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Policy: / Managing Change
Approved by which board (or Chief Officer) and date: / Business Board, January 2015
Owner / Head of Human Resources
For release under Freedom of Information? / Yes
Supporting procedures / Managing Change Standard Operating Procedure and Guidance Notes December 2014
Contact for advice / Human Resources Department
Review date / November 2017

If changes have been made to an existing policy, you must complete the boxes below

Amendments made / Full Revision/Update
Date and Version Number / December 2014 Version 10. Supersedes - Version 9 April 2011


Not Protectively Marked

Equalities Impact Assessment.

What is the potential impact in relation to the General Duty of this proposal on each of the protected groups below?

characteristics / Positive Impact
Does the proposal: / Negative Impact (provide details and mitigating actions taken or proposed) / No
eliminate unlawful discrimination
(provide details) / advance equality of opportunity
(provide details) / Foster good relations
(provide details) / Other positive impact (provide details)
Sexual orientation
Gender reassignment
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Pregnancy and maternity
Religion and Belief inc non- belief / The MOC Policy Procedures and Guidance clearly outline the steps which need to be taken to deal effectively with Changeissues; taking into account the specific circumstances.
There is a need to recognise a higher potential to affect older employees who are more likely to have caring responsibilities (location/travelling/time)
This will be mitigated by a communication strategy and wherever possible needs will be taken into account.
For those employee’s with disabilities, reasonable adjustment would be considered and although not all situations can be mitigated, the policy is mindful of this.
The Constabulary employs more female staff members who are more likely to have caring responsibilities. A fair redundancy selection process is within policy and would be applied.
Managers are given the tools to deal with all change issues as effectively and fairly as possible and in a consistent manner. / The Policy and supporting documentation provides management with discretion in certain circumstances and allows cases to be dealt with individually.
The Policy and supporting documentation provides a consistent approach for dealing with any change issues. / Staff, managers and all key stakeholders can clearly see the process for managing change which the Constabulary will follow.
The Procedure and Guidance clearly specify processes and also provides template letters at each stage.

If there is no potential impact (positive or negative) please provide a brief explanation why this is the case, e.g. the data utilised in arriving at the decision, summary of responses to consultation etc.


Not Protectively Marked


The aim of this policy is to set out the approach which Cumbria Constabulary will take to organisational and individual change and to provide the foundation for procedures and guidance which:

  • Determine how Cumbria Constabulary will manage change affecting individuals and groups.
  • Ensure that Trade Union (UNISON) and staff are consulted at the appropriate times.
  • Ensure the application of an objective, fair and consistent approach to people affected by change.
  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements in relation to change.
  • Ensure that the adverse impacts of change on individuals are minimised.

2.Terms and Definitions

Business Lead / Change Programme Review Lead

Change exercises must have a Review Lead to lead the change. This will usually bea member of the change programme review team but could also be a function manager or a senior representative of the Business. This is a key role and is described in more detail in the Standard Operating Procedures.

Change Programme (Directorate of Corporate Improvement)

The Change Programme provides support and advice to the Constabulary and those involved in change processes on the management of change. The majority of changes, beyond routine/minor exercises should be registered with and overseen by the Change Programme.

Force Strategic Delivery Board (FSDB)

All major changes at Departmental level involving significant changes in staffing will be monitored by FSDB. FSDB will monitor and endorse all recommendations and proposals for change and must be consulted before these are submitted to the Chief Officer Group. The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is represented on FSDB.

Chief Officer Group (COG) / Senior Managers

COG or a Senior Manager (where the responsibility has been specifically delegated) will consider any proposals for change and approve or reject such proposals prior to implementation. COG / Senior Managers will consider representations resulting from consultation and advise the Review Lead of any resultant decisions.Approval of any change rests with COG subject to a full report by the Business lead or more commonly the Change Programme Review Lead.

Police and Crime Commissioner

The Police and Crime Commissioner must be consulted about any proposed staffing changes or other changes,where there is an impact on budget or structure. This usually takes place via OPCC representation at the FSDB, but may involve a specific meeting, or other dialogue as appropriate to the circumstances, between the OPCC and the Review Lead.

