(Reg. No.:G38/C/64/65 in Mamfe of 21/12/99)

Tel: 22 20 35 71/ 77 12 01 00; E mail:


4th - 6th December 2009


The year 2009 witnessed the celebrations of the Ruby Jubilee of MAGGSOSA. This is so because G H S Mamfe was opened in 1969 and by December 2009, the college was 40 years of age.The impetus to float the idea for these celebrations was the handiwork of AYUKETAH OSWARLD TAMBE, the only member of the National Executive put in place five years ago in Mamfe, who still has faith in MAGGSOSA and was prepared to make sacrifices.

After consultations with ex students of the school (MAGGSOSANS) in Cameroon and in the Diaspora, it was agreed that we commemorate this anniversary; and the theme chosen for the anniversary celebrations was;“overcoming the hurdles of progress!” In this connection, a series of meetings were organised in Yaounde, Douala, Limbe, Kumba, G H S Mamfe, Bamenda and Buea in 2008 and 2009. During these meetings, discursions centered on putting in place committees, short listing the activities to be carried out during the commemoration, identifying which donations and assistance to offer to our alma mater and ascertaining the categorization of contributions for MAGGSOSANS.

When these orientations were arrived at, MAGGSOSANS around the national territory as well as those in the diaspora weresensitized on the programme for the anniversary. Then followed an aggressive campaign to collect contributions from MAGGSOSANS. Meanwhile, details of what MAGGSOSANS were to offer to the college as well as the timing for the celebrations were arrived at after a series of meeting that the National President, AYUKETAH OSWARLD TAMBE had with the G H S Mamfe School authorities.

The result of all these measures taken by ex students in their chapters and or individually is what enabled us to do what we did as regards the anniversary.Therefore, we are all individually and collectively responsible for the successes and failures realized in this connection. Thank God we did our possible best and left our footprints in the sands of times. We might not have lived up to expectations but the celebrations impacted in the minds of MAGGSOSANS the spirit of belongingness which explains why MAGGSOSANS all over the world have intensified their regrouping in MAGGSOSA Chapters. The 40th Anniversary Celebrations gave us an opportunity to offer a brass band to the college, a special and singular donation from the MAGGSOSANS in the United States of America. The celebrations equally gave us an opportunity to print and wear a common embroidered polo tee-shirt thanks especially to walloping one million francs (1.000.000 FCFA) contributed by Mr. AMELE OSWARLD, a senior MAGGSOSAN and 1st senior prefect of G H S Mamfe. The school library equally benefited from the largesse of the MAGGSOSANS with the donations of current textbooks relevant to the syllabuses on the educational modules of the college as well as some sports equipment. In this regard, we wish to extend our heartfelt gratitude to EYONG TEDDY through Ets. GREMPCO, ANUCAM Publishers, ATCOME Group and OROCK THOMAS, MAGGSOSANS and well wishers of Buea chapter.

The message learnt at the celebrations is that it takes much to be a true MAGGSOSAN. It does not suffice to have schooled in G H S Mamfe for any duration. It means having the interest of the college at heart and going any dimension to work towards the progress of the college as one strong body united in action and vision. We were all given an opportunity to feel the hard realities of the college with its dilapidated structures and scanty teaching staff.

All said and done we went, saw and wept and then pledged to stimulate positive action to rejuvenate our most cherished alma mater. That is why we crowned our anniversary with the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of an ultra modern library for the college so that come latest the 50th Anniversary we shall be inaugurating this educational structure. You may wish to ask how funds shall be raised for this project. The answer lies in our commitment for the cause. Already, the families of AMELE OSWARLD, AYUK JULIUS and AYUKETAH OSWARLD all MAGGSOSANS have pledged the sums of 500.000FCFA each for the project and who knows the next MAGGSOSANS to join in this exercise for which the pledges must be honoured completely by 2012 at an official ceremony. MAGGSOSANS are therefore called upon to join this bandwagon at their various chapters. Then MAGGSOSANS can equally lobby for contributions from well wishers and other charities to join us in this venture. In the months ahead, we will be giving details on the costing for the various components of the project so that some MAGGSOSA Financial Wizards and Witches can single handedly opt to realize individual items either alone or by batches.

It was equally proposed that the various MAGGSOSA Chapters in collaboration with the National President and Executive and the G H S Mamfe College authoritiesorganize annual Prize Award Ceremonies for deserving students in the college. Worthy of note is that while in Mamfe during the Anniversary celebrations,and on our request, the Principal of the college agreed to open an Alumni office for all MAGGSOSAN archives and property offered by exstudents.

You can appreciate for yourselves how far we have gone and yet the distance that remains ahead of us that we must cover if we have to cease being COSMETIC MAGGSOSANS who only make empty noise and sow seeds of division and discord. Luckily, such negative evil omen MAGGSOSANS are in the minority and as usual we shall always overcome them.

