Prepared by Lisa Hays, Hays & Associates, LLC

  1. Direct shipment to consumer: SB 337; SB 113 (Messmer/Phil Boots-Crawfordsville)
    SB 113 on 2nd reading: Repeals face to face; increases each wineries’ case shipments to all Hoosiers in the aggregate per year from 3000 cases to 5000 cases; increases direct seller permit fee from $100 to $500. We are working to reduce this fee increase as the bill moves forward.
  2. Wholesale privileges: SB 338; HB 1103 (Messmer/Koch)
    These bills are not expected to receive a hearing.
  3. SCR 2 IWVA 40th Anniversary: Messmer/Koch 1/12/15
    What a fun and heartfelt day!
  4. Farmers’ Markets:
    --1311 (Clere) Clarifies that farm wineries and microbreweries are not considered food establishments at festivals and fairs so that the state and local health food sanitation rules don’t apply.
    --1311 (Clere) New definition for farmers’ markets putting microbreweries on same playing field as wineries so that both can sell carryout if the farmers’ market is a
    ---501 entity (government or nonprofit)
    ---10 vendors must be present at all times (incl. food vendor)
    ---no more than 10% of vendors can be alcohol vendors
    (HB 1311 limits beer carryout to 576 ounces per consumer)
    NOTE: Existing farm winery law “operated on a non profit basis”
  5. Festivals:
    ---Microbreweries and farm wineries can sell by the glass at festivals in same area with no wall or partition between them: HB 1203 (Lloyd Arnold-Huntingburg)
    ---Microbreweries get festival permits/45 days/on par with wineries: HB 1311 (Clere)
  6. Tasting Room: HB 1053 (David Ober-Albion)
    ---Microbreweries and farm wineries can sell beer and wine at same bar if both occupy same building. Currently you have to put wall up. Heard but no vote yet. 2nd year heard.

See major alcohol bills on next page:

Prepared by Lisa Hays, Hays & Associates

1. Sunday sales at grocery/liquor stores:
HB 1026 (Eberhart); SB 32 (Boots); HB 1624 (Dermody)
2. 1% food & beverage tax bills:
Rockville, Greenwood, Allen County and all municipalities

3. Microbreweries:
---increases instate sales from 30,000 to 90,000 barrels/year: HB 1311 (Clere); SB 276 (Merritt); SB 297 (Alting)
---don’t have to sell food: HB 1311 (Clere)/HB 1076 (Nisly)
---festival permits/45 days/on par with wineries: HB 1311
---farmers’ markets/carryout/576 ounces per customer: HB 1311
---can store or condition beer in building separate from brewery that is owned or leased by the brewery: HB 1311
4. Liquor stores:
---can sell growlers for $10,000 original permit and $1000 annual renewal (each store): HB 1162 (Giaquinta)
---can sell liquor in self service display only in liquor stores or in age 21 or over partitioned off areas in grocery stores, etc.: HB 1106 (Burton)
---only liquor store can sell liquor: SB 397 (Pete Miller)

Note: Indiana defines liquor as distilled spirits; wine with 21% or more alcohol by volume.

5. Liquor wholesalers:
---repeals residency requirement: SB 219 (Boots)
Note: Current law requires 60% of owners to have resided in Indiana for 5 years before being able to get liquor wholesaler permit. Bill keeps in residency requirement for retailers and dealers.
6. Artisan distillers:
---person can get an artisan distiller permit if they hold a majority ownership in farm winery, brewery or distillery—current law requires them to be 100% owner: HB 1311 (Clere)
---allows carryout on Sundays + 3 satellite locations and removes numerous permit holder requirements: SB 54 (Steel)
7. Retailers/dealers accept gifts: reduces to a Class A misdemeanor—current law is a Level 6 Felony if $750 HB 1119 (Steuerwald); HB 1542 (Dermody)
8. Appropriates $4 M per year to State Tourism: HB 1260 (Culver)
9. Requirements for temporary beer & wine permits: HB 1542 (Dermody)
10. 10 cents bottle deposit in 2016: Wine not included; mixed wine drink (7% alcohol by volume) included SB 142 (Randolph)