescot LHS to Birchills PS (arr. 08:00 SSuX approx.) or Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 08:00 SSuX approx.); may also run alternatively to Walsall Midland Yard (arr. 07:55 SSuX approx.) / 07:55 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
6G51 / 05:20 MSuX (Class 40) COY Garston to Bromford Bridge* / 07:55 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
9T23 / 07:25 SSuX (2 x Class 25) Great Bridge to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 08:10 SSuX), calls at Cashmore’s (07:30-07:45 SSuX) / 08:03 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T87 / 06:45 SuX (Class 25) MANDATORY TRIP Nuneaton Abbey Street to Bushbury Junction Sidings (arr. 08:31 SuX); will not run when 9T88 SuX to Wednesbury runs (see below)* / 08:05 SuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
9T88 / 06:45 SuX (Class 25) MANDATORY TRIP Nuneaton Abbey Street to Wednesbury (arr. 08:18 SuX); will not run when 9T87 SuX to Bushbury Junction Sidings runs (see above)* / 08:05 SuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
8D57 / 07:45 SSuX ETY Aston Goods to Toton; balance of 8G61 SSuX ex-Toton Yard (see 05:51 SSuX timeline) / 08:12 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8P04 / 07:45 TThSO ETY COY Spring Vale to Derby St. Mary’s via Princes End, calls at Norton Jn. Bescot DES (08:26-08:46 TThSO); balance of 9G08 TThSO ex-Derby St. Mary’s (see 05:46 TThSO timeline) / 08:16 TThSO / -- / T / -- / Th / -- / S
6F75 / 08:15 SSuX (Class 25) ETY MER Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Winsford Junction (D-E @ Walsall 08:25-08:35 SSuX); worked as far as Walsall by locomotive off 9T26 SSuX ex-Langley Green (see 06:59 SSuX timeline) / 08:22 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0T23 / 08:25 SSuX (2 x Class 25) LBV Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Wellington (arr. 09:34 SSuX); off 9T23 SSuX ex-Great Bridge (see 08:03 SSuX timeline) / 08:32 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
6M31 / 03:00 MSuX (Class 47) Y COY Ripple Lane to either Rowley Regis (arr. 09:37 MSuX), Wednesbury (arr. 08:58 MSuX) or Witton IMI (arr. 09:15 MSuX); Rowley Regis train booked for Banking assistance from Perry Barr West Junction up Soho Loop incline* / 08:40 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
9T36 / 08:30 SSuX (Class 25) Y ETY Birchills PS or ex-Norton Jn. Bescot DES or ex-Walsall Midland Yard to Hednesford (arr. 09:30 SSuX); will not run when 9T36, the 09:30 SSuX ex-Wednesbury to Hednesford or Norton Jn. Bescot DES runs (see 09:45 SSuX timelines)# / 08:55 SSuX / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
5A04 / 08:40 SuO (Class 47) ETY VANS Wolverhampton High Level to Camden* / 08:57 SuO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / Sun*
8G06 / 07:11 SSuX Toton Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 09:11 SSuX) / 09:01 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T88 / 09:02 SuX (Class 25) MANDATORY TRIP Wednesbury to Nuneaton Abbey Street (arr. 10:28 SuX), balance of 9T88 SuX ex-Nuneaton (see 08:05 SuX timeline); will not run when 9T87 SuX ex-Bushbury Junction Sidings runs (see 10:13 SuX timeline)* / 09:15 SuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0Z00 / 09:10 SO (Class 25) LE Sutton Park (GPO) to Bescot LHS (arr. 09:35 SO); off 6G18, the 05:45 SuX PCL Curzon Street to Sutton Park (GPO) via Soho Loop and Birmingham New Street* / 09:25 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
8M65 / 00:01 MSuX Tyne Yard to Brierley Hill (arr. 10:58 MSuX), calling at Wednesbury (09:40-10:07 MSuX) and Great Bridge (10:15-10:25 MSuX); booked for Banking assistance from Great Bridge to Dudley / 09:28 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
8G04 / 08:40 SSuX Kingsbury to Walsall Midland Yard (arr. 09:40 SSuX)* / 09:31 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
