Changed on 6/25/03
Management Plan for the YWCA Apartments, Inc.
940 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA
Section 223f/8 – Elderly Project
Sponsored by – YWCA of San Francisco
Mortgagor Entity – YWCA Apartments, Inc.
This management plan is submitted as part of the application for YWCA Apartments, Inc.,
Project # CA-39-2355-201.
Policy on Project Management
YWCA Apartments, Inc. has entered into an agreement with the YWCA of San Francisco to manage the YWCA Apartments at 940 Powell Street, San Francisco, CA. The Board of Directors of the YWCA Apartments, Inc. will work closely with the management to ensure that the Apartments complies with the Regulatory Agreement and that effective supportive and social programs are carried out.
Management Goals
Project management requires the achievement and continuation of the following goals throughout the life of the project:
1. The well being and satisfaction of the residents.
The residents who call these apartments “home” shall be provided with supportive and barrier-free environment in which they can be independent and achieve dignity in living in a secure, comfortable ambient adapted to their needs.
All elderly people in the natural process of aging become physically handicapped to some extent and many fear becoming more so. In our view, the elderly residents will be happy, comfortable, secure and stimulated by the living environment of the YWCA Apartments, and reassured by the fact that if they do become more physically handicapped they may not need to move from their apartment because of the availability of certain supportive services.
2. Mix of residents.
The mix should satisfy the HUD goal for minority and low-income representation to ensure that the project serves those who have the greatest need, while aiming for satisfactory economic integration.
The YWCA of San Francisco has been working with people in all walks of life for over one hundred twenty five years.
The staff of the YWCA of San Francisco are well versed, experienced and well trained in the field of working with people.
The Board of Directors of YWCA Apartments, Inc. has deep concern for the elderly and handicapped.
Financial Management
It is essential that costs and revenues be closely controlled to ensure adequate operating reserves to keep the project fiscally sound and to maintain a high caliber staff to provide the best services possible. Because of its expertise in the housing field, the YWCA of San Francisco will be retained by YWCA Apartments, Inc. to handle its bookkeeping and record keeping detail through its existing operation.
This building was almost completely renovated in 1979/1980. Renovation and/or upgrade of major items are being undertaken as needed. Qualified maintenance staff personnel perform the preventative maintenance duties. Staff attends HUD sponsored and other relevant maintenance seminars.
Roles and responsibilities
1.The Property Administrator is responsible for the day-to day operation of the project and is accountable to the management agent who is, in turn, accountable to the Board of Directors of the YWCA Apartments, Inc.
2.The Board of Directors will establish basic administrative policies and regulation governing operation of the project with the advice and in consultation with the management agent and Property Administrator. Implementation of the policies and regulations is the responsibility of the Property Administrator. The Property Administrator is free to consult with the management agent and/ or the owner/lease. When he/she needs further advice when policy needs to be modified or is no longer valid.
3.The Property Administrator is expected to exercise sound administrative judgment within the framework of policies as set by the Board unless clarification is needed, or the amount of contract exceeds the amount requiring agent or Board approval.
4.The president of the Board of Directors is the key contact person representing the owner/lessee to serve to interpret Board policies and make limited decisions delegated to the office of the president. All major decisions requiring changes in policies would be brought to the Board for action.
5.Respective responsibilities of owner/lessee and manager do not overlap, and basic functions are covered and delineated.
The Property Administrator is clearly the key to the achievement of the operating goals. The right individual for the job must:
1.Have special empathy and understanding towards the needs of older people and those with physical handicaps and disabilities.
2.Be able to work with residents to develop growth classes, recreational activities and governing procedures.
3. Have a thorough knowledge of necessary fiscal procedures and controls and arebeeffective in collective of rents as well as satisfying HUD and other financial reporting requirements.
4. Be an effective organizer of his/her own staff as well as volunteers.
5. Be able to understand and maintain good public and community relations
6. Maintain good lines of communication with the Board of Directors.
Experience and Qualifications of the Board
The board is experienced in management, finance and related fields, and consequently will be sensitive to personnel issues, financial control and other areas of operation. The Board represents a good cross-section of the community.
Each member of the Board has accepted the charge incurred by the housing project with the knowledge and understanding that responsibilities are only beginning with the rehabilitation of the 940 Powell Street building and each wishes to be actively involved in the ongoing operation of the project. Inherent with the chosen role, however, is the determination of the Board to employ a qualified manager experienced in HUD housing management.