Finally,MAGGSOSANS present unanimously agreed that a national convention holds in Yaounde by the end of the year 2010 that will put in place anew functional National Executive Bureau according to the provisions of our constitution. This Bureau will coordinate the activities of the association for the next five years which will culminate in the celebrations of the 45th anniversary of MAGGSOSA in Mamfe.

What follows is a presentation of the contributions which were received in connection with the anniversary celebrations and how the funds were spent:


1 / H.E. Mengot A.N. Victor / 300.000 + 01 New Computer / Yaounde
2 / Hon. Mbah Ndam Joseph / 150.000 / Yaounde
3 / Hon. Nji Fidelis / 150.000 / ,,
4 / Eta Kelvin Ayuk / 10.000 / ,,
5 / Eta Isaac Mkpe / 10.000 / ,,
6 / Ateh Patrice / 30.000 / ,,
7 / Mbincho Blaise / 25.000 / ,,
8 / Ayuketah Oswarld / 125.000 / ,,
9 / Mispa Dikanda / 20.000 / ,,
10 / Agnes Tabe Manyi / 30.000 / ,,
11 / Ngappe Emmanuel / 30.000 / ,,
12 / Tabe Mary / 10.000 / ,,
13 / Ndofor Andy / 20.000 / ,,
14 / Nana Philip / 20.000 / ,,
15 / Takor Philip / 10.000 / ,,
16 / Oben James / 120.000 / ,,
17 / Mbi Charles / 10.000 / ,,
18 / Alemji Martin / 30.000 / ,,
19 / Egbe Cyprian / 20.000 / ,,
20 / Tanyi Beti E . / 50.000 / ,,
21 / Tataw Robert / 20.000 / ,,
22 / Karawah Kenneth / 20.000 / ,,
23 / Ayuketah Mary / 25.000 / ,,
24 / Enow Alfred / 30.000 / ,,
25 / Etung Susan / 10.000 / ,,
26 / Takor Egbe Martin / 7.000 / ,,
27 / Doh Serah née Iyok / 10.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 1.252.000
28 / Ayuk John Ashu / 10.000 / Garoua
TOTAL / 10.000
Amele Oswarld / 1.000.000 / Nigeria
29 / Ayuk Julius / 100.000 / ,,
30 / Ayukosok Atong / 50.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 1.150.000
31 / Eta Ako David / 100.000 + Accomodation in Kumba / Douala
32 / Ebone Paul Tiku / 20.000 / ,,
33 / Taboko William / 20.000 / ,,
34 / Enownchong Charles / 30.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 170.000
35 / Tarh Rose Manyi / 15.000 / Mamfe
36 / Osang Regina / 15.000 / ,,
37 / Ojong Joseph Ojong / 10.000 / ,,
38 / Otang Ebot Achale / 10.000 / ,,
39 / Njong Fabian / 20.000 / ,,
40 / Taboko Samson Menge / 10.000 / ,,
42 / Ayuk Simon / 10.000 / ,,
43 / Tiku Enow Elvis / 10.000 / ,,
44 / Ayamba Regina Otang / 10.000 / ,,
45 / Bate Samuel Tanyi / 10.000 / ,,
46 / Enow Manyuo Bissong / 15.000 / ,,
47 / Tabot Ndip Averil / 10.000 / ,,
48 / Njock James / 15.000 / ,,
49 / Agbaw ebai M. A. / 10.000 / ,,
50 / Emeh Paul Eta / 10.000 / ,,
51 / Apah Itor Johnson / 10.000 / ,,
52 / Etaka Hannah / 10.000 / ,,
53 / Tabot Ndip Perry / 10.000 / ,,
54 / Enga Alexander / 15.000 / ,,
55 / Tarh Denis / 20.000 / ,,
56 / Enowebot Enochong / 10.000 / ,,
57 / Mangula Lucas / 10.000 / ,,
58 / Arrey Georgia / 15.000 / ,,
59 / Omechamba Manaseh / 10.000 / ,,
60 / Agbor John Ashu / 10.000 / ,,
61 / Tende Augustine / 10.000 / ,,
62 / Enga Gladys / 10.000 / ,,
63 / P T A of G H S Mamfe / 50.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 370.000
64 / Bisong George / 20.000 / Ekondo Titi
65 / Oru Jonas / 15.000 / ,,
66 / Deba Samuel / 20.000 / ,,
67 / Ayuk Cyprain / 15.000 / ,,
68 / Manyinkeng Johnson / 10.000 / ,,
69 / Ebai Augustine / 10.000 / ,,
70 / Abang Many John / 20.000 / ,,
71 / Ondator Edwin / 10.000 / ,,
72 / Abongwa Willibroad / 20.000 / ,,
73 / Mbi Lydia / 10.000 / ,,
