CC Algebra Syllabus
Class Policies and Procedures
Mr. Buchholz
2014 – 2015
Algebra is the first mathematics course in the high school. Algebra provides tools and ways of thinking that are necessary for solving problems in a wide variety of disciplines, such as science, business, social studies, fine arts, and technology. This course will assist students in developing skills and processes to be applied using a variety of techniques, including technology, to successfully solve problems in a variety of settings.
The final assessment in this course will be the Common Core Algebra exam. This exam is a necessary component for graduation. It will also count as 20% of your final average.
Suggested Materials:Please bring the following to class everyday – pencil/pen, 2” minimum 3-ring binder (with paper and dividers), and a graphing calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-84, TI-84 Plus). If you do not have a calculator, you can borrow one from the school.
Supplies are due Monday, September 15th.
Homework will be given on a daily basis in order to reinforce what we have gone over in class. The time to do homework is on the day that it is given (preferably at home in the evening).
Assignments will be checked and recorded daily for effort and
Completeness (4 pts. each) . Periodically it will be collected for a grade. You will not know ahead of time when it will be collected.
Assignments missed due to an absence are to be made up and shown to me. It is your responsibility to find out what the assignment was and get it to me THE NEXT DAY.
Castle Learning (weekly reviews) will need to be completed either weekly/biweekly.
Grading will be done on a total points system. This means that your quarterly grades are calculated as follows.
Quizzes + tests + HW + castle learning + participation points
Total possible pointsX 100
Whenever you get confused – get help immediately! Often a question can be answered in just a couple of minutes before, after, or during class.
Extra help will be available every afternoon in the Room 204. I will also be available most days during my planning periods by appointment. You must give me advanced notice that you will be coming.
Attendance: It is very important that you be present in class each day. I take careful
attendance each day and will follow up with the attendance office. School
policy with regards to class absences will be strictly followed (refer to
Tardiness will not be tolerated! You will be given detention each time you are illegally late to class, no excuses. Don’t make a scene if you walk in late.
If you are ill and absent from class YOU should make arrangements to make up a test/quiz during a free period the next day! It is also your responsibility to get any missed notes. You WILL receive a zero if you do not make up your test within a reasonable amount of time.
If you know that you are going to be absent for several days due to a field trip or family trip, please notify me as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to complete all of the work upon your return.
Being in the nurse’s office without my prior permission is treated as an illegal absence.
Prior approval is necessary for a band lesson or voice lab. You will be allowed one lesson/lab per month as long as you are in good standing with me.
*your notebook should be sectioned off as follows: notes, homework, quizzes, and tests
**Cell phone usage is not permitted in class.**
There is one main classroom rule: Please remember to be RESPECTFUL to me as well as your peers. All school policies and rules as stated in your planner will be strictly enforced in class.
A note to all parents:If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to cal me at school (686-3255) or send me an e-mail (preferable) to . I will return your call or e-mail as soon as possible. Also, please provide an alternate phone number (work or cell) where I can contact you with regard to your child’s progress. I look forward to seeing you at open house.
Name: ______
Parents – Please make sure you have read the “note to all parents section” on the prior page. If possible please provide an alternate phone number in which I could contact you during the day, if you are not at home.
Please sign and date below and have your parent or guardian sign as well, to indicate that you have read and are aware of all the classroom procedures and policies as stated above.
(Student’s Signature) (Parent’s Signature)
(Date) (Home Phone Number)
(Alternate Phone Number)
Date / Name / InformationThis side is for Mr. Buchholz’ use only.