We are sorry about your recent injury at work. We care about you and wish you a speedy recovery. You are required to keep your supervisor informed of your medical progress. Immediately submit all paperwork regarding your medical treatment and work status to your supervisor and the WC office throughout your recovery.
Important telephone Numbers
OCPS WC Office 407.317.3904
Fax: 407.317.3906
Carlos Yepes, Sr. Manager 407.317.3918
Darci Decker, Light Duty 407.317.3905
Connie Kraft, Secretary 407.317.3904
USIS 407.352.0374
Claims Adjusters:
Danielle Hamilton, Light Duty/Medical Only 407.373.6416
Ranada Gray, A - F 407.373.6254
Martha Jimenez, G – Z 407.373.6206
Kathy Scoggins, Supervisor 407.373.6203
Terri Snapp, Claims Manager 407.373.6409
myMatrixx 1.877.804.4900
Division of Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation
Educational Leadership Center
445 West Amelia Street, 3rd Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407.317.3904
Fax: 407.317.3906
The School Board of Orange County, Florida does not discriminate in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital status, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other reason prohibited by law. The following individuals at the Ron Blocker Educational Leadership Center, 445 W. Amelia Street, Orlando, Florida 32801, attend to compliance matters: ADA Coordinator & Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Supervisor: Carianne Reggio; Section 504 Coordinator: Latonia Green; Title IX Coordinator: Doug Patterson. (407.317.3200)
Workers’ Compensation
EMPLOYEE Quick Reference
Important information Please read
Workers’ CompensAtion
General Information Brochure
The purpose of this Workers’ Compensation (WC) brochure is to give important, concise information to the employee that has an on-the-job injury or job-related illness.
1. It is important that all injuries be reported to the work location supervisor immediately.
2. The supervisor/workers’ compensation contact will assist the employee with completing all necessary forms which include the following:
· Notice of Injury (WC App – complete on-line)
· Employee Quick Reference Brochure
· Sign NOI Tracking Log
· Authorization for Medical Treatment
· myMatrixx Letter
· Supervisor’s Investigation Report (to be completed by the work location (WL) supervisor and the employee).
3. If medical treatment is needed now or in the future, the employee must request treatment. The supervisor/contact shall provide an Authorization for Medical Treatment form, myMatrixx letter, and provide the name and address of the authorized treating facility to use.
4. Any medical treatment must be from an authorized WC primary care physician. The work location will select the authorized treating facility closest to the worksite.
5. At each doctor visit, the treating physician will provide the employee with a DWC-25 work status report. The employee is required to submit all paperwork regarding medical treatment and the work status to the work location supervisor immediately.
Workers’ compensation Medical Appointments
The injured employee is released during the normal workday to attend any authorized WC doctor appointment or scheduled physical therapy. The employee is required to work any portion of the scheduled workday not used for medical appointments. Please schedule these appointments when it is least disruptive to your workday. The employee is responsible for providing documentation for each appointment to the work location supervisor and the WC office. If the employee chooses not to work any portion of the day, then the absence will be charged as sick leave. Authorized medical tests/procedures that require the employee to be taken out of work will be charged as line-of-duty.
NO-SHOW FEE: The employee is responsible for payment of no-show fees charged by the medical provider for failure to cancel 24 hours prior to scheduled appointments.
Line-of-Duty (LOD) days are absences that OCPS allows for WC due to a “No Work Status” from an authorized treating physician. The employee must provide the work location with written documentation of a “No Work Status” before any LOD can be charged to an employee. LOD days shall be limited to ten (10) days either per fiscal year and/or injury, never to exceed ten (10) days for a specific injury.
When all LOD days have been depleted and the employee is still on a “No Work Status”, the work location will place the employee on a WC leave-of-absence. USIS will be responsible for any WC payment, which is approximately two-thirds of the employee’s regular earnings.
Return to Work
LIght Duty/Modified Duty
The Light Duty (LD) Program is designed to keep the injured employee, who has work restrictions and not reached Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI), in an active status until able to return to his/her regular position. The LD Program facilitates this effort. This program is available to benefited employees.
Darci Decker/Light Duty 407.317.3905
The LD office must be notified anytime an employee is returned to work (RTW) with restrictions. The work site may accommodate the employee and complete a LD form.
If the job cannot be modified, the employee will meet with the LD program coordinator to complete the appropriate forms and be given a temporary assignment elsewhere in the district.
The employee is responsible for documenting daily attendance on a Sign In/Out form. The form must be faxed to the regular work location supervisor and the LD office each week. The employee is required to report any absence to the regular work site (following normal procedure), the LD work site, and the LD office, as early as possible on the day of the absence. A certificate of absence must be completed for the regular work location. The employee remains on the payroll at the regular work location. The regular work location is responsible for reporting all absences.
The Light Duty Directive will provide more detailed guidelines.
Prescription Card: A myMatrixx Prescription Card will be mailed to the employee within seven (7) business days.