This system for planning and communicating key details of activities organised ensures:
- Sound financial management, safe and sound activities acting as a model of excellent practice and transparent planning and decision making for a voluntary membership organisation.
Stage 1: Initial Plans
This first stage identifies the purpose, outline arrangements and viability of activity.
It is suggested you complete this section prior to making any commitment to the activity (confirmed bookings, payments, promotion).
Name of proposed activity
Brief description
What programme zone(s) will be covered?
Proposed date(s) / Who will be organising/leading the activity?
How much help will be required to organise and run the activity? (people/time)
Organisation / preparation: / On the event:
How will you recruit the team?
How will the event be financed? (tick) / Central out of funds / Are there any identified financial risks? If so, please detail along with any proposed mitigation
Fee from Young People
Fee from adults & Young People
What will be the estimated turnover of the event?
(in this case the maximum income or expenditure)
Main sources of income? / Major items of expenditure or costs?
Who will be responsible for the budget and accounts?
What relevant authorisations or permits are required/held?
Other comments
Approver / Name / Date / Comments
Stage 2: Event Planning
Team, communications, resources, logistics, safety, authorisations.
Please complete and share with team / lodge centrally once initial approval has been given. Update as required.
Plan / ideas to promote the event
Booking procedures
Participant confirmation & ongoing communications plans
What are the media opportunities?
InTouch procedure during event needs communicating. Use sample procedure below or adjust as per factsheet FS120075
See for example procedures.
InTouch 1
Organisers> participants
InTouch 2
Participants >organisers
InTouch 3
Participants & parents
InTouch 4
List team members and their roles
Check: / CRBs current at time of activity for all adults
Relevant authorisations held – give details below
Nights Away permit holder:
(if required/necessary)
Nights Away Notification to DC
Risk Assessment – complete below or on additional sheet
Potential risk / Action to control risk / Who needs to action
(Outline of) Logistical plans, resources required, transport arrangements, arrival & departure procedures, car parking
Budget – complete simple outline below or use additional sheet
Please list any dates by which large (or staged) payments need to be paid out
Any comment regarding how and when payments from participants will be made
Any other relevant comments
Numbers attending / BS / CS / S / ES / 18+
Stage 3: Evaluation
Review with those involved the activity as soon as possible.
What went well?
What difficulties occurred or things that didn’t work well?
What would you do next time?
Young people’s comments