2009-2010 Assessment Report for Division of Student Affairs

Department / Student Health Center
Person(s) Submitting Report / Roger Elrod/Laurie Morgan
Date / August 6, 2010
Director Signature

Please list department learning outcomes (add addl rows if needed)

Learning Outcome #1 / Peer Health Educators
  1. PHE’s will pass the BACCHUS National Certification exam (see attachment for specific Nat’l Certification learning outcomes).

Learning Outcome #2 / Peer Health Educators
b. PHE’s will be able to name their 5 strengths and provide examples of how they capitalize on those strengths (see for more information on strengths at SJSU).
Learning Outcome #3 / Students will achieve the learning outcomes outlined in Peer Health Education Workshops (see attachments: PHEW schedules and PHEW Learning Outcomes for individual workshops).
Learning Outcome #4 / After attending the Spartapalooza Wellness Festival students will indicate an intention to take action to enhance personal health/wellness (a first step in the cycle of change).
Learning Outcome #5 / Students who seek counseling thru WHP will feel prompted to take action to enhance their personal wellness.

For Fall 2009, please indicate which learning outcomes were the focus of data collection, type(s) of assessment was/were utilized, and results.

L.O. # / Was data collected in Fall 09? (yes/no) / Type(s) of assessment utilized (rubric, survey, test, focus group, employee evaluations,, etc) / Findings (how many students participated in assessment, most significant findings, summary of themes and/or actual data if available)
1 / Yes / Test / 13 students enrolled in 2 unit course and all passed the BACCHUS national certification exam at end of course.
2 / Yes / One-one discussions with their supervisors/leads / By the end of the semester the majority of the 27 PHEs who had taken StrengthsFinder could name their 5 strengths along with ways to capitalize on them.
3 / Yes / Program/Event Evaluation survey (See attachment) / 16 workshops held in fall 2009; attendance ranged from 4-50 + participants. All were given an evaluation to complete at end of workshop. Majority of learning outcomes were clearly met based on feedback. (See PHEW Eval Fall 2009)
4 / n/a
5 / Yes / Appt Feedback form (See attachment) / 794 students received counseling from WHP professional team during 2009-2010. 35 students completed feedback forms for counseling appts during fall 2009. Almost all of them indicated that they Agreed or Strongly Agreed that they felt prompted to take action to enhance their personal wellness. Appts covered: nutrition, sexual health, alcohol education, violence prevention, tobacco cessation and strengths. (See Appt. Feedback Fall 2009 attachment)

For Fall 2009, please indicate if findings noted above were discussed in your department and/or what actions have been taken in response to the findings.

L.O. # / How were findings analyzed?(statistical analysis, generation of common themes, benchmarked with previous data) / How were findings communicated to staff in your department? (staff meeting, retreat, email, etc) / Actions taken as a result of findings (revised training, revised curriculum for workshops, revised materials, development of a new instrument, revised instrument, etc)
1 / BACCHUS provided test results / Staff meetings / PHE curriculum was revised between fall and spring semesters.
2 / Generation of common themes / Staff meetings and one-one meetings / Decision to integrate strength discussions into specialty team meetings and into one-ones with coordinator and student leads.
3 / Generation of common themes / Staff meetings / Curriculum modified as appropriate.
4 / n/a
5 / Statistical analysis / One-ones with staff members and at retreats. / Celebration of exceptional results. Encouragement for team members to gather more data. Plan to create a more comfortable space for completing feedback form.

For Spring 2010, please indicate which learning outcomes were the focus of data collection, type(s) of assessment was/were utilized, and results.

