Reference number:R13/0984

Case Officer: Chris Davies 01788 533627

Site address:Land adjacent to 4 Princes Street, Rugby

Description:Outline application for residential development comprising 6no. apartments together with vehicular access and car parking.


R93/0884/21051/OPUse of land for erection of a building comprising Withdrawn 10/02/94

5 flats.

R94/0099/21051/OPUse of land for erection of a dwelling.Approved 27/04/94

R06/1928/OPDemolition of garages and erection of 5no. oneRefused by LPA

bedroom apartments.09/01/07

R06/1928/OPDemolition of garages and erection of 5no. oneApproved on Appeal

bedroom apartments.10/01/08

R10/1843Renewal of outline planning permission Approved 23/11/10

R06/1928/OP (demolition of garages and

erection of 5no. one bedroom apartments).


After gaining and then renewing outline planning consent for the erection of 5no. one bed apartments, the applicant now seeks outline planning consent for an increase in the number of apartments from 5 to 6, hence the need for another application.

Other Relevant Information:

The site currently accommodates 5no. lock up garages and associated parking/turning area. The left of the site (adjacent to the garages) is also used by neighbouring residents for the purposes of wheelie bin storage.

To the rear of the site is an alleyway that runs along the rear of properties on Princes Street.

The site is bounded to the right by a two storey residential end of terrace property (No.4 Princes Street). The property has side facing windows overlooking the site but they appear to be secondary. At the end of the rear garden is a dilapidated outbuilding (it is unclear if this is within the curtilage of No.4) which has a main door opening onto the site.

To the left, beyond the garages and a small area of grass, is Princes Court. This is a three storey flat roofed apartment building comprising 6no. flats. Three of these flats have primary side-facing windows facing towards the site.

Technical Consultation Responses:

WCC Highways -Conditions required re access, deleterious materials and provision of

sustainability welcome packs. Informatives required re Highways

Authority notification, agreement requirements under the Highway Act

1980, and sustainability welcome packs (to support the relating


WCC Ecology -Notes re bats and nesting birds required.

Environmental Health -No objections subject to conditioning amended layout plans and noise


Ward Consultation Responses:


Neighbour Consultation Responses:

Objections (10) -Loss of bin storage area, loss of existing garages and parking, lack of

sufficient on-site parking provision, existing issues with insufficient on street

parking in Princes Street and adjacent streets, loss of light, loss of privacy,

disruption during building works, impact on rear access to adjacent dwellings

and GEC land to the rear.


National Planning Policy Framework March 2012Complies

Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011

CS1: Development StrategyComplies

CS16: Sustainable DesignComplies

Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006 (Saved Policies)

E6: BiodiversityComplies

T5: Parking FacilitiesComplies

Planning Obligations SPD March 2012Complies


Principle of Development

The principle of residential development on this site has been established by the previous consents (R06/1928/OP and R10/1843).

The site lies within the Rugby Urban Area, where the primary focus for development is residential and employment, and it has been previously developed. It is therefore deemed to be an appropriate site for residential development, in compliance with Policy CS1: Development Strategy of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011.

As this application is for outline consent only, the key considerations in determining it are limited to access, layout and scale.


Access to the site would be directly off Princes Street. The existing dropped kerb extends along the whole frontage, and so would not have to be modified in order to facilitate development.

The Highway Authority has raised no objections to the proposals subject to conditions regarding access, deleterious materials and provision of sustainability welcome packs. Informatives have also been requested regarding Highways Authority notification, agreement requirements under the Highway Act 1980, and sustainability welcome packs (to support the relating condition).


The application proposes to locate the building is a similar orientation to Princes Court rather than along the established building line of the terraced houses along Princes Street (which immediately abut the highway). This is similar to the previously approved layout, and if therefore still deemed to be acceptable and in context with the surrounding built environment.


Whilst the details of the design of the building would be dealt with through a reserved matters application (was this outline application to be approved), the design and access statement indicates a 2.5 storey building, which would be compatible with the existing two and three storey structures in the immediate locality. The building is proposed to house 6no. 2 bed flats rather than the approved 5no. one bed apartments granted in 2010.

Whilst the number of flats and beds has increased, the concept of a 2.5 storey apartment building remains the same.

The potential impact on a) the character and appearance of thesite and surrounding area,b) residential amenity, c) parkingand highway safety, and d) biodiversity are also considered below.

Character and Appearance

It has already been established that the provision of housing on this site is acceptable in that it is in keeping with the residential character of the locality. The concept of building an apartment building on the site has therefore already been considered to be acceptable in planning terms.

At this stage it is not possible to assess the suitability or otherwise of the design, materials or fenestration details as this does not form part of the outline application. Were outline consent to be granted, a further detailed application would then be required, as which stage the LPA would address these and similar issues.

The proposed site layout indicates that the location of the building would follow the building line of the adjacent Princes Court flats, rather than following the line of the terraced dwellings which are virtually flush with the highway. This puts the development in a logical context, and also allows for off street parking provision to the front.

The precise details of the appearance and design of the development will be dealt with as a detailed planning application.

The proposed scheme as indicated would potentially comply in principle with policy CS16: Sustainable Development of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011, and >of the National Planning Policy Framework March 2012.

Residential Amenity

As the proposal is for new dwellings, we would consider not only the amenities of existing neighbouring residents, but also those of the future occupants of the proposed dwellings.

Details such as window locations and glazing could have a significant impact on amenity for all residents. As such, their location and glazing options would be carefully considered as part of the detailed planning process.

Impact on light for a building in this location and of this size has already been tested as part of the previous application, and this scheme would not potentially alter this.

Environmental Health has made observations on the proposed layout of the flats, and on how this could be reconsidered to lessen noise conflict (such as avoiding having a lounge over a bedroom). Specific notes relating to this and noise insulation, together with more general informative notes, would be added to any approval.

The proposed scheme is therefore potentially in compliance with the elements of policy CS16 of the Rugby Borough Core Strategy 2011 that relate to residential amenity.

Parking and Highway Safety

The site lies within a high access area, where access to facilities and public transport is easily obtained. The Design and Access Statement indicates the provision of 6no. 2 bed apartments within the buildings. The Planning Obligations SPD identifies that for this level of accommodation 0.75 spaces per apartment should be provided. This would result in a total provision of 4.5 spaces.

The proposed layout includes provision of 3no. parking spaces within the site, where arguably there should be 5no. However, Princes Street is also [part of the Resident Parking Permit Scheme (Zone R1). Residents of the flats would potentially also have access to this scheme to allow on street parking to provide the remaining 2no. spaces

This accords with the requirements of WCC Highways and the recommended parking provision levels set out in the Planning Obligations SPD March 2012.

WCC Highways have recommended a number of conditions relating to highway access and safety, which would be applied to an approval.

Loss of parking would be considered at the detailed application stage, but the proposed arrangement and the presence of a residents’ on-street parking scheme means that the level of provision is considered acceptable in principle.

The proposed scheme therefore potentially complies with both the abovementioned SPD and saved policy T5 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006, which seek to ensure that development is served by sufficient parking.


WCC Ecology Unit has no objections to the development, and has not requested any restrictive or compensatory conditions relating to habitat protection or regeneration.

They have recommended advisory notes to guide the applicants, which would be included in the decision.

The development therefore complies with Saved Policy E6 of the Rugby Borough Local Plan 2006, which seeks to preserve and protect habitats.


Approve subject to appropriate conditions.

Report prepared by: C Davies25/07/2013

Report Sheet