74 / Ayuk Peter / 20.000 / ,,
75 / Takem James / 20.000 / ,,
76 / Mbanda Georges / 20.000 / ,,
77 / Chief Obi Okpun W. O. / 300.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 321.000
78 / Allem Agendia / 100.000 / Buea Wellwisher
79 / Orock Thomas / Sports Equipment / Buea Chapter
80 / Eyong Teddy / Textbooks(GREMPCO Ltd) / ,,
81 / Textbooks (ANUCAM) / Buea Wellwisher
TOTAL / 100.000
82 / Paddy Nyenty / 20.000 / Limbe
83 / Amin Nkaffu / 7.000 / ,,
84 / Amuka Augustine / 15.000 / ,,
85 / Mbu Akime / 20.000 / ,,
86 / Agbor John Tabe / 20.000 / ,,
87 / Enownkongho Augustina / 8.000 / ,,
88 / Nkube Francis / 20.000 / ,,
89 / Che George / 10.000 / ,,
90 / Emoh Samuel / 15.000 / ,,
91 / Adu William / 10.000 / ,,
92 / Nkwelle Aeron / 10.000 / ,,
93 / Ndip Phillip Nkongho / 15.000 / ,,
94 / Agbor Franca / 10.000 / ,,
95 / Tambe Emmanuel / 10.000 / ,,
96 / Ashu Walters / 10.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 200.000
97 / Akwe Felix / 20.000 / Kumba
98 / Ashu Innocent / 10.000 / ,,
99 / Arrey Jonson / 25.000 / ,,
100 / Agbor Nkongho Martin / 10.000 / ,,
101 / Agbor George / 12.000 / ,,
102 / Batuo Paul Akong / 10.000 / ,,
103 / Batuo Cecilia / 10.000 / ,,
104 / Eyong Mathias / 5.000 / ,,
105 / Enga Charles / 9.000 / ,,
106 / Esum Jacqueline / 12.000 / ,,
107 / Florence Mesumbe / 2.500 / ,,
108 / Menge Jacob Ntui / 10.000 / ,,
109 / Mbianyor Rosaline / 10.000 / ,,
110 / Mbiatem Charles / 5.000 / ,,
111 / Mukwelle Nguba Isaac / 10.000 / ,,
112 / Nso Sophie / 5.000 / ,,
113 / Nzume Gilbert / 22.000 / ,,
114 / Oben Sally / 20.000 / ,,
115 / Tambe Thomas / 20.000 / ,,
116 / Tabot Starist / 15.000 / ,,
117 / Tambe Patrick / 10.000 / ,,
118 / Mbu Lucy / 10.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 291.000
119 / Ndeffru Daniel / 20.000 / Bamenda
120 / Tangye Samuel / 20.000 / ,,
TOTAL / 40.000
121 / Felix Anoma / 50.00 / ,,
122 / Akombi Ferdinand / 125.00 / ,,
123 / Ayukegba Vero / 50.00 / ,,
124 / Akwa Mary Taminang / 300.00 / ,,
125 / Mike Enow / 200.00 / ,,
126 / Etta Victor / 50.00 / ,,
127 / Atem Didacus Ayukobi / 50.00 / ,,
128 / Asuagbor Mary / 50.00 / ,,
129 / Apolloniel Tankeh / 50.00 / ,,
130 / Elza Etchu / 150.00 / ,,
131 / Patricia Noumedem / 250.00 / ,,
132 / Akonji Helen / 100.00 / ,,
133 / Ann Assam / 50.00 / ,,
134 / Edward Assam / 50.00 / ,,
135 / Elad Macarius / 50.00 / ,,
136 / Arrey Mercy Mokwunye / 50.00 / ,,
137 / Ayukenow Augustine / 50.00 / ,,
138 / Michael Leke / 150.00 / ,,
139 / Marie Ayuk Takor / 50.00 / ,,
140 / Besong Charles / 75.00 / ,,
141 / Ashu Eta Oyere / 50.00 / ,,
142 / Obi Tabot / 500.00 / ,,
143 / Ekule Zacharia Manyi / 50.00 / ,,
144 / David Tataw / 100.00 / ,,
145 / Gwen TAKOR Egbe / 50.00 / ,,
146 / Enowkpa Daniel «Plakay» / 50.00 / ,,
147 / Pauline Orock / 50.00 / ,,
148 / Charles Kome / 100.00 / ,,
149 / Bate Victorine / 100.00 / ,,
150 / Etchu Njang Mathias / 100.00 / ,,
151 / Eric Takor / 50.00 / ,,
152 / Egbe Joseph Nso / 50.00 / ,,
153 / Assam Assam (wellwisher) / 20.00 / ,,
154 / Eyong Lucas / 50.00 / ,,
155 / Anonymous / 50.00 / ,,
TOTAL / 3,320.00 USD
(1.192.301FCFA effectively received )
156 / Besong David O / 10.000 / Tinto

N .B:

*Mention should be made here that final contributions paid in to the National President by the various chapters was done after deductions for transportation and other expenses by the chapters in question.