9T20 / 08:15 SSuX (2 x Class 25) ETY Wolverhampton Steel Terminal to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 09:40 SSuX) via Priestfield (GWR), calls at Wednesbury (08:35-09:15 SSuX) / 09:33 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8E16 / 09:30 SSuX Bescot Down Yard to Tinsley Yard / 09:42 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T36 / 09:30 SSuX (Class 25) Y ETY Wednesbury to Hednesford (arr. 10:20 SSuX); will not run when 9T36, the 08:30 SSuX ex-Birchills PS or ex-Norton Jn. Bescot DES or ex-Walsall Midland Yard runs (see 08:55 SSuX timeline)# / 09:45 SSuX# / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
9T36 / 09:30 SSuX (Class 25) Y ETY Wednesbury to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 09:55 SSuX approx.); will not run when 9T36, the 08:30 SSuX ex-Birchills PS or ex-Norton Jn. Bescot DES or ex-Walsall Midland Yard runs (see 08:55 SSuX timeline) / 09:45 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
6E55 / 09:05 TThSO (Class 45) ETY COY Pensnett to Dagenham Dock, calls at Brierley Hill (Kingswinford Junction RR dep. 09:15 TThSO); balance of 6M35 MWFO ex-Dagenham Dock (see 04:05 TThSO timeline)* / 09:52 TThSO* / -- / T* / -- / Th* / -- / S*
6E55 / 09:18 WFO (Class 45) ETY COY Oldbury to Dagenham Dock via Princes End; balance of 6M35 TThO ex-Dagenham Dock (see 04:05 WFO timeline)* / 09:52 WFO* / -- / -- / W* / -- / F* / --
9T87 / 09:49 SuX (Class 25) MANDATORY TRIP Bushbury Junction Sidings to Nuneaton Abbey Street (arr. 11:33 SuX), balance of 9T87 SuX ex-Nuneaton (see 08:05 SuX timeline); will not run when 9T88 SuX ex-Wednesbury runs (see 09:15 SuX timeline)* / 10:13 SuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
8M92 / 07:30 SSuX Barrow Hill to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 10:27 SSuX) / 10:16 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T74 / 08:10 SSuX (Class 25) Bordesley Yard to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 10:30 SSuX), calls at Washwood Heath Up Yard (08:40-09:30 SSuX); balance of 9T74 SSuX ex-Bescot DLSS (see 05:22 SSuX timeline)* / 10:20 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
8G55 / 08:39 SSuX Toton Yard to Aston Windsor Street (arr. 11:05 SSuX), calls at Bescot Up Loop (10:38-10:46 SSuX) / 10:28 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0E90 / 10:22 SSuX LE Bescot LHS to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 10:38 SSuX); to work 8E90, the 10:55 SSuX ETY to Tees Yard / 10:31 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0T20 / 10:25 SSuX (2 x Class 25) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 10:45 SSuX); off 9T20 SSuX ex-Wolverhampton Steel Terminal (see 09:33 SSuX timeline) / 10:32 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T36 / 10:00 SSuX (Class 25) Hednesford to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 10:50 SSuX); will not run when 9T36, the 11:10 SSuX ex-Hednesford runs (see 11:45 SSuX timeline) # / 10:35 SSuX# / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
1V76 / 08:45 SO (Class 47) PAS Liverpool to Penzance; SATURDAYS 16th JUNE TO 8th SEPTEMBER 1973* / 10:48 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
8G20 / 09:20 SSuX Y Coalville to Ocker Hill PS (arr. 11:11 SSuX); may run alternatively to Birchills PS (see 10:57-10:59 SSuX timeline) / 10:55 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0Z00 / 10:45 MO LE Wednesbury to Saltley LHS, off 8G70, the 07:55 MO Etruria Junction to Wednesbury (arr. 10:27 MO) via Wolverhampton High Level (D-E @ WHL 09:24-09:58 MO) and Princes End; booked for Banking assistance from Bushbury Junction* / 10:56 MO* / M* / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
