Ziv(Bas – 102,271 xp)last saved: March 5, 2010

Male changeling (becomer) wizard 5/recaster 5/dragon prophet 4

CG Medium humanoid (shapechanger)

Action Points10

Init +4; Senses Listen +0, Spot +0

Languages Common, Draconic, Gnome, Halfling

AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 20

  • (+4 Dex, +6 armor, +2 deflection, +2 natural)

hp99 (14 HD); constellation power (falazure)

Immune blinding, dazzling

Resist cold 5, electricity 5

Fort +11 (+13 against death, disease and poison), Ref +11, Will +16 (+18 against charm and sleep)

Speed40 ft. (8 squares)

Melee spell+5 touch (by spell)

Ranged spell+10 touch (by spell)

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.

Base Atk +6; Grp +5

Special Actions Dragon Prophesier 6/day (11 rounds;+10 ft. land speed, +1 insight saves, +1 insight Knowledges, +2 insight Balance, Climb, Move Silently, +1 insight AC if moved at least 10 ft.), Mutable Body, Prophecy’s Shaper, metamorphic spell (components 5/day, space 5/day, time 3/day), sudden metamagic 5/day (extend, maximize)

Combat Geargloves of the starry sky 3/day,goggles of the golden sun (DC 14) 3/day,headband of conscious effort 1/day,healing belt,metamagic rod (lesser extend),periapt of the sullen sea 2/day,ring of mystic healing, wand of ray of clumsiness (CL 2nd)

Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 13th [+1 CL cure spells, +1 CL transmutation on self], save DC 16 + spell level):

  • 6th—disintegrateS (DC 22) (2),legend lore, stone to flesh
  • 5th—greater dimension door, greater fireburst (DC 21), mass flyS, xorn movement, …
  • 4th—assay spell resistance, dimension door, extended greater mage armor+,greater invisibilityS,polymorph
  • 3rd—cure serious wounds (2),fireball (DC 19),fly, girallon's blessingS,haste
  • 2nd—cure moderate wounds (2), heroicsS, scorching ray (3),see invisibility
  • 1st—enlarge personS, feather fall, longstrider+, magic missile, nerveskitter, ray of clumsiness, targeting ray
  • 0—arcane mark, detect magic (3), open/closeS

S: specialist spell. Specialist schools: illusion and transmutation. Opposed schools: abjuration, enchantment, necromancy.

+: already cast.

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th, save DC 16 + spell level):

  • 6/day––brief figment (immediate)

Abilities Str 8, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 23, Wis 10, Cha 12

SQconstallation power (io), dual specialization (no abjuration, enchantment or necromancy), expanded knowledge (cure moderate wounds, cure serious wounds), minor change shape

FeatsArcane Disciple (travel), Dragon ProphesierB, Empower SpellW, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Mutable Body, Prophecy’s ExplorerD, Prophecy’s Shaper, Scribe ScrollB

Skills Bluff +3, Concentration +26, Decipher Script +23, Disguise +15, Heal +2, Intimidate +3, Jump +3, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +17, Knowledge (history) +12, Knowledge (planes) +23, Knowledge (religion) +10, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +25, Survival +0 (+2 other planes or underground)

Possessionscombat gear plus adventuring equipment (incl. courtier’s outfit, disguise kit, identification papers, …), amulet of constitution +4 and natural armor +2,aureon’s spellshard,cloak of resistance +4, eberron shard of power (lvl. 2), extra spells (8,200 gp), gloves of dexterity +4, handy haversack, headband of intelligence +4, ring of arcane might and deflection +2, tunic of steady spellcasting, 4,700 gp.

Dragon Prophesier (Su):With a full-round action, Ziv can place himself in a state of openness and insight into the world around him. This state is referred to as prophetic favor, and it lasts for 11 rounds.

While in prophetic favor, Ziv’s base land speed increases by 10 ft. and he gains a +1 insight bonus on saves, a +1 insight bonus on Knowledge checks, and a +2 insight bonus on Balance, Climb and Move Silently checks.

In addition, if he endshis turn at least 10 feet away from where he started his turn, he gains a +1 insight bonus to AC untilthe start of his next turn.

