MANA 3319 – 003 Fall 2011

Instructor: Yang, Tae Seok, Ph.D. / Phone: TBA
Office: TBA / Email:

Office Hours: MW 1 – 2:15 pm or by appointment

Course Time & Location:

MANA 3319, Section 003 MWF 11:00 pm – 11:50 pm COBA 152


Title: Management: Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World (9th edition)

Authors: Thomas Bateman & Scott Snell

Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin

ISBN-10: 9780078137242 ISBN-13: 978-0078137242 ASIN: 0078137241

Course Materials:

Register in the Blackboard ( You can download the ppt slides. Ppt slides will be uploaded a couple of days before each chapter begins. It is your responsibility to print out the ppt slides and bring them to class. The instructor’s slides are different from student’s version. You may want to take notes from my lecture to get better grade.

Course Description:

The course covers the fundamentals of the management process, including principles and techniques for all organizations. Topics to be covered include the basic functions of management: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling; social responsibilities, political influences, and ethical considerations as they affect the management of organizations; international business, production, communications, and decision-making in terms of management activities.

Course Objectives:

Upon completion of MANA 3319, students will be familiar with and able to discuss:

·  Foundations of Management – Managing, External Environment and Organizational Culture, Managerial Decision Making

·  Planning: Delivering Strategic Value - Planning and Strategic Management, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility, International Management, Entrepreneurship

·  Organizing: Building a Dynamic Organization - Organization Structure, Organizational Agility, Human Resources Management, Managing the Diverse Workforce

·  Leading: Mobilizing People – Leadership, Motivating for Performance, Teamwork Communicating

·  Controlling: Learning and Changing - Managerial Control, Creating and Managing Change

Research Requirement:

Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Management frequently conduct research which requires the participation of students in the College. During this semester, students in Mana 2302, Mana 3318, and MANA 3319 must complete a research requirement.

This research requirement may be completed by participating as subjects in one experiment sponsored by a faculty member in the Department of Management. If a student does not wish to participate as a subject in an experiment, he may write a brief review of two articles in a management-type journal (see page 6 for listing). The written report should be approximately four pages in length.

Failure to complete the course research requirement by either participation in one research experiment or completion of the article review will result in a grade of incomplete until one of the options is completed. For student where this course is a perquisite for upper level COBA courses enrolled in these courses may be delayed until a grade is received in either MANA 2302, MANA 3318 or MANA 3319. (More details in page 6 of this syllabus)

Testing and Grading Policy:


The exams will be multiple-choice, true-false, and short answers. Test material will come from either the text book, ppt slides, and lecture. Exams in this class will be fairly difficult and detailed and material from the book that is not covered in lecture will be included. If you wish to receive high grades on the exams you will need to attend class (and learn) and read the book carefully so that you can remember what you read. For most students this will involve taking substantial time to read and outline the chapters, not just skimming the chapter.

There will be MAKE UP EXAMS only if you have an appropriate reason not to take the tests on schedule. Make up exams will be of a different form.


Grade Composition: Total Possible Points:

Exam 1 100 points

Exam 2 100 points

Exam 3 100 points

Final Exam 100 points

Attendance 100 points

Total Class Points 500 points

Grade: Percentage: Total Points:

A 90 - 100 450 - 500

B 80 - 89 400 - 449

C 70 - 79 350 - 399

D 60 - 69 300 - 349

F 0 - 59 0 - 299

Concerns over grades:

If you are concerned about your grade in this class the best way to deal with this concern is to study consistently through the semester and prepare thoroughly for exams. Grades are non-negotiable. Grades are based solely on points earned on tests and in classes and I can not adjust or change grades because of personal troubles or difficulties.

Grievance Procedure:

If you have a challenge to a specific exam question, you must use the established Grievance Procedure. The Grievance Procedure requires you to present your case to me in writing with the following information (a) Student name (b) Question or item number (c) Your chosen answer (d) The basis to support your alternative, such as text pages, with clear rationale. I will review any grievances and will make a judgment about whether additional points will be awarded for the item in question.

Attendance Policy:

Attendance will be checked twice each day, before and after class. Chronic tardiness will result in reduced attendance credit. Students are expected to attend each class and to come to class with their reading assignments completed. You are responsible for class material, announcements, and assignments made in class, including changes to the syllabus. If you miss class, you lose 5 points in grade. If you come late to class you will lose points according how late you are (i.e., -3 points for being late 20 min). In the event you miss class, you should contact a classmate to find out what you missed.

If you come late to the exam you will lose points according how late you are (e.g., - 5 points for being 15 min late). Be assured that you will not be able to take the test if you show up after someone have submitted his/her scantron sheet. In this case, there will be no make-up exam.

You should bring any evidence that includes your name that proves the reason you are absent if you waive the grade deduction.

Academic Dishonesty:

It is the philosophy of The University of Texas at Arlington that academic dishonesty is a completely unacceptable mode of conduct and will not be tolerated in any form. All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures. Discipline may include suspension or expulsion from the University.

"Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts." (Regents' Rules and Regulations, Part One, Chapter VI, Section 3, Subsection 3.2, Subdivision 3.22).

Common Courtesy:

Please arrive on time, turn off your cell phones, pagers, lab top computers/iPad, and refrain from other activities that disrupt class You are expected to be courteous during class time. Please respect your fellow students by turning off cell phones and beepers before class, refraining from talking with others when someone is speaking, and arriving punctually to class. If an emergency requires you to have a cell phone or pager turned on during, please clear this with me beforehand. If you disrupt class by talking to each other or on the cell phone during class, I will ask you to leave the classroom and not to return until you are prepared to refrain from disrupting the class. Or you will lose points as penalty.