8G20 / 09:20 SSuX Y Coalville to Birchills PS (arr. 11:05 SSuX). Train propelled from Ryecroft Junction to Power Sidings; may run alternatively to Ocker Hill PS (see 10:55 SSuX timeline) / 10:57-10:59 PR SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8D55 / 10:55 SSuX ETY Bescot Down Yard to Toton Yard, calls at Norton Jn. Bescot DES (11:17-11:37 SSuX); balance of 8G06 SSuX ex-Toton Yard (see 09:01 SSuX timeline) / 11:07 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T29 / 10:05 SSuX (2 x Class 24) ETY Brierley Hill to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 11:18 SSuX), calls at Round Oak (10:13-10:28 SSuX) / 11:11 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8G11 / 11:08 SSuX ETY Walsall Midland Yard to Kingsbury; balance of 8G04 SX ex-Kingsbury (see 09:31 SSuX timeline)* / 11:18 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
9T76 / 10:25 SSuX (Class 45) Kingsbury to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 11:30 SSuX)* / 11:20 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
8G93 / 08:00 SSuX Corby to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 11:51 SSuX)* / 11:40 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
6G58 / 10:36 MSuX (Class 47) ETY MGR Ironbridge PS to Daw Mill; balance of 6G41 MSuX ex-Daw Mill (see 07:36 MSuX timeline)* / 11:43 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
0T29 / 11:36 SSuX (2 x Class 24) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 11:54 SSuX); off 9T29 SSuX ex-Brierley Hill (see 11:11 SSuX timeline) / 11:43 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9T36 / 11:10 SSuX (Class 25) Hednesford to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 12:00 SSuX); will not run when 9T36, the 10:00 SSuX ex-Hednesford runs (see 10:35 SSuX timeline)# / 11:45 SSuX# / M# / T# / W# / Th# / F# / --
0T76 / 11:40 SSuX (Class 45) LE Bescot Up Yard to Saltley LHS (arr. 12:20 SSuX); off 9T76 SSuX ex-Kingsbury (see 11:20 SSuX timeline)* / 11:50 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
6E52 / 11:20 MSuX (Class 47) Y ETY COY Rowley Regis or 11:44 MSuX (Class 47) Y ETY COY Wednesbury to Teesport; balance of 6M58 MSuX ex-Teesport (see 06:52 MSuX timeline) / 11:55 MSuX / -- / T / W / Th / F / S
9T31 / 10:18 SSuX (Class 25) Lichfield Trent Valley Low Level to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 12:08 SSuX), calling at Lichfield City (10:30-11:05 SSuX) and Norton Jn. Bescot DES (11:30-11:50 SSuX); balance of 9T31 SSuX ex-Bescot Down Local Yard (see 06:42 SSuX timeline) / 11:58 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0E00 / 11:35 TSO LE Brierley Hill to Tinsley Diesel Depot; off 8M65 MSuX ex-Tyne Yard (see 09:28 MSuX timeline) / 12:04 TSO / -- / T / -- / -- / -- / S
0Z00 / 11:35 WThFO LE Brierley Hill to Saltley LHS; off 8M65 MSuX ex-Tyne Yard (see 09:28 MSuX timeline)* / 12:04 WThFO* / -- / -- / W* / Th* / F* / --
8V68 / 12:00 SSuX Bescot Down Yard to Exeter* / 12:14 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
9T74 / 12:00 SSuX (Class 25) Bescot DLSS to Knowle (arr. 14:51 SSuX), calling at Sutton Park GPO (‘As Required’ SSuX), Washwood Heath Up Yard (13:00-13:40 SSuX) and Bordesley Yard (14:10-14:30 SSuX)* / 12:15 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
9T32 / 11:47 SSuX (Class 25) ETY Oldbury to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 12:27 SSuX) via Princes End / 12:20 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8G10 / 10:51 SSuX Y Coalville or 11:14 SSuX Y Overseal to Bescot Up Yard (arr. 12:36 SSuX) / 12:26 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
6V95 / 04:15 SO RWS MER Carlisle to Gloucester (E-D @ Pleck Junction 12:19-12:29 SO)* / 12:35 SO* / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S*
