Job Description

Job title:Skills Development Officer

(Contract until 31st March 2012)

Grade:Scale 6

Fixed Term:The post is initially offered for a fixed term of 12 months until 31st March 2012, due to external funding from the MLA Renaissance programme.

Responsible to:Head of Learning & Access

Key internal relationships:Museum Director; Assistant Director Resources; Head of Engagement; Museum Curator; Engagement Team Leaders; Learning & Access Team; Curatorial Team; Event Co-ordinator.

Key external relationships:Heritage Skills Initiative; Further Education & Adult Learning Colleges/Centres; CDENT; Natural England; Other Museums; North Pennine AONB

Purpose:To research and model the feasibility of developing Beamish as a resource for apprentice training and also for runningprogrammes of traditional skills training;appropriate for the Museum site, its skill base and its social/domestic, industrial, transport and agricultural collections. Prepare detailed studies to examine the potential for developing both apprentice training and programmes of fee paying short courses, feeding into the Museum’s business and development plan 2012 - 2025. Trial short courses in autumn/winter 2011/12 to inform future development plans.

Duties & responsibilities of the post:

  1. Desktop Studies & Research
  • Work to support the future development of Beamish as a dynamic, working, open-air museum, with a focus on putting its visitors first and a commitment to delivering world-class services.
  • Gather research from comparative sites and learn from others working in the sector, both within the North East region and elsewhere in the UK/EU.
  • Ensure future plans are fully informed by detailed market research/surveys, and meet clearly identified needs, employing specialist researchers as and when required.
  • Work collaboratively in partnership with museums, colleges and other training providers in the region to ensure Beamish meets the needs of learners and adds value to the sector, avoiding duplication.
  • Assess the potential for forming partnerships with external agencies to build the capacity of the Museum to deliver skills training.
  • Consider the feasibility of developing apprentice programmes in the future, especially targeting younger people in the local area, including a range of heritage, engineering, construction and traditional skills training.
  • Consider the potential for Beamish to attract funding for future apprentice programmes, including for training facilities and specialist staff/resources that such programmes would require.
  • Consider the commercial opportunities that may exist for developing Beamish as a venue for ‘educational tourism’, including an assessment of market need/demand and the scope for developing a programme of fee paying short courses or ‘leisure learning’.
  • Assess the skill base in the Museum workforce and the potential for delivering training programmes in-house, make recommendations for improving this in the future to the Head of Learning and Access.
  • Assess the potential for the Museum to use external partners and tutors to help deliver training programmes.
  • Ensure potential opportunities for training programmes linking to the Friends of Beamish and the Museum’s volunteers.
  • Prepare detailed desktop studiesincluding financial forecasts, business plans/models bringing together the results of the research and recommending future actions by March 2012.
  • Prepare reports and summaries of results to inform the long term business and development plan for the Museum that is currently being prepared, covering the period 2012 – 2025.
  1. Cross-team working
  • Lead regular skills training development meetings between the Head of Learning and Access and other senior managers including the Museum Director, Head of Engagement and Museum Curator.
  • Involve team leaders who may be involved in the delivery of skill training activities, including in particular the Engagement teams working across the Museum.
  • Be an active member of the Learning and Access team, participating in regular team meetings.
  • Participate in consultation events, workshops and meetings to help inform the Museum’s long term business and development plan 2012-2025.
  1. Trialling delivery of fee paying short courses
  • Identify potential ‘early wins’ – short courses that the Museum may be able to deliver in 2011/12 in order to inform the desktop study
  • Assess and manage the resources required to deliver the courses, including facilities, promotional material and staffing/tutors, working with the Head of Engagement, team leaders and others as required.
  • Lead the delivery of the courses, which are to be completed by March 2012.
  1. Reports & Evaluation
  • Continuously monitor and evaluate the progress of the project over the 12 month period.
  • Provide regular progress reports to the Head of Learning and Access as required
  • Provide evaluation reports on progress with the project to the MLA/Renaissance, Arts Council England and other funders as required.
  • Provide reports as required as part of the Museum’s business and development plan 2012-2025.
  1. Financial responsibilities
  • Responsible for managing agreed Renaissance and other revenue budgets required to deliver the desk top studies and programme of training activities, reporting to the Head of Learning and Access
  • Ensure compliance with all standing orders, financial regulations, audit and management procedures.
  • Ensure best value for all materials by monitoring ordering and procuring all services and supplies according to the Museum’s financial procedures.
  1. General responsibilities
  • Maintain and build good working relationships with existing and potential partners and funders.
  • Liaise with external agencies as required by the Director and Head of Learning and Access.
  • Give talks and lectures on the project to publicise the work of the Museum.
  • Ensure wide consultation with for the development proposals.
  • Sit on appropriate bodies and committees as agreed, to further the reputation of the Museum.
  • To carry out the duties of the post in accordance with the Museum’s Equal Opportunity Policy, Code of Conduct and Health and Safety legislation and regulations.

The Skills Development Officer will from time to time be expected to carry out a range of other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the scope of the post, as requested by management.

This post is subject to the Scheme and Conditions of Service of the National Joint Council for Local Authority Services.

Author: Richard Evans, Director

March 2011

Person Specification

Post of Skills Development Officer

Criteria / / Means of Assessment
Skills, Knowledge / An understanding and commitment to Beamish and its core purpose/mission
Able to work across teams and take a collaborative, hands on approach
Able to carry out detailed desk top research
Able to motivate and inspire people
Excellent communication skills – written and verbal
Able to work with attention to detail and commitment to standards of excellence
Knowledge of local and regional skills training initiatives
Ability to work to deadlines /


Application form


Application form

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Application form
Application form
Application form
Application form
Application form
Training / Relevant degree and/or equivalent experience
Research experience
Project management training/experience /

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Application form
Application form
Experience / Proven experience of working within the heritage sector and with a customer focus
Proven experience of developing and sustaining relationships/partnership / Interview/
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Application form

Note to applicants:

You must show in your application how you specifically meet these requirements.

Author:Richard Evans

March 2011