Each member of the Board has an interest in senior housing and understands the responsibilities of managing the project in compliance with HUD guidelines and regulations. The Board will oversee the work of the Managing Agent.
Managing Agent Duties
- HUD reporting
- Occupancy
- Selection of the Property Administrator
- Assistance in budget preparation
- Meet regularly with the Board
- Train Administrator in special areas, when necessary (HUD requirements specifically)
- Work with the bookkeeping/fiscal staff person in order that the financial procedures are done satisfactorily
Personnel Policies and Staffing Arrangements
1.Hiring will be marked by a strong affirmative action program to achieve an integrated staff.
2.Administrative staff will consist of a Property Administrator, Assistant Administrator, and Administrative Assistant. Maintenance staff consists of a Facilities Manager, Facilities Assistant and a Housekeeper. Tenant Services staff consists of Tenant Services Director, On-Site Tenant Services Associates, Tenant Services Associates and Russian Translator.
3.The YWCA of San Francisco will operate as theManagement Agent, responsible for overall management of the project and provision of in providingaccounting and record keeping services for reporting purposes.
4.Maintenance staff will receive work orders and complete them with a record of work done. Operation and repair of all equipment as well as responsibility of physical maintenance is the charge of the working maintenance supervisor. Custodial employees have a similar responsibility, including cleaning of common areas, vacant apartments and assisting in minor maintenance. There will be a strong emphasis on preventive maintenance.
Plans and Procedures for Marketing Units and Occupancy
- Marketing of units will include working with existing community organizations, - senior Citizens, On Lok, Self Help for the Elderly, California Association of Physically Handicapped, stroke Centers and stroke clubs, as well as churches, governmental and quasi-governmental health care Organizations.
- Applicant will be considered on a first-received, first-reviewed basis, based on the date that the completed and signed application is received by Occupancy. Admission to YWCA Apartment, Inc. is limited to those applicants whose income meets the “Low” and “Very Low” Income Limits for this area, (for the Section 8 Program units) as the HAP (Housing Assistance Payments) Contract was effective on December 5, 1980 and, therefore, is Pre ’81.
- Any applicant who appears to qualify after YWCA Apartments, Inc. reviews the application, but before any information is formally verified, and for whom a unit is not currently available, will be placed on the Waiting List. The applicant is then informed about approximately how long the wait for a unit may be, including information about “Preference”. Any applicant on the Waiting List is required to contact this community/facility every six (6) months to update their information, by completing a revised application form when necessary. This contact must be in writing.
- When a unit becomes available, in-place residents requiring a different unit (handicapped, non-handicapped) will be housed appropriately before we move in a tenant from the Waiting List. This allows management to treat current residents having the greatest housing need prior to applicants on the Waiting List. In this manner, we are able to avoid displacing, through eviction or other actions, current residents whose housing needs have changed since admission.
Procedures for Determining Tenant Eligibility and Certification and Recertification
- All applications and pertinent records will be maintained in accordance with HUD’s guidelines.
- The Property Administrator will be responsible for determining eligibility and for certification and recertification. The occupancy specialist will process the necessary records.
3.HUDguidelines on family size and composition as they relate to unit size will be followed as related to the elderly/handicapped program. The Administrator is aware of these guidelines.
4.Please refer to Tenant Selection Plan for additional occupancy details.
Plan for an Effective Maintenance and Repair Program
1.In the procedures for inventory and servicing appliances and equipment, a file for each apartment includes an inventory form listing equipment provided within each unit. This inventory will be reviewed with each tenant at move-in and move-out and signed by the tenant and resident staff. On the reverse side of the inventory form will be the unit equipment repair record. Mechanical equipment serving the project, as a whole will be inspected at regular intervals, serviced by contract, when appropriate (elevator maintenance) and a control of repairs and maintenance will be recorded.
2.A member of the project Staff will check equipment with tenant prior to move-out (see above). Prior to re-renting all equipment will be cleaned and put in operating order.
3.A routine schedule of painting, exterior and interior, will be set up in conformance with manufacturer’s recommendations for the paint. As “Touch-up” work is needed, based on routine inspections, such work will be done by project staff.
