ELEMENT / SATISFACTORY / NOT YET SATISFACTORY1What are your reasons for considering this topic area? / Reasons for undertaking the topic are clearly stated, with some justification / Reasons for undertaking the project are not stated, unclear or irrelevant
2What are the aims and objectives of the proposed project? / Aims and objectives are relevant and clearly stated.
Clear expression of desired outcomes. / Aims and objectives are not stated, unclear or irrelevant.
Lack of clarity over desired outcomes of the project
3 Why is there a problem/ issue/ opportunity? What is the business case for the research and the likely benefits to the organisation? How will it add value? Is it ‘high impact’ ( of a strategic nature)? / Problem/ issue/ opportunity clearly stated. The business case is clearly stated along with the ways in which value is added being clearly outlined. The project is of a ‘high impact’ (strategic) level. / Problem/ issue/ opportunity not clearly stated. The business case is not outlined and benefits/ way(s) in which it will value will be added are not stated or are unclear. The project is predominantly operational.
4 What information will you require and how will you obtain this e.g. what is your research philosophy, approach and strategy and have you justified this?
What are going to be your research methods e.g. literature searches and reviews, and samples, etc? Why have you chosen these methods? / Some appreciation of the relevant literature pertinent to the topic area. Research philosophy and approach clearly stated.
Clear identification of information required and how this will be obtained is outlined.
Justification developed for the methods chosen and consideration given e.g. sample size, etc as to how these will be applied. / Lack of appreciation of the literature or irrelevant to the topic area. Research philosophy, approach and approach unclear or not given.
Information required is not clearly identified with insufficient or inappropriate details of how this will be obtained.
Limited, or no, justification for the methods chosen is given and/ or how these will be applied.
5 What resources will you require e.g. financial, time, equipment, data access? / Clear identification of resources required, e.g. financial, time, equipment, data access issues / No evidence of awareness of financial, time, equipment or data access issues
6 What problems/ issues can you anticipate arising e.g. access, ethical implications and what support will be required?
How will you overcome these problems/ issues? / Clear identification of problems/issues that might arise
How these might be overcome. Organisational/ managerial support clearly indicated. / Unclear or no awareness of problems/issues that might arise or ways of overcoming them not addressed. The issue of support is not addressed.
7 Include a realistic plan, with action points for the project / Realistic plan with a series of actions identified and clear time scale attached / Vague or unrealistic/ inadequate plan without clear actions and/ or time scale attached.