Male/Female Survival




Course Description: This course offers an opportunity to acquire practical life skills necessary for understanding and participating in life and relationships with the opposite sex.


  • Gender differences
  • Gender roles in society
  • Relationships: family, friends, same sex, opposite sex
  • Communication skills: problem solving and conflict resolution
  • Personal Finance
  • Nutrition & Health
  • Life Skills

Course Format:

  • Class discussions
  • Films or movie clips dealing with relative issues
  • Journaling
  • Reading relevant articles & books
  • Class speakers
  • Library research
  • Class presentations

Materials Required: Three ring binder & journal


  • Attendance 10%
  • Participation 10%
  • Journal 20%
  • Class Assignments/Homework 20%
  • Projects40%

Book Report15%

  • Read one book on a subject covered in the male/female survival course and write a paper on the book and how you can apply the information you learned to your life.

Group Lesson 25%

  • The class will be broken in to groups and each group will cover a different topic involving gender in media or gender and the workplace or gender around the world. Each group will teach a whole block on their issue. Some class time will be provided.

Classroom Expectations:

Expectation / Consequence
No one should see or hear your cell, IPOD, or Electronic Device /
  • 1st Offense: taken away and given back at end of class & -5 pts
  • 2nd + Offense: taken away and given to team office & -5 pts

Attend class and be on time /
  • For every absence you lose 10pts on your Attendance Grade
  • For every tardy you lose 5pts on your Attendance Grade

Stay for the entire class /
  • Leaving before the clock says the block is over is an automatic referral

Respect each other during class discussions and group work /
  • Disrespect of the teacher or classmates will be an automatic referral

Practice confidentiality /
  • Student-teacher/VP meeting

Complete assignments on time /
  • Each day it is late is 5pts off the original grade
  • Please talk to me if you are having trouble getting the work done so we can work it out

Students will do their own work and cite their sources /
  • Plagiarism is handled according to the school handbook- a referral and VP conference & discipline

Students will leave class a minimum of 6 times for the semester /
  • Each time you wish to leave class you must use your assigned passes.
  • You receive one point per pass not used by the end of the semester on your participation grade.