Directorate E: Sectoral and regional statistics
Mandate of Monetary environmental statistics and accounts Working Group
(final version of 08 December 2016, implementing the decisions of DIMESA 2016)

WG Monetary environmental statistics and accounts

Unit: / E2
Title: / WG Monetary environmental statistics and accounts
SG Code (Register of expert groups): / E01732
Date of creation: / 1994
In 1991 the Working Party for environment statistics created an ad-hoc group to develop the European system for the collection of economic information on the environment (SERIEE) focusing on monetary environmental accounts. After the completion of the SERIEE in 1994 this became the sub-group on environmental protection expenditure and in 1997 the Working Group on environmental expenditure statistics.
In 1994, the European Commission identified the main lines of actions for the development of environmental accounts. Since then, Eurostat, in collaboration with Member States and EFTA countries has developed and implemented accounting frameworks for almost all types of accounts of the System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA). The SEEA Central Framework was adopted as international statistical standard in 2012. The European Strategy for Environmental Accounting (ESEA) determines the priorities for work at EU level. The first ESEA was adopted in 2003 and it is renewed every 5 years.
Legal basis:
European Statistical Programme in force.
Regulation No 691/2011 on European Environmental Economic Accounts, consolidated version.
The group advises the Commission in all relevant matters in the statistical domain of monetary environmental accounts with a particular focus on the implementation of the concerned elements of the SEEA in Europe. The group directly co-operates with the WG Environmental accounts which focuses on the physical environmental accounts.
Being part of the governance system of the European Statistical System, the group shall assist in preparing technical proposals in the area of monetary environmental accounts prior to the decisions to be taken by DIMESA and the European Statistical System Committee (ESSC).
The group assists Eurostat in preparing the 5-yearly up-date of the ESEA.
The group discusses and agrees methodology in the area of monetary environmental accounts, identifies best practices and discusses quality improvements.
The group discusses Eurostat's work planning in the area of monetary environmental accounts ensuring improved data availability and quality.
The group is a platform to exchange know-how between countries and to co-operate at European level and with international organisations.
The group liaises with the working group on environmental accounts as regards common areas of interest in environmental accounts.
Frequency of meetings:
Yearly. In exceptional circumstances, additional meetings may be organised.
Participants: Number of participants: 40-50
§  Each Member State delegation
§  EEA/EFTA States participate fully in the group meetings on all EEA-relevant matters. For the matters which are only EU-relevant, they have the status of observers. Switzerland participates fully in the group meetings on all Swiss/EU-relevant matters. For the matters which are only EU-relevant, it has the status of observer.
§  Observers: candidate countries, potential candidates, the European Environment Agency (EEA), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). Other observers can be invited as necessary.
Type of experts: Government bodies
Type of activities:
The WG assists the Commission in the preparation of legislation and in statistics for new policy needs. It is a forum for the exchange of views, coordination of the work in its area of competence among the Member States and discussion of the implementation of EU legislation.
In the light of better regulation principles, the WG proposes options for abolishing overlapping reporting obligations.
Other related structures:
§  WG Environmental accounts
§  UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting (UNCEEA)
§  London Group on Environmental Accounting
Reporting authority:
Additional information:
The WG work is carried out in close co-operation with DG ENV, DG CLIMA, EEA, OECD and the bodies of the UN family.