Major Declaration Instructions
To the student:
- First, talk with your current advisor about this major declaration, asking for any advice he or she has.
- Then,go visit the Department Chair of the major you want to declare.
- In collaboration with the Department Chair fill out this form electronically, discussing the specific degree and who your new advisor will be.
- Then, send this electronic form attached in an email; make the subject line Major Declaration
- To:
- CC: Yourself(this way you will be able to keep track of approvals)
- BCC: The Department Chair and your current advisor
- The approval of the Department Chair(s)is required.
- When the Registrar’s Office receives all the necessary approvals, the changes will be made to your academic record.
To the department chair:
- Please make sure you have met with the student in person to discuss this major declaration.
- Once you receive this electronic form in an email, please reply allto signify your approval. Also, send a Cc email to the student’s new advisor to make sure he or she is aware of the changes.
To the current advisor:
- Once you receive this electronic form in an email, please reply all to signify your acknowledgment.
BA, BS, BFA Major Declaration Form
Student’s Name First Time Declaration Change Add
Using catalog from academic year: 20XX-20XX
(will be first year of attendance unless switching catalogs)
Degree: B.A. B.S. B.F.A.
Track (if applicable):
Pre- PA / Pre-PT / Pre-Dental / Pre-Engineering / Pre-LawPre-Med / Pre-Nursing / Pre-Sem / Pre-Vet / Pre-Optometry
Majors –
Major added
2nd major, if applicable. / Dept. Chair of Major Added:
Minors –
Minor(s) added / New Advisor:
Concentration/track, if applicable / Dept. Chair of 2nd Major Added:
New Advisor for 2nd major:
Current Advisor: Name
Date Effective: Date
Updated 9/28/2016