Objective 10.01 Elaborate on the causes of WWII and reasons for US entry into the war.

Major Concepts: Define the following from class discussion




Totalitarian Governments

Treaty of Versailles

Worldwide Depression

Vocabulary: Define the following from the PowerPoint Presentation

  1. ______Nazi leader of Germany, came to power in the early 1930’s and ruled until his death in 1945, known as “The Fuhrur”
  2. ______Speech by Franklin Roosevelt outlining Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from Want, and Freedom from Fear as necessary for modern life, preparing the US people for entry into WWII
  3. ______Program established to help provide Great Britain and the Soviet Union with supplies needed to fight Germany during WWII
  4. ______Replaced Neville Chamberlain as the Prime Minister of Great Britain, “We shall never surrender”, Prime Minister of Great Britain throughout WWII in Europe
  5. ______Agreement between Germany and the Soviet Union not to go to war against each other, allowed Germany to seize control of Poland without interference from the Soviet Union, Germany eventually broke the agreement by invading the Soviet Union in 1941
  6. ______Type of government in Italy during WWII, extreme nationalism, Corporations dictated by the Fascist Party control the major industries of the country, everyone answers to the dictator
  7. ______Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union during WWII
  8. ______Ruler of Japan during WWII, forced to offer surrender by the Military leaders of Japan because they did not want to dishonor themselves even though the war was mostly their idea
  9. ______Agreement between Germany and Great Britain allowing Germany to take the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia, Appeasement, “Peace in our Time”
  10. ______Adolf Hitler’s name for the German empire that he was building
  11. ______Fascist leader of Italy, came to power in the late 1920”s and ruled until his death in 1945, known as “El Duce”
  12. ______Speech by President Roosevelt that declared that the US would not have economic, political or diplomatic relations with Aggressor nations
  13. ______Agreement between several nation in the 1920’s to outlaw war
  14. ______US declaration in the 1930’s that we would not become involved in any more European conflicts
  15. ______Japanese attack our refueling station in Hawaii, US enters WWII, December 7th, 1941

Homework: Answer all of the following questions:

  1. What factors combined to draw the world and ultimately the US into WWII?
  2. Was US involvement in WWII inevitable?
  3. Were the reasons for US entry into the war justifiable?

Objective 10.02 Identify military, political and diplomatic turning points of the war and determine their significance to the outcome of the conflict.

Major Concepts:

The United States at War

The Influence of Propaganda at home and abroad

Designs for peace

  1. ______Victory in Japan
  2. ______Air war over Britain between the German Luftwaffe and Royal Air Force, Great Britain has an advantage with the development of Radar
  3. ______Turning point in the war in Europe, Joseph Stalin ordered his troops to fight to the death, Hitler refused to allow his troops to retreat, USSR defeated the Germans and took approximately 100,000 prisoners
  4. ______Lightning Warfare, Mechanized Warfare, Tanks, Planes, Armored Cars, Trucks, German war strategy in taking over Poland and France
  5. ______Trial of Nazi commanders of War crimes in connection with the Holocaust
  6. ______June 6th, 1944, Liberation of France begins, landing on the beaches of Normandy
  7. ______Island in the Pacific Ocean, Battle became the turning point in the war as the US established Naval superiority in the Pacific
  8. ______General in charge of the 3rd Army tank division, known for personal battles with British General Bernard Montgomery, Assassinated in London at the end of WWII
  9. ______Sulfur Island in the Pacific, defended to the death by 20,000 Japanese, Marine Memorial
  10. ______Films released to the American Public to document WWII
  11. ______Supplies dropped to troops in remote areas
  12. ______Propaganda; encouraged Americans to support the war by buying bonds, rationing, and working hard.
  13. ______Wartime conferences between the Allies to determine strategy
  14. ______Leader of the Manhattan Project
  15. ______Established to develop Atomic Technology, headed by J. Robert Oppenheimer
  16. ______Racial purification of Germany and countries that Germany controlled during WWII, Concentration Camps
  17. ______Strategy of the US in the pacific of moving from one island to another on the way to Japan
  18. ______Supreme Allied Commander in the Pacific Theater, “I shall return”
  19. ______150,000 Japanese casualties, 72,000 American casualties, Kamikazes, showed that Japan would be very difficult to defeat because they would not surrender even when defeated
  20. ______Commander of US forces in the Pacific theater of WWII
  21. ______Last German Offensive of WWII, occurred in December of 1944, Attempt to push the Allies out of France
  22. ______Victory in Europe
  23. ______1st Nuclear Weapon, dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, developed by J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project
  24. ______December 7th, 1941; Japanese bomb US Battleships in Hawaii leading to US entry into WWII.

Homework: Answer all of the following questions:

  1. To what extent did the military, political, and diplomatic turning points of WWII determine the outcome of the conflict and the aftermath of the war?
  2. How were America and the world different after the war?
  3. What changes to society resulted from the treatment of various groups during the war?

