The undersigned, Mr. / Ms......

I.D...... Race no......

Is taking part on April 28th 2012 in the Mallorca 312 Iberostar Playa de Muro or in the Bicycle Holidays Max Hürzeler 167. He or she declares the following:

- I have been given a copy of the Rules for the event herewith.

- I am aware of the contents of these Rules, which I accept in their entirety.

- I understand that the Mallorca 312 Iberostar Playa de Muro and the Bicycle Holidays Max Hürzeler 167 are cycle touring events from which competition is excluded.

- I state that I know that the event takes place on public roads which are open to traffic.

- I undertake to abide by the rules of the Spanish Road Safety Act and its Regulations, taking proper care for my own safety and that of the other participants and users of the public highway.

- I exonerate the Club Ciclista Artanenc, the president and executive committee of the club, the Federación Española de Ciclismo, the Federació de Ciclisme de las Illes Balears and/or any other individual or legal entity connected with the organisation of the event from any liability arising from any accident due either to reasons of traffic or to sporting accidents.

- I exonerate the aforesaid parties from any liability for damages for health reasons which might arise from my participation in this cycle touring event, personally assuming the inherent risk to health due to the physical effort involved in taking part in this event.

- I exonerate the aforesaid parties from any liability which might arise from my participation in this event, such as loss of or damage to personal items due to theft, loss or other reasons.

- I state that I am familiar with, having been informed about it, and am satisfied with the information handed over, having had the opportunity to ask any pertinent questions and having had all my queries resolved as regards the risks involved in taking part in the event, including the following:

  • There will be vehicles of all kinds, unconnected with the organisers, driving on the route of the event.
  • The said vehicles will be driving among the cyclists as ordinary road users.
  • I accept and recognise that I will meet vehicles of all kinds driving both in the same direction as the route of the event and in the opposite direction to it.
  • I accept and recognise that there are junctions not controlled by the organisers of the event from which vehicles of any kind may join the route taken by the event.
  • There are hazardous stretches on which I must take special care.
  • There are prolonged descents with bends on which I will reduce my speed in order to avoid harm to myself and/or others.
  • There are stretches on which the state of the road does not conform to adequate safety conditions, and different tunnels which may NOT be lit and I exonerate the organisers from liability for any harm I may suffer due to the poor state of the road or due to a defect in the road traffic infrastructure.
  • The possibility of suffering a sports accident is inherent to cycling, and I personally assume liability for any accident I may cause to other participants in the event, exonerating the organisers from any liability arising from such accidents.
  • The possibility exists of causing an accident to a third party unconnected with the event, and I personally assume full responsibility for any such accident and exonerate the organisers from any liability arising from such accidents.
  • I accept that the CLUB CICLISTA ARTANENC will send me information about any products, processes or services they may market. I accept that my details may be processed or passed on in the manner set forth in this paragraph; such acceptance may be withdrawn, though not retroactively, in accordance with the stipulations of articles 6 and 11 of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December 1999.

Signed: ......