8P51 / 12:33 SSuX Y ETY Birchills PS to Coalville, balance of 8G20 SSuX ex-Coalville (see 10:57-10:59 SSuX timeline); will not run when 8P51, the 12:40 SSuX ex-Ocker Hill PS runs (see below) / 12:38-12:53 RR SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8P51 / 12:40 SSuX Y ETY Ocker Hill PS to Coalville, balance of 8G20 SSuX ex-Coalville (see 10:55 SSuX timeline); will not run when 8P51, the 12:33 SSuX ex-Birchills PS runs (see above) / 12:56 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0Z00 / 12:50 SSuX (Class 25) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot LHS (arr. 13:10 SSuX); off 9T32 SSuX ex-Oldbury (see 12:20 SSuX timeline) / 12:57 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0F76 / 12:50 SSuX (2 x Class 25) LE Bescot LHS to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 13:20 SSuX); for 6F76 SSuX to Winsford Junction (see 14:07 SSuX timeline); locomotives previously allocated to Trip T23 diagram (see 08:03 SSuX and 08:32 SSuX timelines) / 13:13 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8D58 / 12:48 SSuX ETY Aston Goods to Toton Yard; balance of 8G55 SSuX ex-Toton Yard (see 10:28 SSuX timeline) / 13:16 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
9G87 / 09:45 MWFO Wellingborough to Spring Vale (arr. 14:19 MWFO) via Princes End* / 13:28 MWFO* / M* / -- / W* / -- / F* / --
9J87 / 09:45 ThO Wellingborough to Croes Newydd* / 13:28 ThO* / -- / -- / -- / Th* / -- / --
9T25 / 13:02 SSuX (Class 25) ETY Aston Goods to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 13:47 SSuX) / 13:40 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
6E38 / 12:50 MSuX (Class 47) Y ETY COY Witton IMI or 13:04 MSuX (Class 47) Y ETY COY Rowley Regis or 13:24 MSuX (Class 47) Y ETY COY Wednesbury to Ripple Lane; balance of 6M31 MSuX ex-Ripple Lane (see 08:40 MSuX timeline)* / 13:47 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
6F76 / 14:00 SSuX (2 x Class 25) ETY MER Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Winsford Junction (D-E @ Walsall 14:10-14:20 SSuX); worked as far as Walsall by locomotives previously allocated to Trip T23 diagram (see 08:03 SSuX and 08:32 SSuX timelines) / 14:07 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0Z00 / 14:00 SO (Class 08) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot LHS (arr. 14:20 SO); for weekend stabling/servicing / 14:07 SO / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / S
6F49 / 13:30 MSuX (Class 40) ETY COY Bromford Bridge to Brunswick (MSSuX)/ Garston (SO); balance of 6G51 MX ex-Garston (see 07:55 MSuX timeline)* / 14:10 MSuX* / -- / T* / W* / Th* / F* / S*
9T25 / 14:15 SSuX (Class 25) Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Duddeston C&W (arr. 15:14 SSuX), calls at Bescot Up Loop (14:38-14:50 SSuX) / 14:22 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
8F03 / 14:25 SSuX RWS Bescot Down Yard to Corby, calls at Norton Jn. Bescot DES (14:47-15:07 SSuX); balance of 8G93 SSuX ex-Corby (see 11:40 SSuX timeline) / 14:37 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
4D58 / 14:13 SSuX (Class 47) FLR Birmingham Lawley Street FLT to Holyhead FLT* / 14:50 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
8G76 / 14:12 SSuX Kingsbury to Walsall Midland Yard (arr. 15:10 SSuX)* / 15:00 SSuX* / M* / T* / W* / Th* / F* / --
9T22 / 13:30 SSuX (Class 25) ETY Wednesfield to Norton Jn. Bescot DES (arr. 15:12 SSuX), calls at Wednesfield Road Goods (13:40-14:25 SSuX) / 15:05 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --
0Z00 / 15:20 MO LE Bescot Down No.1 Storage Siding to Saltley LHS, off 4M33, the 11:50 MO ETY COY Maidenhead to Garston (D-E @ Bescot Down No.1 Storage Siding 15:12-15:32 MO)* / 15:30 MO* / M* / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
0Z00 / 15:32 SSuX (Class 25) LE Norton Jn. Bescot DES to Bescot LHS (arr. 15:50 SSuX); off 9T22 SSuX ex-Wednesfield (see 15:05 SSuX timeline / 15:39 SSuX / M / T / W / Th / F / --