Office of Human Resources
Management Evaluation
Holistic Evaluation Form
Performance Review Period: Click here to enter text.
Employee Name: Click here to enter text. Date: Click here to enter text.
Job Title: Click here to enter text.
You have been asked to participate in this management evaluation. This instrument is designed to give constructive feedback to the employee being evaluated. The primary criterion should be your knowledge of the work performance of the individual. The feedback from all evaluators will be summarized by the evaluator and incorporated into the manager’s evaluation form, which will then become a part of the official evaluation that is placed in his or her personnel file. Individual Holistic Evaluation forms are not placed in his or her personnel file.
Please give constructive feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of this manager for each of the categories describe below. If possible, please provide examples to support your responses. If you have not had sufficient opportunities to observe the manager’s performance related to any of the categories, please indicate “No opportunity to observe” for that section. The completed form should be returned to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness in a sealed envelope marked “Confidential” within ten (10) work days after receipt of this form.
Your time and honest, constructive feedback are greatly appreciated!
Part I – Evaluative Narrative: Please provide a brief written narrative assessing the evaluatee’s performance in each of the following areas.
A. Leadership (Inspires confidence, respect, enthusiasm, and cooperation. Performs duties and responsibilities with integrity and professional standards. Makes honest, ethical and objective decisions and does not promote hidden agendas. Demonstrates initiative, creativity and a willingness to accept change. Demonstrates sensitivity to campus diversity.)
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4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
B. Management of Human & Fiscal Resources (Effectively organizes staff, resources and time. Communicates and collaborates in order to achieve organizational goals. Demonstrates sensitivity to and awareness of challenges impacting assigned areas. Effectively administers budget within areas of responsibility. Conducts performance evaluations and unit reviews in a timely manner. Develops and expedites effective business processes.)
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4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
C. Knowledge & Expertise (Knowledgeable about and ensures follow through on federal, state and local policies and regulations as related to area of responsibility. Understands District goals and policies, and implements them effectively within area of responsibility. Demonstrates necessary proficiency and expertise to be able to successfully manage area of assignment.)
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4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
D. Planning & Review (Integrates planning, outcomes assessment, and review as a part of fulfilling responsibilities (e.g., SLOs, SSOs & unit outcomes). Coordinates responsibilities with others to advance District’s Educational Master Plan, Board of Trustee’s and Superintendent/President’s goals. Uses the College’s Educational Master Plan as a framework to communicate context within and across areas. Encourages active, timely involvement of appropriate faculty, staff and others in decision-making processes.)
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4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
E. Decision Making & Problem Solving (Makes decisions based on research, data and/or appropriate input. Analyzes situations and foresees the impact of decisions.)
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4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
F. Teamwork & Collaboration (Develops, utilizes and promotes the talents of coworkers and team members. Listens to, considers and respects the views of others and provides constructive feedback. Provides opportunities for assigned staff to participate in decision-making. Participates in the shared governance process.)
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
G. Communication (Regularly conveys pertinent District information to staff and faculty. Welcomes diversity of opinions and encourages open and honest communication. Prepares clear, concise written communication and delivers articulate presentations. Responds promptly to requests for information and assistance.)
☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
4-Outstanding 3-Exceeds Expectations 2-Meets Expectations 1-Needs Improvement
H. General Comments
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1570 East Colorado Boulevard Pasadena, California 91106-2003 (626) 585 7388