In addition, he can empower one spell per round without any adjustment to the level or casting time of the spell. He can’t empower any spell of the highest spell level he can cast.

Also, he can force a creature that has confirmed a critical hit against him to reroll the confirmation roll. If the second confirmation roll fails, the attack is not a critical hit (although it deals damage normally). Using this ability ends his prophetic favor.

Ziv can enter a state of prophetic favor 6 times per day.

Metamorphic Spell (Ex):Ziv’s specialty is the ability to alter spells on the fly to best meet thedemands of a specific situation. Ziv has the ability to modify his spells as he casts them.

Components:Ziv can alter the components required to cast his spells. He can freelyignore normal material components as if he had the Eschew Materials feat (though he cannot ignore theneed for an expensive material component or an XP component). As well, five times per day, he can apply the benefit of either the Silent Spell or the Still Spell feat to any spell he casts withoutincreasing the level of the spell, specially preparing it ahead of time, or increasing its casting time.

Time:Ziv has the ability to alter the temporal characteristics of his spells. Three timesper day, he can cast any spell that normally has a casting time of 1 standard action and a duration longerthan 1 round as a swift action, as if he had applied the Quicken Spell feat to it. The level of the spell isnot altered and he does not need to specially prepare the spell ahead of time, but the duration of the spellbecomes 1 round.

Space:Ziv can manipulate the spatial characteristics of his spells (including range, area andeven targets) up to five times per day in the following ways.

  • He can use a spell with a range of touch on a target up to 30 feet away by making a ranged touchattack.
  • He can alter a spell that affects an area (burst, emanation, spread, cylinder or line) in order to createspaces within that area that are not subject to the spell’s effect (a minimum 5 foot cube for each such space). Furthermore, if the spell is shapeable, the minimum dimension for the shaped area or effect is 5feet instead of 10 feet.
  • If the spell’s area is a burst, emanation, or spread, he can cast it as a cone, cylinder, line or sphere. He can change areas freely within any of the following groups:

Group 1: 15-foot cone OR10-foot-radius cylinder, 40 feet high OR30-foot line OR5-, 10-, or 15-foot radius sphere.

Group 2: 30-foot cone OR20-foot-radius cylinder, 40 feet high OR60-foot line OR20- or 30-foot-radius sphere.

Group 3: 60-foot cone OR20-foot-radius cylinder, 40-foot high OR120-foot line OR40- or 80-foot-radius sphere.

  • If the spell targets a number of creatures, no two of which can be farther apart than a certain distance, he can have the spell affect the same number of creatures as long as each creature is half that distancefrom one other affected creature. Thus if he had applied this effect to a haste spell he cast, he couldaffect up to one creature per level as long as each affected creature was within 15 feet of another affectedcreature.

Minor Change Shape (Su): Ziv has the super natural ability to alter his appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects his body but not his possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of his facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. Ziv can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until he changes shape again. Ziv reverts to his natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals his natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, Ziv receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks (included above). Using this ability is a full-round action.

Sudden Metamagic (Su):Five times per day, Ziv can apply the benefit of theExtend Spell or the Mazimize Spell feat to any spell he casts without increasing the level of the spell,preparing it ahead of time, or increasing its casting time.

Skills (108): Concentration 17, Decipher Script 17, Disguise 2, Knowledge (arcana) 17, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 11, Knowledge (history) 6, Knowledge (planes) 17, Knowledge (religion) 4, Spellcraft 17.


6th (4+1)disintegrate, find the pathB, legend lore, stone to flesh, true seeing

5th (6+1)greater dimension door, greater fireburst, mass fly, persistent image, telekinesis, teleportB, xorn movement

4th (9+1)assay spell resistance, dimension doorB, force missiles, greater invisibility, mass darkvision, phantasmal killer, polymorph, ruin delver’s fortune, translocation trick, treasure scent

3rd (13+2)amorphous form, bands of steel, cure serious woundsB, displacement,dragonskin, false gravity,fireball, flyB,girallon's blessing,greater mage armor, haste, keen edge, phantom steed, tongues, tremorsense

