Maintenance Department /
On Call Program Procedures /

Round Rock ISD

Maintenance Department

On-Call Program Procedures

It is the intent of the Round Rock Independent School District to maintain On-Call personnel within the Maintenance Department to assure a quick response to all emergencies arising after regular school hours and on weekends, Round Rock Independent School District maintains, within the Maintenance Department, employees in an On-Call status. The following procedures must be followed by employees when in an On-Call status.

On-Call Program

I. Purpose

To establish a consistent procedure to identify and compensate non-exempt employees who are required by the District to respond to emergency or essential work situations after normal work hours and on weekends.

II. Definitions

On-Call Status

A non-exempt employee who is required by his or her supervisor/designee to be available to respond to emergency work situations after normal work hours and on weekends.

Call-Back Status

A non-exempt employee who is required by his supervisor/designee to physically report back to the primary work site or other work site after normal work hours and on weekends to respond to emergency or essential work situations.

Non-Exempt Employee

An employee who is non-exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and therefore must be paid at a rate of time and a half for every hour worked over 40 in a workweek.

Exempt Employee

An employee who is exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act is not eligible to be paid overtime. Such positions are normally in supervisory or management positions.

Essential Work

Work that is deemed by a department to be critical enough as to warrant the employee’s extended availability beyond the normal work schedule.

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III. Applicability

The On-Call Program applies to all non-exempt employees who volunteer or are identified by either the Director or Assistant Director of Maintenance to be On-Call during times other than their normal work schedule to respond to emergencies or work that is deemed essential.

IV. Guidelines

On-Call Status

On-Call status is not considered hours worked when the employee is free to engage in personal activities for his/her own purpose or as he/she chooses (going to the movies, ball game, etc.) during non-duty time.

On-Call status is only considered hours worked when the employee is required to remain on the employer’s premises or within a specified proximity that he/she cannot use the non-duty time effectively to engage in personal activities (i.e., going to the movies, ball game, engaging in activities of his/her choosing) while in the On-Call status.

If a non-exempt employee takes an approved day off when in On-Call status, then he/she will forego On-Call compensation for the requested day(s). He/she must have a replacement approved by the Director or Assistant Director of Maintenance.

If a non-exempt employee in an On-Call status is sick, he/she shall call and speak directly to the Director or Assistant Director of Maintenance and notify of absence so that arrangement for coverage can be made.

V. Compensation

On-Call Pay

Non-exempt employees required to be On-Call by their supervisor/designee during times other than their normal work schedule, shall be compensated by paying the employee $15 a day in addition to his/her current, regular hourly rate (including shift premium is applicable) per each 24-hour On-Call period. Hours actually worked while On-Call shall be reported as actual hours worked and will be compensated at the regular rate of pay (including shift premium if applicable), in addition to the On-Call pay, and shall be subject to the overtime provisions pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act and District policy.

On-Call employees receiving or performing work via phone or data communication are required to record actual hours worked and shall be paid a minimum guarantee of 15 minutes per call or paid for actual time worked whichever is greater and shall be subject to the overtime provisions pursuant to FLSA. The 15-minute per call guarantee shall not exceed a total of four 15-minute paid intervals per hour unless actual time worked and reported is greater. Actual time reported will be rounded to the nearest quarter hour per KRONOS and payroll timekeeping guidelines. The 2 hour minimum guarantee for call-back responses as stated under Call-Back Pay does not apply to work via phone or data communication.

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Call-Back Pay

Employees called back (required to physically report) to primary work site or another work site after normal work hours shall be paid a minimum of 2 hours or paid for actual hours worked whichever is greater for the 1st call of the On-Call period and shall be subject to the overtime period. Additional call backs shall be paid as actual hours worked and subject to the overtime provisions pursuant to FLSA.

Employees called back (required to physically report) to the primary work site or another work site more than once in the same 2-hour period will be paid the larger of the actual hours worked or 2 hours, but not 2 hours for each call back.

Time paid for call-back responses begins when the employee leaves his/her home and ends when he/she returns home. Travel time to and from home is used in determining hours worked in call-back pay.

On-Call Holiday Pay

Employees required to be On-Call during an official District holiday will be paid their regular shift as the paid holiday (including shift premium if applicable), $15 a day on-call pay, and shall be paid at a rate of time and one-half for actual hours worked on the holiday.

The official District holiday is the day specified on the employee’s District Service Calendar. This may or may not be the actual celebrated holiday, e.g., if a celebrated holiday falls on a Sunday, Monday may be designated as the official District holiday. On-Call Holiday pay would apply to Monday. On-call employees required to work on December 25th and/or January 1st shall be paid at a rate of time and one-half for actual hours worked if the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday regardless of whether the overtime provisions under FLSA have been reached.

Return of On-Call Vehicle

A non-exempt employee who is On-Call from Friday at 4:00 PM through Monday at 7:00 AM will return the On-Call vehicle Monday morning by 7:00 AM as they report to work.

A non-exempt employee who is On-Call working 4-ten hour days from Monday through Thursday but still is On-Call until 7:00 AM Friday morning will be allowed to leave 1 hour early Thursday night prior to his/her shift ending to use that time for returning the vehicle on Friday by 12:00 noon. The employee will be paid for 1 hour on Friday for returning the vehicle.

On-Call Vehicle Usage

A Maintenance employee who is working in an On-Call assignment may take home a district vehicle with the permission of the Maintenance Department Director/Supervisor. Personal use of the vehicle is prohibited; the vehicle is to be used only for commuting from home and RRISD District Facilities during On-Call assignments. The District will follow Internal Revenue Service reporting requirements for Commuting Valuation rules, resulting in $1.50 non-cash payment for each way.

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On-Call Procedures

I. Primary Responder

A non-exempt employee in On-Call status whose responsibilities are to respond to all emergency or after hour calls is considered to be the primary Responder. As a Primary Responder, he/she will respond to all after hour calls, including calls for Hi Temp Alerts and Fire Alarms, and must be enroute as soon as possible, but at least within 30 minutes of when the call was received.

II. Secondary Responder

A non-exempt employee in On-Call status and part of HVAC, Plumbing or Special Systems will be considered as Secondary Responders. All after hour calls relating to HVAC, Plumbing or Special Systems will be forwarded by the Primary Responder to the Secondary Responder by phone or radio. Primary Responder and Secondary Responder should coordinate efforts and maintain communication to ensure the most efficient and expeditious resolution of the problem. Secondary Responders must be available to respond or be inroute as soon as possible, but at least within 30 minutes of when the call was received from the Primary Responder. If a secondary is not reached, the primary responder should call that employees Supervisor for an other person.

III. Communication

Primary and/or Secondary Responders must call the Executive Director, Director or Assistant Director of Maintenance immediately if they are confronted with a situation that will affect school operations for the following day, graffiti, vandalism or if the authorities (e.g., fire, police, etc.), utility companies (e.g., gas, electric, etc.), or media (e.g., TV, Radio, newspaper, etc.) are at the site.

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On-Call Program Procedures

Acknowledgement of Understanding

Please sign and return this page to the Director or Assistant Director of Maintenance upon receipt of the On-Call Program procedures.
This is to verify that I have received a copy of the Maintenance On-Call Program procedures. I understand I must comply with these procedures when in an On-Call status, that I must record and/or report actual time worked, and that I must read and complete this form to acknowledge my understanding.

Employee’s Name (Please Print) and Signature Date

I acknowledge that I have provided a copy and communicated the on-call program procedures to non-exempt employees in an on-call status.

Supervisor’s Name (Please Print) and Signature Date

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