Policy on Bomb Threats:

Effective April 8, 1996, the school has adopted a policy to deal with the classroom disruption caused by bomb threats in the building.

1.  Section 22.07 of the Texas Criminal Law states that a Class A misdemeanor is punishable by (1) a fine not to exceed $4,000, (2) a jail term of not more than one year, or (3) both such a fine and confinement.

2.  If anyone is tempted to call in a bomb threat, be aware that UTA will soon have technology to trace phone calls.

3.  Every effort will be made to avoid cancellation of presentation/ tests caused by bomb threats to the Business Building. Unannounced alternate sites will be available for these classes. If a student who has a class with a scheduled test or presentation arrives and the building has been closed due to a bomb threat, the student should immediately check for the alternate class site notice which will be posted on/near the main doors on the south side of the Business building. If the bomb threat is received while class is in session, your instructor will ask you to leave the building and reconvene at another location.

4.  Students who provide information leading to the successful prosecution of anyone making a bomb threat will receive one semester's free parking in the Maverick Garage across from the Business Building. UTA's Crime stoppers will provide a reward to anyone providing information leading to an arrest. To make an anonymous report, call 817-272-5245.

Disability Policy:

The University of Texas at Arlington is on record as being committed to both the spirit and letter of federal equal opportunity legislation; reference Public Law 93112--The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended. With the passage of new federal legislation entitled Americans with Disabilities Act--(ADA), pursuant to section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act, there is renewed focus on providing this population with the same opportunities enjoyed by all citizens.

If you require accommodations for a disability, please consult with me at the beginning of the semester. As a lecturer, I am required by law to provide "reasonable accommodation" to students with disabilities, so as not to discriminate on the basis of that disability. Student responsibility primarily rests with informing faculty at the beginning of the semester and in providing authorized documentation through designated administrative channels. Student services at UTA include the Office for Students with Disabilities (located in the lower level of the University Center) which is responsible for verifying and implementing accommodations to ensure equal opportunity in all programs and activities.

Drop Policies:

It is the student’s responsibility to complete the course or withdraw from the course in accordance with University Regulations. Students are strongly encouraged to verify their grade status before dropping a course after the first withdrawal data. It is also the student’s responsibility to determine whether it is a good idea to drop the class. A student who drops after the first withdrawal data may receive an “F” in the course if the student is failing at the time the course is dropped. Last day to drop is Nov 4.

Student Support Services:

The University supports a variety of student success programs to help you connect with the University and achieve academic success. They include learning assistance, developmental education, advising and mentoring, admission and transition, and federally funded programs. Students requiring assistance academically, personally, or socially should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 for more information and appropriate referrals.

Librarians to Contact:

See Ruthie Brock (, 817-272-7152) or Carol Byrne (, 817-272-7437) in the Electronic Business Library in room 136 of the Business Building.

E-Culture Policy:

The University of Texas at Arlington has adopted the University email address as an official means of communication with students. Through the use of email, UT-Arlington is able to provide students with relevant and timely information, designed to facilitate student success. In particular, important information concerning registration, financial aid, payment of bills, and graduation may be sent to students through email. All students are assigned an email account and information about activating and using it is available at New students (first semester at UTA) are able to activate their email account 24 hours after registering for courses. There is no additional charge to students for using this account, and it remains active as long as a student is enrolled at UT-Arlington. Students are responsible for checking their email regularly.

Tuition Payment Policy:

Students who have not paid by the census date and are dropped for non-payment cannot receive a grade for the course under any circumstances. A student dropped for non-payment who continues to attend the course will not receive a grade. Emergency loans are available to help students pay tuition and fees. Students can apply for emergency loans by going to the Emergency Tuition Loan Distribution Center at the E.H. Hereford University Center (near the southwest entrance).

Evacuation Procedures:

In the event of an evacuation when the fire alarm sounds, everyone must leave the building by the stairs. With the fire alarm system we now have, the elevators will all go to the first floor and stay there until the system is turned off.

Research Requirement Memorandum

TO: Students Enrolled in MANA 2302, and MANA 3318, and MANA 3319

FROM: Chair, Department of Management


Faculty and graduate students in the Department of Management frequently conduct research which requires the participation of students in the College. During this semester, students in Mana 2302, Mana 3318, and MANA 3319 must complete a research requirement.

This research requirement may be completed by participating as subjects in one experiment sponsored by a faculty member in the Department of Management. If a student does not wish to participate as a subject in an experiment, he may write a brief review of two articles in a management-type journal (see bottom of page for listing). The written report should be approximately four pages in length.

Failure to complete the course research requirement by either participation in one research experiment or completion of the article review will result in a grade of incomplete until one of the options is completed. For student where this course is a perquisite for upper level COBA courses enrolled in these courses may be delayed until a grade is received in either MANA 2302, MANA 3318 or MANA 3319.

If you choose to complete the research requirement by participating in an experiment, your instructor, during the course of the semester, will pass out sign-up sheets in class describing the experiments and times when students may participate in the research experiment. If an experiment appears to be of interest to you and you can make the time, please sign up in class. If you wait for another experiment, it may be of less interest or at an inconvenient time. Once you sign up for an experiment, you are signing an agreement to participate in that research study. If you sign up for an experiment and later find you cannot keep your appointment (e.g., because of illness), please notify THE RESEARCHER before your scheduled appointment that you will be unable to attend. Please do not call the Management office; they are not in charge of the experiment schedule or any aspects of the research requirements; contact Dr. Lavelle at the email address listed below. Students who miss an experiment can enroll in other experiments as they become available. However, please do not sign up for an experiment unless you plan to attend.