2nd (13+2)acid arrow, alter self, cure moderate woundsB, dark way, earthbind, fireburst, heroics, invisibility,locate objectB,knock,owl’s wisdom, scorching ray, see invisibility, shadow mask,shadow spray

1st (15+1)buzzing bee, color spray, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, feather fall,greater mage hand,lesser orb of acid, lesser orb of fire, longstriderB, mage armor, magic missile, nerveskitter, ray of clumsiness,serene visage,shieldbearer, targeting ray

0 (24)acid splash, amanuensis, arcane mark, caltrops, dancing lights, detect magic, detect poison, electric jolt, flare, ghost sound, launch bolt, launch item, light, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, prestidigitation, ray of frost, read magic, repair minor damage, silent portal, sonic snap, stick

Ziv was is zijn jonge jaren al geïnteresseerd in sterrenkunde. De sterren fascineerden hem en hij begon zijn missie om het doel van zijn leven te zoeken. Aangezien hij soms in een trance verkeerde, waar hij geen vat op kom krijgen, begon hij aan zijn studie in MorgraveUniversity. Na een paar jaar bleek, dat hij enorm veel potentie had om uit te groeien tot een gevaarlijke tovenaar.

Alleen, de magie die Ziv leerde van zijn leermeesters, was hem te stijf, te zeker en te saai. Hij wilde weten waar hij nou speciaal in was. Na wat onenigheden met zijn meesters vertrok Ziv uit Morgrave en ging reizen om zo meer tot zich zelf te komen en zijn magie op andere manieren te gebruiken. Na veel omzwervingen kwam hij aan in Zilagro, waar hij de biebliotheek wilde uitpluizen om wat meer over hemzelf en zijn magie te weten te komen. Er was echter niet veel te vinden over changelings en ontredderd hield hij zich vast aan zijn laatste aanknopingspunt: een passage over een changeling wizard die zijn magie kon beïnvloeden. Hij ging op zoek naar zo iemand en hij hoorde al snel dat in Sharn wel een zogenaamde Recaster zou zijn.

Fritz de recaster, was echter een reality seeker. Toch dacht Ziv dat hij hem wel zou helpen. Hij was toch ook een changeling?

Na wat gezoek had hij Fritz gevonden in een halfling wijk in Sharn. Ziv voelde zich er eigenlijk niet zo thuis, maar deed gewoon met de rest mee en Fritz leidde hem op tot Recaster.

Toen de trance, die Ziv al zo vaak had gevoeld steeds weer kwam opzetten bedacht Fritz dat een goede vriend van hem er maar eens naar moest kijken. Hij had namelijk geen idee hoe Ziv in die trance kwam.

Toen Ratava Tumahab naar Ziv had gekeken, vertelde hij hem over de Draconic Prophecy en een heleboel puzzelstukjes vielen op zijn plek. Ziv had zijn specialiteit gevonden. Hij worstelde alleen nog met de vraag waarom hij was uitverkoren om de prophecy te kunnen begrijpen. Maar zoals hij altijd tegen zichzelf zei: “de Traveller heeft ook veel omzwervingen gemaakt. Misschien moet ik gaan reizen om wat meer te leren over mezelf.”

Toen de expeditie naar Xendrik aangekondigd werd, wilde Ziv maar al te graag mee. Helaas voor hem was hij daar niet welkom, omdat hij changeling was en niet genoeg geld had om mee te kunnen.

Een paar dagen geleden echter, heeft hij weer wat hoop gekregen. Ratava vertelde hem dat hij een plan had, zodat hij misschien wel mee zou kunnen naar Xendrik.

Ziv wacht gespannen af…

OC: Ziv is een becomer en heeft al veel van de wereld gezien. Hij wil graag meer leren over de Draconic Prophecy en over zichzelf. In Xendrik heeft hij gehoord over oude spreuken en andere puzzel stukken van de prophecy en deze zou hij graag willen bestuderen.

Fritz is de mentor van Ziv en ziet niets liever dat Ziv zich in Sharn gaat vestigen. Ziv heeft hem beloofd dat hij in ieder geval zijn training zou afmaken en dan zag hij wel weer verder.