L.O. # / Was data collected in Spring 10? (yes/no) / Type(s) of assessment utilized (rubric, survey, test, focus group, employee evaluation, etc) / Findings (how many students participated in assessment, most significant findings, summary of themes and/or actual data if available)
1 / Yes / Test / 9 students enrolled in 2 unit course and all passed the BACCHUS national certification exam at end of course.
2 / Yes / One-one discussions with their supervisors/leads / By the end of the semester the majority of the 24 PHEs who had taken StrengthsFinder could name their 5 strengths along with ways to capitalize on them.
3 / Yes / Program/Event Feedback surveys / 16 workshops held in spring 2010; attendance ranged from 4-50 + participants. All were given an evaluation to complete at end of workshop. Majority of learning outcomes were clearly met based on feedback. (See PHEW Eval Spring 2010 attachment)
4 / Yes / Program/Event Eval surveys / 194 students completed Program Eval (total attendance = 1400). 95% of those surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that they intend to take action to enhance their personal health. (See SpartapaloozaEval 2010 attachment)
5 / Yes / Appt Feedback form / 794 students received counseling from WHP professional team during 2009-2010. 18 students completed feedback forms for counseling appts during Spring 2010. Almost all of them indicated that they Agreed or Strongly Agreed that they felt prompted to take action to enhance their personal wellness. Appts covered: nutrition, sexual health, alcohol education, violence prevention, tobacco cessation and strengths (See Appt Feedback Spring 2010 attachment).

For Spring 2010, please indicate if findings noted above were discussed in your department and/or what actions have been taken in response to the findings.

L.O. # / How were findings analyzed?(statistical analysis, generation of common themes, benchmarked with previous data) / How were findings communicated to staff in your department? (staff meeting, retreat, email, etc) / Actions taken as a result of findings (revised training, revised curriculum for workshops, revised materials, development of a new instrument, revised instrument, etc)
1 / BACCHUS provided test results / Staff meetings / No changes recommended.
2 / Generation of common themes / Staff meetings and one-one meetings / Decision to integrate strength discussions into specialty team meetings and into one-ones with coordinator and student leads.
3 / Generation of common themes / Staff meetings / Curriculum modified as appropriate.
4 / Generation of common themes / Staff meetings, retreats, shared with Spartapalooza planning committee, wellness advocates, Div of Student Affairs and in one-ones with WHP team. / Marketing strategies will vary in the future to attract greater percentage of students, especially Frosh and Sophomores. We will add more student incentives for completing an evaluation. We will hold the event again next year. Next year we would also like to get the results out to more of the faculty.
5 / Statistical analysis / One-ones with staff members and at retreats. / Celebration of exceptional results. Encouragement for team members to gather more data. Plan to create a more comfortable space for completing feedback form.

For Fall 2010, please indicate which learning outcomes will be the focus of data collection and what type(s) of data collection will be utilized.

L.O. # / Will data be collected in Fall 10? (yes/no) / Type of assessment utilized(rubric, survey, test, focus group, evaluations, etc)
1 / Yes / National test
2 / Yes / One-one meeting; staff meetings
3 / Yes / Program/Event Evaluation form
4 / No / (Spring event)
5 / Yes / Appt. Feedback form

Based on your assessment experience in 2009-10, what changes (if any) do you plan to make for 2010-11 related to learning outcomes? (instrument, analysis, communication to staff, etc)

  • Review the Program and Appointment scantron feedback forms; make updates as appropriate
  • Work with the OIR to gather data in a user friendly semester and annual report
  • Share relevant information with colleagues and faculty
  • Conduct focus groups with students to gather qualitative data about their experience as learners
  • Conduct research with students to determine the effect of strengths based approach

For 2009-10, please indicate any satisfaction assessments that were completed for your department.

Date and type of assessment (survey, focus group, etc) / What areas were assessed related to satisfaction? (services, service hours, customer service, etc. / Findings (# of students who responded, response rate, summary of themes, etc)
SHC annual satisfaction survey / Svs, customer svs, hours, scope of svs. / See Student Health Center Satisfaction Survey attachment
SHAC / Svs, customer svs, hours, scope of svs. / See SHAC report attachment

For 2009-10, please indicate any other assessment activities that took place in your department (usage, demographics, event participation, etc)

We evaluate every training we conduct using our scantron Program/Event feedback form. This form gathers demographic, satisfaction, effectiveness, and general feedback data in addition to specific identified learning outcomes for PHEW classes. (See Wellness and Health Promotion Data attachment for a list of all trainings and outreach events.)