Recycling and waste management sub group

PDR, Penbryn, Wednesday, 11 February 2009, 10.30am

Present: Alan Stephens (AS), Diane Jones (DJ), Neil Weston (NW), Andrew Walker (AW), Tom Marshall (TM), Joan Rowlands (JR)
In attendance: Anna Bradley (AB)
1.0 / Welcome: AS opened the meeting by thanking all for attending.
2.0 / Apologies: Apologies had been received from James Brassington and Nigel Thomas as the meeting clashed with other appointments.
3.0 / Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were approved with some typing errors.
3.1 / Matters arising
(7.2) A sample of mature compost from the bunker at Llanbadarn had been sent for detailed analysis and the outcome was very good. The sample was tested against the Pass 100 standard and narrowly failed the test due to a number of stones present in the sample.
The redundant/defective photocopiers from Llanbadarn have been collected for reuse/recycling.
7.0 / Item 7 on the agenda was brought forward as the projector equipment was required for another meeting. AS showed the meeting a short video – Environmental Awareness from Glamorgan University. DJ enquired as to the purpose of the video and AW responded that it was used for staff and student awareness.
NW suggested that the video could be a possible model to role out at AU.
AS suggested that the idea be conveyed to the Theatre Film and Television Department as a possible project for students. / AS
4.0 / Progress Report on Recycling Issues
4.1 AS tabled a progress report on recycling issues, October 2008 – January 2009
To summarise:
A meeting took place with a representative of Envirowise on 8th October 08 prior to the application for grant funding to discuss the waste audit.
During week commencing 27th October 2008, an extensive waste audit was carried out across the university to include academic, residential, students Union and Arts Centre buildings.
In November 2009 several companies were approached to provide quotations for external recycling bins and a waste compactor for Penbryn Kitchen.
11th November, 24 waste recycler bins ordered at a value of £1000.
24th November, an application forwarded to Envirowise for £11,647 of funding towards equipment for reducing waste.
17th November 2008, A meeting of the Public Sector Waste Steering Group was attended at Builth Wells.
During December 2008, the sanitary waste contractor (PHS) delivered the new bins in readiness for the new contract commencing 1 January 2009.
9th January, official confirmation of grant funding award from Envirowise.
14th January 2009. 56 additional desk side recycling bins ordered for various sites to include the Cledwyn Spur refurbishment.
22nd January 2009, first batch of seven redundant computers complete with peripherals passed on to Dyfed Powys Police for use in local charities and schools.
4.2 The outcome of the waste audit survey undertaken in October 2008 was reported to the meeting and an explanation given of the 22 waste streams.
NW enquired whether waste could be separated into operational and non operational waste. Part of the issue is volume, value of recyclables such as metal. All agreed the need to reduce the amount of waste.
4.3 AS informed that four new external recycling bins had been ordered that are funded by the Welsh Assembly Government Envirowise scheme. The bins are multi compartment Bins. TM asked if a decision had been made on what goes into each compartment. AS informed that the location of the bins determines pretty much the layout. It was suggested that the two compartments be used for used metal beverage containers and plastic containers. The remaining two compartments would be used for waste destined for landfill.
DJ asked what arrangements were planned for logos and stickers. AS showed a picture of the proposed bins and informed that he welcomed any feedback on this issue. It was proposed that the University logo be placed on the top of the left hand side door. The main body of the two doors would incorporate the Welsh and English versions of the WRAP recycling signs. Each of the compartment lids would be fitted with a pictogram of the product.
NW suggested using the bins to promote ISO 14001. It was agreed to consider any additional signage after the bins had been sited.
4.4 AS went on to briefly describe the purpose and likely effect of the waste compactor for Penbryn kitchen.
5.0 / Environmental Management Standard – ISO 14001
5.1 AW informed that there had been a slight delay with the progress of implementation. One of the main activities of the process is to identify which regulations affect each activity. Procedures put together for are to be developed as a document bank which will be controlled by sharepoint. AW informed that he is the process of preparing a report to the next Health Safety and Environment Committee.
NW enquired how is ISO 14001 proposed to be rolled out to academic departments. AW replied that in the first instance would be based around a questionnaire.
AS asked if the Farms are included in ISO 14001 to which AW replied yes.
DJ asked about timescale of implementation and AW replied that the process is to be undertaken within 18 months.
AW and NW discussed the division of the IBERS department and the implication for teaching. NW confirmed that the administration team for IBERS would be the best contact for discussing the web site.
6.0 / Funding
6.1 AS informed that historically, AU relied on funding from the Welsh Assembly Government for funding of waste minimisation schemes. Following the meeting of the Public Sector Waste Steering Group in November, not all the allocated £425,000 in Wales had been applied for.
AS asked the meeting to consider other projects for minimising waste and asked for suggestions to be forwarded to him.
6.2 There was a discussion about whether the funding could be used for other activities and it was explained that the WAG fund is specific to equipment for minimising waste.
8.0 / Any Other Business
8.1 TM raised a query whether food waste from halls of residence could be composted. AS explained that there are strict regulations governing composting and compliance with the Animal by Products regulations. The regulations prohibit cooked and raw meat being composted in an uncontrolled environment. AW suggested considering a trial for residences close to the Arts Centre to use the Rocket composter. AS agreed to discuss with Eleri Thomas in the first instance with an option of considering Trefloyn in a trial.
8.2 JR would like to increase recycling at the Arts Centre by better use of the composter and materials now being put into the skip.
8.3 DJ tabled a short report from the Estates Office outlining two waste management initiatives. The demolition of Llanbadarn Halls of Residences and an audit is being implemented of waste management practices on Estates Department Projects and Maintenance Activities by RH Environmental Ltd. Any queries to be forwarded to DJ.
8.4 AS asked if the Arts Centre boiler plant was being replaced with a biomass plant. DJ replied that the project had been costed with some issues around storage and delivery of the fuel. DJ agrees to ask David Oldham if biomass could be fuelled from on site materials such as cardboard and wood.
8.5 TM advised that the Students Union were in the middle of green week to promote recycling facilities available such as mobile phones. There were some issues about how best to communicate with the students.
8.6 Glass recycling was raised for the students Union and it was agreed for AS and TM to discuss outside the meeting.
8.7 TM informed that the application for Fair Trade is being prepared and will be sent off by the end of the week.
8.8 AS informed that Envirowise had arranged for a half day workshop at AU on 3 March 2009 and AS asked to present the Lilac Bag Scheme and Composter Project.
8.9 AW advised that the AU is participating in the Universities that Count questionnaire which is the HE Corporate Responsibility benchmarking programme with a deadline for submission at the end of March 09. / DJ
9.0 / Date and time of next meeting
4 June 2009 at 2.30pm to be held in the boardroom, Visualisation Building
Minutes compiled by AB and AS
Circulation: All present and absent with apologies plus Mr Hugh McConochie.

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