Make Studying Faster And Easier

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Easy Study Tips

Should studying be hard work? Can there be a way to get awesome grades without working as hard?

The answer is YES.

The trick is to understand how your brain works, and then to apply that to how you study. I can guarantee that just changing a few things to the way you study can drastically improve the amount of information you recall.

If you want to learn more, check out the rest of the page.


Let the Dr. Help

The following is a grouping of videos and quick tips (with 40 words or less) about how you can improve the way you study to be able to make your study time considerably more efficient.

How to learn more

by Dr. Mark Dussualt

This was an interesting addition. If you are interested in learning new things (above and beyond), then this video is for you. If not, then move on.

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Quick Tip

Read before you go to class - Avoids blanking out in class and allows you to pick up more information the teacher says. Try it once! Seriously

Remember Everything Your Teacher Says How can Mind Maps help? Simple, they are an easy way to organize content. When you organize information, it creates more links in your brain, thus you will remember more.

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Quick Tip #2

Bring something to read everywhere - It is proven that studying in short bursts results in a better recall of information. Pull it (book, paper with the notes) out whenever you have spare time.

Speed Learning Strategies

Take the shortest path to where you want to be

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Recommended Book

I told you the easy stuff

There is more to learn that what I have already told you. However, the rest of the tips require a precise elaboration that I can not provide within a single webpage. To learn more check out: Get the Best Grades with the Least Amount of Effort. It is a short, yet highly helpful read. It shows tried and tested strategies about how you can make the most out of your mind and learn twice as much information in half the time it used to take you. Life Changing.

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