February 23, 2012

Creston School Library

Call to Order

Chairman Eric Nelson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. with the flag salute.

Members present:Members absent:

Eric NelsonNone

Kari Struve

Linda Fisher

Mike Nelson

Pat Rosman

William Wadlington, Superintendent

Janet Kenney, Business Manager

Connie Reed, Recording Secretary

Introduction of Guests/Community Input

Guests signed in as follows: Buddy Bryant, Ruth Bryant, Teri Haglin, Amanda DeBord, Annette Lembcke, Wayne Lembcke, Blake Angstrom, Carol Angstrom, Susan Stefanini, Tami Odenrider, Jeff Boyd, Mike DeBord, Wayne Kannberg, Aherron Nestor, Jerry Jones, Cami Sapier, Susan Jones, Becky Kuch, James Dillhoff, Allan Shaner, Shelley Sieverkropp, Diana Johnson, John Dawson, Shanda Schluneger, Jason Currin, and ASB Representative

Aubrey Houger.

Allan Shaner spoke of a petition that has been circulating requesting the resignation of Superintendent Wadlington. Other questions and concerns were noted and support of the school and Mr. Wadlington were also offered.


Kari Struve moved that the revised agenda be approved as presented. Pat Rosman seconded; motion carried.


It was noted that Mike Nelson was listed as making a motion and also seconding it at the January meeting. Connie Reed will check her notes and make the necessary correction. Pat Rosman then moved to accept the January minutes as amended, with Linda Fisher seconding. Motion carried.

Senior Project Presentation

Aubrey Houger presented a condensed version of her senior project presentation. Aubrey had spent last school year as a foreign exchange student in Germany. She published a handbook telling of her experience with a wealth of information for other students who might be interested

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February 23, 2012

in being an exchange student. Aubrey also explained the senior project process and all that is involved.

Fiscal Report

January revenues totaled $198,644.78 and expenditures totaled $169,453.96. Janet Kenney noted that revenue projections are better than last fiscal year.

General and ASB Fund Vouchers

Connie Reed reported on the inclusion of several vouchers. Mike Nelson moved to approve General and ASB warrants totaling $30,773.90, with Kari Struve seconding. Motion carried. General fund vouchers totaled $28,794.21 and ASB vouchers totaled $1,979.69.


Kari Struve moved to approve the February payroll totaling $150,757.16. Linda Fisher seconded and motion carried.

Resolution No. 5 2011/2012

Kari Struve moved to approve Resolution No. 5 2011/2012 which adopts a Section 125 Flexible Fringe Benefits Plan for Creston School employees, effective March 1, 2011. Mike Nelson seconded the motion; motion carried. This resolution covers the plan from inception last spring through the last health benefit year.

Resolution No. 6 2011/2012

Kari Struve also moved to approve Resolution No. 6 2011/2012 for the same Section 125 Plan, effective October 1, 2011. Linda Fisher seconded the motion and motion carried.

Legislative Update

Levy results were discussed, noting that the levy is passing with 58.54 percent of the vote at this time. Superintendent Wadlington felt good about these numbers in the current economic climate. The 2012 House operating budget proposals have been released. The most recent publication of This Week in Olympia still notes a cause for concern with the possible reduction of the small high school factor, which would have a great impact on our district. Other K-12 reductions were also discussed. Dr. Wadlington again noted that a recent State Supreme Court ruling states that Washington state is failing to meet its constitutional duty to provide a basic public education to all children.

ASB Representative Report

Aubrey Houger , ASB President, reported that Associated Student Body elections are coming up, as well as the senior trip and the Pennies for Patients fundraising drive. Officers recently attended a meeting with other high school student council members and a speaker talked to those present about all aspects of student leadership.

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January 19, 2012


Superintendent Wadlington spoke of the Washington state teacher-principal evaluation pilot program, which is a part of “The Race to the Top.” He feels that the premise for changing the evaluation is good, but there are some questionable practices, i.e. the publishing of teacher evaluation scores. It was noted that Wilbur is a pilot district for this program and Linda Fisher mentioned that it would be good to talk to them about the process.

School Calendar

A draft of the 2012-2013 school calendar was shared and Dr. Wadlington noted that it pretty much follows the calendar proposed by the Wilbur School. The first day of school would be Wednesday, August 29 and the last day would be scheduled for Friday, June 7. This proposal also includes a two week winter break. The staff will review this calendar and a final version should be ready for the Board’s approval in April.

Executive Session

Chairman Eric Nelson requested one hour of executive session at 6:52 p.m. for discussion of personnel issues. The Board returned to open session at 7:54 p.m. No business was transacted.

Second Reading of Policies

Mike Nelson moved to approve the second and final reading of policies 1310, 4260, and 5252. Linda Fisher seconded the motion and motion carried. These are all revised policies.

Combined Golf Program

A request was made from Almira/Coulee-Hartline to combine their golf program with the Wilbur-Creston program, as has been done in past years. ACH only has one golfer this spring and this individual would still represent the Warrior program. Mike Nelson moved to approve the signing of the WIAA combined golf program approval form, with Pat Rosman seconding. Motion carried.

Superintendent Report

Dr. Wadlington mentioned that the seniors would be leaving on their trip to Hawaii on Saturday. He also noted that the coat racks/ shelving units have been completed in the elementary wing. Mr. Kannbergis to be thanked for his work on this project, as is the PTO for providing the funding for materials.

The six week calendar was reviewed, with Dr. Wadlington noting that he will be attending the Small School Conference in Yakima on March 5 and 6. He also spoke of professional learning community workshops, stating that Creston will be hosting a secondary level social studies workshop on March 7.


Linda Fisher moved for adjournment at 8:10 p.m. with Kari Sturveseconding. Motion carried.

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January 19, 2012

Next Scheduled Board Meeting: Thursday, March 22, 2012at 6 p.m. in the school library.

Eric Nelson, ChairmanKari Struve, Vice-Chairman

Linda FisherMike Nelson

Pat RosmanWilliam Wadlington, Superintendent

These minutes, Superintendent’s Report, annual budget, and other documents are available at