*Any errors made in the compilation of this report are not intended and are highly regretted. Corrections shall be made accordingly after appropriate verifications.

As a summary, the following amounts were effectively received from the following chapters:

-Yaounde: 1.252.000 FCFA;

-Douala : 170.000FCFA;

-Kumba : 150.000FCFA;

-Bamenda: 40.000FCFA;

-Garoua : 10.000FCFA;

-Tinto : 10.000FCFA;

-Limbe : 164.000FCFA;

-Buea : 100.000FCFA;

-Ekondo Titi: 150.000FCFA;

-United States of America: 1.192.300FCFA;

-Mamfe: 370.000FCFA

-Nigeria: 1.150.000 FCFA



1)Purchase of Brass Band= 1.260.000

2)Printing of 250 EmbroideredPolo Shirts= 1.250.000

3)Printing of 300 Calendars= 125.000

4)Printing of 100 Certificates of Recognition=50.000

5)Handling Charges for Textbooks= 150.000

6)Hiring of Pickup to transport Brass Band and Textbooks to Mamfe= 340.000

7)Fuel for Pickup= 100.000

8)Media Coverage+ production of CDs=265.000+30.000*= 295.000

9)Cordination of Preparatory Meetings= 85.000

10)Accomodation of some MAGGSOSANS in Mamfe=95.000

11)Printing of Invitation Cards=100.000

12) Purchase of Stationery for Secretariat=35.000

13)Printing of Banners= 90.000

14)Cocktail =280.000*

15)Purchase of Drinks in Mamfe=210.500 F*

16)Ecumenical Service= 50.000

17) Hiring of Brass Band of G T H S Mamfe= 30.000

18)Decoration of Hall=30.000*

19)Receipt Booklets= 6.000

20) Transportation, Telephone bills,cutlery, chairs, canopies=83.000*

21) Traditional Dances,sound system ,other publicity,thumb tags=66.500*

22) Paper Napkins, fuel for generator,miscellaneous=20.000*

23) Anniversary Cake=35.000*


BALANCE: - 77.700 FCFA


In conclusion, we can happily state that MAGGSOSA is alive. An initiative which started timidly ended up rallying many more MAGGSOSANS than expected. It is my place to thank in a very special way MAGGSOSANS in the Diaspora whose names appear on the list in the report especially those in the United States of America and those in Nigeria. Back in Cameroon, the efforts of MAGGSOSANS whose names appear in the list of contributors and belonging to the YAOUNDE, DOUALA, LIMBE, KUMBA, BAMENDA, EKONDO TITI, GAROUA, BUEA, TINTO and MAMFE CHAPTERS and the various well wishers of MAGGSOSA in these chapters are commendable. They have proven their sense of maturity and responsibility by making sure the Anniversary takes place. To them all MAGGSOSA owes a lot; it is these group of MAGGSOSANS that will be called together in Yaounde by December 2010 (i.e. in a few months time) to put in place a new national executive bureau. Even MAGGSOSANS in the Diaspora will have to take part in this exercise!

We wish in a special way to thank the Minister of Secondary Education, Louis Bapes Bapes; the Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, H. E Prof. Peter Agbor Tabi; the Minister in Charge of Special Duties at the Presidency of the Republic, H .E. Mengot Arrey Nkongho Victor; Mr. Amele Oswarld, Cordinator of the MAGGSOSA Branch in Nigeria; the General Manager of Pamol Plantations Company, Chief Obi Okpun Wan Obi Osang;Vice President at the National Assembly, Hon. Mbah Ndam Joseph; Questor at the National Assembly, Hon. Nji Fidelis; the GHS Mamfe School authorities especially Chief Bate Epey Robert( the Principal), the PTA and the Administration of Manyu Division, and of course the MAGGSOSANS in the Diaspora for what each one of these personalities and structures did towards the success of the anniversary. Please we tender our apologies for any omissions which are not deliberate.

It is our cherished wish that you go through the report and let it inspire us to greater heights as we look forward to celebrating the 45th Anniversary in 2014. The shortcomings are mine together with MAGGSOSANS all over the World who put in their energies to make sure the anniversary takes place.For it will be pretentious for one person to assume responsibility for a collective venture of this magnitude.And remember, no human endeavour can be perfect.

The challenges ahead are enormous (construction of the college library building, annual prize award ceremonies, consolidation of our multimedia centre, securing qualified lecturers and in appropriate numbers for the college, reconstruction of the dilapidated infrastructure of the college, etc…..)

But with just a little determination and united action, we shall overcome. I am convinced we can! YES WE CAN!