Make Your Own Map Assignment

Map It!

Name: ______Due Date: ______


Using latitude and longitude draw a map of what Earth would

look like if you created it.


Draw a map of what Earth would look like if you created it. See Miss. Hart for map examples from last year.

(1)Draw and label continents and oceans.

(2)Label at least 8 different locations. Among these 8 locations will be 4 physical features and 4 human features.

(3) Using the box provided on this paper, label the lines of latitude and longitude for each of your locations. Remember, lines of latitude show North (N) and South (S), and lines of Longitude show East (E) and West (W). An example has been done for you below.

(4) Include a compass rose and a key.

(5) Use color to make your map attractive and remember to be NEAT!

On the due date, bring in…

ð  Your map

ð  Your list of latitude and longitude cordinates for 4 physical features and 4 human features.

ð  The self grading rubric (on the back)

Physical Features / Human Features
Mt. Hart 15°S, 55°E / New Market Mall: 20°N, 40°W
1. / 1.
2. / 2.
3. / 3.
4. / 4.

Name: ______Homeroom: ______

Map It Rubric / Possible Points / Self Evaluation / Teacher Evaluation
Include all the required elements
The Map
ð  Drew continents and labeled them (10 pts)
ð  Drew oceans and labeled them (10 pts)
ð  Labeled at least 4 physical features (16 pts)
ð  Labeled at least 4 human features (16 pts)
Latitude and Longitude Coordinates
ð  Did you give the absolute location of each feature (16 pts)
ð  If Miss. Hart follows your latitude and longitude coordinates, she will find the human or physical feature on your map (16pts)
Other Elements
ð  Created a key and elements of your key are shown inside your map. (10 pts)
ð  Drew a compass rose (6 pts) / 100
Creativity / 20
Neatness / 20
On Time? / 10
Demonstrates Understanding of Basic Concepts: I W P B
Participates in Project: I W P B
Demonstrates Effort: * + ^ - / TOTALà / /150
Middle School Grade: A B C D F