Our Choices
Make, increase, ordecreaseanexistingstanding order: Itissimple,effective,andhelps the parishenormously withbudgeting. Formsare availableandplease makesurethat youcomplete aGift Aidformas well. Gift Aidgivesus25% from thegovernmentontopofyourpledge. The Churchrecommendgiving 5%ofnet(of tax) monthly pay to the local church, and another 5% to other work that helps build God’s kingdom.
Make aone-off donation: Ifyoucannot commit toregular givingyou maywish tomakea one-offdonation. Youcan dothisby usingaGift Aidenvelopeorbysendingittothetreasurer. Pleasedofillin theGiftAiddeclaration,especiallyfor larger giftsthiswillmakeasignificantdifferencetotheamount theChurch receives.
Make alegacyin yourwill: Makingagift totheparish aspartofyourwillisagood way to ensurethefuture ofourchurchfor the next generationandforparticular special projects. Please seetheseparateleafletfor furtherdetails.
Weneedyourhelp now,pleasecall theTreasurer orChairofFinanceCommitteetoarrangeto make aregulargift. Or you can download a Standing Order form from our website
The Parish of Esher
Revd Dr Stefan Collier
01372 462611
c/o The Parish Office
01372 462282
Chair of Finance Committee
Mr Nick Heritage
07775 706716
Further information available on request
Our Church
Ourgivingsustains ourparishministrywhichmeans: everysickpersonvisited,confirmationcourse run,bereavedfamilycomforted,baptism or weddingcelebrated,sermonpreached, communion celebrated,every person shown the loveofChrist throughour careandactivities.
Our giving sustains our two church buildings: they are sacred buildings dedicated to worship, prayer and witness. We heat them, light them, insure them and maintain them for nowand for futuregenerations. Theyareat thecentreandfocus ofour communities.
Our giving sustains our parish clergy and ministry team: by paying our Parish Share to the Diocese of Guildford, we are contributing to the employment and housing costs of the clergy, diocesan support provided and their activities. We pay directly for organists and a part-time administrator and book-keeper.
Our vision concerns: the pastoral care of the parish of Esher.
Our Challenge
Our community pays for the entire cost of running the parish: we don’t receivegrants from government, the diocese, therest of the Church of England or charities. The cost ofrunning the parish is around£200K a year. This is made upas follows:
Themoneythe parishhas tospendcurrentlycomesfrom:
Wearecurrentlyforecastinga2013deficitof £27K.
Our target istoincreaseour regularplannedgivingby£40K, and thereby our income to £211K. Thiswill beginto secure
thefuture ofourchurchesandenabletheexpansionofour commitmentto ourcommunity.
Our Community
The parish has an important role to play in the life and welfare of the people of Esher and West End. We enjoy a lot of exciting activities. We provide a lot of services, both spiritual and otherwise. Our church is for you, all of you, whoever you are: young or old, rich or poor, healthy or sick.
Wewelcomeall toour church, whether that beasregularchurchgoers,visitors forfestivalssuch asChristmasor RemembranceSundayor those interestedjustinthebuildings themselves. Wearethefocal point ofweddings,baptismsandfunerals. Thechurchisthecommunityinwhichwealllive.
Aspartofourcommitmentto ourcommunity wecurrentlyoffer.
Our churches will standand be loved for generations. We have aresponsibilitytokeep them for our grandchildren andmore, as living churches, not asmuseumsor for conversion to other uses. We will only achieve that ifwe continuetoafford theministry that bringsthem alive.