4.Trash and refuse removal will be set up on regular routine after conferring with local scavenger company on the most efficient schedule, equipment and method
5. Monthly, funds will be set aside from rent revenues for replacement to provide for major repairs when needed. When an outside contractor is used for major repairs, contractor will be required to have an Affirmative Action program for minority hiring.
6.There are no grounds, but housekeeping staff will care for indoor planting as is necessary.
7.Regular cleaning schedule will be maintained by the maintenance staff and posted. Spot cleaning will be done as needed.
8.Tenants will be requested to report maintenance needs, in writing, on forms provided by management. The satisfactory resolution of the problem will also be recorded on the form and it will be placed in the unit file.
9.Nightly inspections will be made by the Tenant Services Associate (TSA).
Plans for Tenant-Management Relations
- The policies and procedures for handling tenant grievances, subject to notification by the tenants’ Organization, and revision after experience are:
Tenants will present the grievance (in writing, if possible) thorough the tenants’ organization, or, preceding the tenants’ organization to the manager directly. The manager will be responsible for Coping with grievances, maintaining a written report of the resolution of the problem in the tenant’s File.
The property Administrator’s report to the Board of Directors of YWCA Apartments, Inc. should include Grievances, not necessarily in detail. If the problem involves a policy decision, it shall be referred directly to the Board of Directors.
- Tenant requests shall be handled the same as grievances.
- Leasing policies and procedures will conform to HUD requirements for 223f/8 elderly handicapped projects. Chinese, Spanish, Russian and possibly Vietnamese, besides English, will be the language spoken by prospective tenants because of the ethnic mix in San FranciscoCounty. Written materials will be available in these and there languages as needed. Sign language expertise will be made available, as needed.
The lease to be used will be a HUD model lease form with possible minor changes or addendum.
We are aware that any changes or addendum to the HUD model lease must have HUD approval before use.
Security Provisions
At the present time, project security is being maintained by the following procedures:
a)A door buzzer/ intercom system is in use, whereby visitors to the building must “buzz” the office or a building resident to gain access to the building.
b)During business hours, with the use of a closed-circuit television system using cameras mounted at the front door and the 950 Powell entrance, the 24-hour desk staff can visually monitor the two entrances and thus ensure that there are no unauthorized entries. The main door camera is also linked to the building’s cablevision network whereby the residents can monitor the front door for building visitors.
c)All building entrances are checked each night by project staff to be sure that they are properly secured.
d)Resident are reminded at periodic building meetings of their responsibilities for building security --- not to let strangers into the building, and to report any suspicious activities within the building either to the Administrator or directly to the police.
Rent Collection Policies and Procedures
The Board of Directors for the YWCA APARTMENTS, INC has adopted the following collection policies. A copy of these policies is provided to each resident.
a)All rents become due and payable on the first day of the month.
b)Rent payments are considered late, or delinquent, if they are paid after the fifth working day of the month.
c)A late charge of $20 is due if rent is paid on or after the sixth working day.
d)Rent due notice will be sent on the 4thday.
e)Delinquent notice are sent to late paying residents on the 10 working day as well as the 20 of the month if not paid by then.
f)Eviction procedures for delinquent payment of rent begin one month after rent becomes due.
g)A $10.00 charge is assessed to residents for returned checks.
h)Post-dated checks will not be accepted.
Rental payments are to be made at the Rental Office, there is no after hours depository. The MicorRent/MicroHud computerized system is used for the collection of all rents. Refer to House Rules for detailed rental collection policies.
Security Deposits
All security deposits received at the Rental Office are deposited in an interest-bearing account, separate from the apartment’s Rental Agency account. A running record of all security deposits is kept at the Rental Office for periodic verification by the YWCA of San Francisco accounting staff, and to reconcile the Security Deposit Account. Depending on the condition of the unit when the tenant moves out, he/she is entitled to either a portion or all of his or her deposit. The accrued interest is computed quarterly and deposited to the Resident Council account whereby the money is set aside as resident’s party fund.
The accounting department verifies the computation of the refunded deposit, and a check is drawn on the Apartments Operating Account for that amount. A transfer from the Security Deposit Account to the Operating Account replaces this amount.
Cash Receipts and Deposits
All residents are encouraged to pay their rent by either check or money order. Bank deposit is the first four business days by armour car service. Otherwise all receipts taken in are kept in the Apartments’ safe until they can be deposited with the bank.