Board Member Position Description

Each board member should have a demonstrated interest in the program’s purpose and its goals, plus:

  1. Specific experience in and/or knowledge of one or more of the following: Personnel Management, Finance/accounting, Marketing/sales, Public relations, Communications, Housing Development, Real Estate, Law, Board experience, Grantwriting/Fundraising
  1. Representation of a public or private sector organization in, or segment of, the community, including one or more of the following: Business owner, Developmental Disabilities or other social services, Local government, Community Involvement
  1. 4-10 hours per month of available time.

Major Responsibilities. The Board members are jointly responsible for:

  1. Board Governance:

·  Ensuring that the program fulfills legal requirements in the conduct of its business and affairs;

·  Adopting and making decisions according to a set of Bylaws (or Code of Regulations) and such other policies as may be needed to determine the purpose, governing principles, and function and activities of the organization.

·  With the director, developing an annual work plan of goals, objectives and activities for the program.

  1. Finance

·  Approving and monitoring the annual budget and actual expenditures of the program;

·  Participates in some meaningful way in the fundraising program to ensure that the program can meet its objectives;

·  Authorizing and approving an annual audit;

·  Authorizing and approving an annual tax filing (IRS Form 990);

·  Authorizing, approving and monitoring a Master Contract with the County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

  1. Public Relations:

·  Understanding and interpreting the organization’s work to the community in a positive and supportive manner;

·  Representing the program within other organizations and agencies within the community;

·  Giving sponsorship and prestige to the program and inspiring confidence in its activities;

·  Serving as advocates of and cheerleaders for community-based housing for people with disabilities.

  1. Evaluation:

·  Regularly reviewing and evaluating the program’s performance against board goals and objectives;

·  Developing and reviewing feedback from program stakeholders.

·  Monitoring the organization’s activities;

·  Providing good judgment on plans of committees and of the director.

  1. Personnel:

·  Selecting, hiring, and evaluating the director.

·  Approving policies governing personnel administration.

·  Participating in the recruitment, selection, and development of Board members as advised by the nominating committee.

Individual Standards:

  1. Supports Board decisions, even when he or she may differ personally with the majority decision;
  2. Understands the mission of the housing program and promotes the goals and activities of the program to his or her own constituent groups and to the community as a whole;
  3. Annually completes and signs a conflict of interest disclosure form and agrees to comply with the Code of Personal Conduct.
  4. Makes a priority of attending Board and committee meetings and endeavors to miss meetings only when necessary;
  5. Actively participates on one standing committee or office;
  6. Attends training programs and workshops as necessary to have knowledge of the program.
  7. Respects the need for “board wholism” and does not seek to direct staff outside of agreed-to board discussions and decisions.
  8. Offers opinions honestly, without reservation and in a constructive way;
  9. Promotes unity within the organization and seeks to resolve internal conflicts;
  10. Encourages staff and other Board members to express their opinions openly in Board meetings;
  11. Is loyal to the program and honors his or her commitment to it.

I agree to be relied upon to faithfully perform the duties outlined above to the best of my ability.


Board Member Board President

Date: ______Date: ______

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