Deutsch 491
Materiallien zum Nachdenken I
This is the first of four guided reflections this semester; you will need to complete two of them by the end of the semester.
I would like for you to look over the materials I make available to you through library reserves and through the internet. Then you will conduct an email exchange with a partner from class, which will serve as a discussion/dialogue between the two of you about the materials: Your reactions, questions, connections, surprise, difficulties…anything that relates to the materials at hand. Think of this as a provocation to explore in an open-ended fashion. You do not need to come to any concrete conclusions by the time you’ve closed your dialogue. At the end of the semester, you will however choose one of the guided reflections for further analysis, research and polishing, as this will be the basis for your final oral presentation.
You are free to work with the materials as creatively as you wish. You will need to take at least a week to complete your email dialogue with your partner, but you can take as long a two or three weeks, if needed, so that you leave yourself plenty of time to think about the materials and return to them over several days, rather than completing the dialogue at one sitting. Although we are using a fairly informal medium for this dialogue (email), I would like for you to treat it with the intellectual rigor you would expect of scholars and academics such as yourself! Do try to write at least two or three paragraphs for each email you send. Plan on exchanging emails daily for at least a week, if you wish to complete the assignment in a week. If you decide to stretch your dialogue out over two or three weeks, expect to write at least two or three paragraphs in each email about every other day. I would imagine that you will make an effort to complete this dialogue in German, but I will not expect strict adherence to German only.
You will receive a grade for each set of reflections. One guided reflection counts for 10% of your final grade. I will be looking for a thoughtful and thorough discussion of the materials and equal participation of both partners. I am interested in content only and will not grade for grammar although grammar mistakes should not hinder my or your partner’s comprehension of the point you are trying to make.
Please send me a copy of all your email exchanges with regard to these materials!
Hier ist die erste Frage:
Wohin gehören Kinder? Wie hat sich dieses Bild im Wandel der Zeit geändert bzw. nicht geändert? Denkt über diese Fragen im Kontext der folgenden Matereriallien nach:
Everyone must read this article:
- Aitken, Stuart. "From the Ground Up: Natural Developments."Geographies of Young People: The Morally Contested Spaces of Identity. London and New York: Routledge, 2001. 27-61.
(UP library electronic reserve)
And, now choose all materials from EITHER group A or B:
Group A
- Lunzer, Christian and Helfried Seemann, ed. Wiener Läden: Album. Vienna: Album, Verlag für Photographie, 1996.
(library reserve) - “Off Road Kids”
- “Hänsel und Gretel”
(library reserve)
- “Hunger in Deutschland”
Group B
- Lunzer, Christian and Helfried Seemann, ed. Wiener Läden: Album. Vienna: Album, Verlag für Photographie, 1996.
(library reserve) - Wedell, J. von. „Die Kinderstube.“Mein Haus, mein Stolz. Ein praktischer Ratgeber für all, welche ihr Heim zeitgemäß einrichten und Geselligkeit pflegen wollen. Stuttgart: Verlag von Levy & Müller, 1871. 96-102.
(UP library electronic reserve)
- “Kinderzimmer”
- “Rotkäppchen”
(library reserve)