Objective 10.03 Describe and analyze the effects of the war on American economic, social, political and cultural life

Major Concepts:

The Homefront

Suspension of Civil Liberties

Transition to Peacetime



  1. ______Loans from citizens to the government to pay for WWII, they came with the promise of repayment after WWII
  2. ______Returning American soldiers from WWI were given college and vocational education along with loans for housing and to start businesses
  3. ______President Harry Truman’s addition to President Roosevelt’s New Deal
  4. ______Generation of children born from 1945-1965
  5. ______Movement of African Americans from the south to the north to work in the factories during WWII
  6. ______Largest labor union after WWII, Samuel Gompers was the leader
  7. ______Housing development in New York that was built for returning veterans of WWII
  8. ______Legislation to limit the power of labor unions for fear that strikes would draw the US into another Great Depression
  9. ______Economic class that emerged after WWII, professionals, business managers, merchants
  10. ______Established in 1992 to show Japanese American contributions to American history from 1920-1950
  11. ______Icon for women that worked in the factories during WWII
  12. ______The Supreme Court decided that Japanese Americans could be held in camps during WWII for National security
  13. ______The draft was reinstituted in 1940 to build the military, men 18-45 were eligible for the draft
  14. ______To limit scarce resources so that everyone gets a fair share and supplies are available for the troops during WWII
  15. ______Government Agency that was in charge of the allocation of resources during WWII, rationing
  16. ______Women that joined the Army and helped in WWII, worked mainly in administrative tasks
  17. ______Places where Japanese and Japanese Americans were held during WWII

Discussion: Answer all of the following questions

1.How and why did World War II impact the economic, social, cultural, and political life of the U.S.?

2.How did the war bring about innovation and change on the home front?

3.How are civil liberties challenged during times of conflict?

4.Should civil liberties be denied during a time of war?

Objective 10.04 Elaborate on the changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War

Major Concepts:

US Military Intervention


The Cold War

The Domino Theory


  1. ______Administrator in Post-WWII Japan , UN Commander in Korea, fired by President Truman for trying to invade China
  2. ______The US would supply economic and military aid to countries in the Middle East threatened by Communism
  3. ______Ended the war between the Vietminh and France, divided North and South Vietnam at the 17th parallel
  4. ______Established to gather international information during the Cold War to provide for National Security
  5. ______Established in 1948 by the United Nations as a haven for Jews from all over the world after WWII
  6. ______Communist Dictator of Cuba, supported by the USSR during the Cold War
  7. ______Soviet Premier after Joseph Stalin, served during Eisenhower, Kennedy’s, and Johnson’s Presidencies
  8. ______Rally point for Cuban’s rebelling against the rule of Fidel Castro, US supporting troops did not show up because President Kennedy had a change of heart
  9. ______US spy plane flown by Gary Powers is shot down over the USSR leading to an apology from President Eisenhower
  10. ______10 times more powerful that the Atomic Bomb
  11. Winston Churchill’s description of the Soviet dominance of Eastern Europe
  12. ______Attempt by the US to stop the spread of communism in Korea and Vietnam
  13. ______US and USSR agree to not test any more Nuclear Weapons
  14. ______US supplies the people of West Berlin during USSR’s blockade of that city
  15. ______Mao Tse Tung vs. Chaing Kai Shek, Communist under Mao defeat Chaing forcing him to leave the country and go to Taiwan
  16. ______Economic and military assistance from the US to Greece and Turkey to stop the spread of communism into their countries
  17. ______War between North and South Korea from 1950-1953, ended at the 38th Parallel
  18. ______Economic aid from the US to any country in Europe to stop the spread of communism
  19. ______Soviet Union tries to supply Cuba with Nuclear Weapons to be aimed at major US cities, leads to a standoff in the Atlantic Ocean between USSR and US.

Discussion: Answer all of the following questions

  1. How did the events of World War II help facilitate the onset of the Cold War and influence American foreign policy throughout most of the 20th century?
  2. To what extent was America’s decision to drop the atomic bomb a viable option to end the war in the Pacific?
  3. What impact did World War II have on the economic, social, cultural, and political life of the United States?

Objective 10.05 Assess the role of organizations established to maintain peace and examine their continuing effectiveness.

Major Concepts:

US Military Intervention


The Cold War

The Domino Theory


  1. ______Communist allies in Europe
  2. ______North American Treaty Organization, alliance of non-communist countries
  3. ______Policy making part of the United nations, must have a unanimous vote for the United Nations to take action
  4. ______South East Asia Treaty Organization, Organization of non-Communist allies in Asia
  5. ______Peace Keeping organization established by the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWII, name of allies in WWII
  6. ______Organization of American States, diplomatic organization for North American and South American countries
  7. ______Attempt by President Kennedy to unite North and South America to combat the threat of Communist Cuba

Discussion: Answer all of the following questions

  1. How did the events of World War II help facilitate the onset of the Cold War and influence American foreign policy throughout most of the 20th century?
  2. To what extent was America’s decision to drop the atomic bomb a viable option to end the war in the Pacific?
  3. What impact did World War II have on the economic, social, cultural, and political life of the United States?