Trade Union (UNISON)*

Trade Union representatives will be invited to relevant meetings as legally required. Trade Union representatives may provide advice, guidance and support to individuals. If an individual is unable to attend a group / individual consultation, the Trade Union representative may attend and make representations on behalf of the individual.

An individual is entitled to be accompanied by either a Trade Union representative, or a work place colleague at any individual meeting.

*The Constabulary will carry out collective consultation with UNISON as the recognised trade union. Staff members of another union may be represented at formal individual meetings by a representative of that union.

Human Resources Department

The Human Resources Department will provide support, professional advice and specialist guidance to Business Leads/ Change Programme Review Leadson the application and implementation of the Change Management Standard Operating Procedure. This will include Health and Safety and Occupational Health advice and support.

3.The Policy

  • Cumbria Constabulary is committedto mitigating the threats and risks to the people of Cumbria. The Constabulary seeks to build a strong, excellent and financially sustainable organisation so that it can protect people and communities from harm,prevent crime and antisocial behaviour and prosecute criminals.
  • The Constabulary recognises that this will involve changes in organisational requirements, technological developments and efficiency savings. These may give rise to restructuring or reorganising teams, departments or areas of work to improve working methods, stream-line processes,reduce bureaucracy and make financial savings.
  • The features of specific change may create opportunities for people through development and the creation of new posts; they may also cause concern and may be unsettling to those affected as a result of possible job losses.
  • Senior Leadership and Managers may discuss proposed changes directly with staff to achieve this, but any decision not to undertake direct discussions beyond statutory consultation will not render processes unfair. The Constabulary will retain the prerogative to determine the need for change and to take appropriate steps to maintain its’ financial viability.
  • The Constabulary will seek to minimise the adverse effects of change on people, creating security of employment by careful forward planning and flexibility in contracts of employment. The Constabulary will seek to avoid compulsory redundancy through redeployment, voluntary redundancy, early retirement and natural wastage as may be appropriate. The Constabulary will formally consult with the trade union as required by statute with a view to reaching an agreement on these features.
  • Staff and trade union representatives are entitled to attend group and/or individual consultation meetings with reasonable notice and will be given the opportunity to attend. Staff have the right to be accompanied by a trade union representative, a workplace friend or colleague at all formal individual meetings.
  • Selection for redundancy will be conducted objectively and fairly. Recruitment to new or changed posts will be carried out in accordance with the Constabulary’s recruitment policies. Individuals under notice of redundancy will be considered to be ‘at risk’. Any new posts within the same specific department/function will be ‘ring fenced’, to those staff who have become ‘at risk’ within that department/function in the first instance.
  • Those selected for redundancy will be consulted individually about their selection and the measures to be taken to avoid or mitigate the effects of redundancy.
  • Any termination of employment will be carried out, where necessary and appropriate complying with the legal minimum notice requirements.
  • The Constabulary will be mindful of the health and wellbeing of those affected by change. The Constabulary will manage, as far as is reasonably practicable, the stress which some individuals subject to change may feel, through proper communication and formal consultation and an acknowledgement that changes in roles, relationships, demands and controls may have an adverse effect on individuals and groups. The Constabulary Grievance Procedure will be available to staff as appropriate. The Constabulary will also use the provisions of the Attendance Management Policy, Procedures and Guidelines to address instances of sickness absence which may arise in circumstances of change. Staff will be encouraged to take advantage of the support available through the Occupational Health Unit and UNISON.
  • When dealing with the media the Constabulary will be open and honest, and as appropriate, pro-active, in providing relevant information taking into account the requirements of confidentiality and data protection. The Constabulary reserves the right to address/rectify any inaccuracies that may have been provided to the media.
  • The Constabulary will endeavour to keep all staff informed of changes at the Constabulary. Change project details will be provided within internal communications/publications e.g. Intranet, Online News and the Change Programme Website

4. Supporting Information

This Policy is supported by the Constabulary’s Change Management Standard Operating Procedures and Guidance.

5. Monitoring and Reviewing

Monitoring and review will be carried out by the Human Resources Department.

The Policy will be reviewed every 3 years or whenever new legislation/guidance which may have an impact is introduced.