March 2012 Issue 1
Jubilee Allotments Newsletter
Welcome to the first edition of our newsletter. The story so far……………….
Working Party
The Parish Council agreed for two Councillors, Paul Thain & Roy Allgood to work with two members of Blofield Allotment Association (BAA), Richard Codling & Sally Butler to try and establish allotments in the Parish. Numerous meetings have taken place and land, suitable for allotments identified.
The Parish Council decided to seek set up funding, any necessary planning permission and then, subject to both, to sign leases with the land owners. Work is currently underway to draft leases. The Parish Council will lease the land from the landowners; they in turn, will lease the land to Blofield Allotment Association, who will manage the site and have tenancy agreements with each plot holder.
The Parish Council wrote to Broadland District Council (BDC) to apply for section 106 money for allotment set-up costs (this is a pot of money held by BDC which comes from housing development and which is to be used for the provision of new, or improvements to, open space recreational facilities in the Parish). The Parish Council has received formal confirmation of the success of this application. This money will be used to provide an access, buy fencing, water tanks, butts, pipes, etc and pay for planning permission required.
Funding applications are also being worked on by BAA members, which will be submitted once leases have been signed, for other facilities, such as a communal shed, composting loo and communal poly tunnel, to be provided on site in the future.
Community Plot
Our aim is to involve the local schools and community in projects, encouraging parishioners to become interested and involved in growing plants and vegetables and a half size plot will be set aside for this purpose. Practical teaching sessions such as coppicing hazel rods, hedge laying, rainwater harvesting and apple pressing are being considered. An application for funding has been sent to Aylsham Round Table, they hand out money raised from their annual beer festival which is on 13th and 14th of April (you will find our very own Richard Codling running Richie’s cider shack). If successful, the money will be used to develop this plot, building raised beds, buying seeds and promoting open/education days, etc.
It is hoped leases will be signed by September when work will need to start on the layout of the site. Jim Barrett-Smith has agreed to manage the setting up of the project and will be looking for numerous volunteers to help - when the call comes please don’t be shy in offering your help!
Blofield Allotment Association website
Ann Christie has been working on developing a website if you have anything you would like to see on it just let Ann know.
Benefits of being a member of Blofield Allotment Association:
BAA is a member of the National Society of Allotment & Leisure Gardeners, which offers:
- Quarterly magazine (we receive one copy but it is also available on the NSALG website. There is an area dedicated to members that can be accessed via a unique password (members can contact Sally for this information).
- Insurance (specialist insurance includes cover for building & contents, public & products liability insurance)
- Seed scheme from Kings (includes vegetable seeds & fruit plants between 1/3 and 1/2 of high street plants, further discounts of up to 22.5%)
- Information, advice & guidance
When we finally get the allotments, the benefits will be numerous
- enhance the experience of living in the Parish
- meet new people
- a healthy way of life
- knowing where your fruit and vegetables come from
I could go on……………………….
Allotment availability
BAA membership has increased to 34, with a mix of full and half plots being requested. Until the layout of the site is known, we will not know the final number of plots available.
We have also received enquiries from people outside the Parish; however, Blofield Parishioners will take priority.
Sunflower competition
We will be running this popular event again this year and if you wish to take part it costs 60p for 3 seeds (extra seeds 20p each) with a prize for the tallest sunflower and widest diameter head. Contact Richard Codling on 712844 or email
BAA Committee:
Richard Codling (Chair), Jim Barrett-Smith (Vice Chair), Pat Gaisburgh-Watkyn (Treasurer), Sally Butler (Secretary), Toni Berry, Andy Butler, Ann Christie,
Caroline Peel, Sue Power