2011-2012Membership Dues and Contributions Form

Member Name / Email Address
(please print on line below)
City/State/9-Digit Zip Code /
Check here if your contact information has changed.
Phone / ( )

Part I. Dues Section

Dues / Amount / Amount
*Member’s Dues 2011-2012 (Includes National, State and Chapter) *Required / $ xx.xx* for chapter members ($x.xxfor associate members) / $
DAR Magazine (1-yr subscription) / $ 18.00 Circle: New or Renewal / $
State Newsletter (1-yr subscription) / $ x.xx Circle: New or Renewal / $
Mailed Minutes (1-yr (Sept-June) / $ x.xx / $
Postage / $.45(please add .45 if you want your directory mailed) / $
$ xx.xx for Standard Chapter Dues Membership Package (inc. Dues, DAR Magazine, DAR Newsletter and State newsletter) / Membership Dues SubTotal / $

Part II. Contributions Section (optional)

(see list below) / Name of Fund (use additional sheets of paper if needed) / (Name of Person)
In Honor (H) or In Memory Of (M): / Choose H or M / Amount
Chapter Donation / $
Chapter Donation / $
Chapter Donation / $
State Donation / $
State Donation / $
State Donation / $
National Donation / $
National Donation / $
National Donation / $
Part II Contribution Subtotal / $
Part I Membership Dues / $
Grand Total / $ /

Make your check payable to xxxx Chapter. Pay before xxxxx.

Send this remittance form with your check to: Name, Chapter Treasurer, Address, City, State, Zip

List of Contributions

Chapter Funds / State Funds / National Funds
(customize for your chapter) / (customize for your state) / CAA National Donations / Volunteer Contributions/Donations
  • Chapter Chaplain's Sunshine Fund
  • Chapter DAR Magazine contributions for local Schools, Libraries
  • Chapter General Fund
  • Chapter Good Citizen's Awards
  • Chapter Membership Teas
  • Chapter Program/Speaker Funds
  • Chapter Veteran's Party
  • Mount Rosa Scholarship Fund
  • Adult Advanced Education Scholarship
  • C.A.R
  • General Operating Fund
  • Junior Project’s Fund
  • Outstanding Junior Fund
  • Service to Veteran-Patients
  • State Regents American History Scholarship
  • JAC Prize Award Fund
  • State Regent’s Project
/ *Historic Programs and Funds
*Educational Programs and Funds
*Patriotic Programs and Funds
*Membership Programs and Administrative Funds /
  1. DAR Museum Exhibition Fund $200
  2. DAR Project Patriot $100
  3. Friends of American History $100
  4. Friends of Genealogy $100
  5. Friends of Junior American Citizens $100
  6. F. Friends of Junior Membership $100
  7. Friends of the Americana Collection $100
•Button Gwinnett $200
  1. Friends of the American Indian
  2. Friends of the DAR Magazine $100
• Friends of American Spirit$100 (plus 5 new gift subscriptions sent w/ donation) / J. Friends of the Museum $200
•Adopt-An-Object $100
• Museum Keeper $500
  1. Friends of DAR Scholarship $200
  2. Friends of DAR Schools $200
  3. Friends of the Library $200
  4. Friends of Seimes Technology Center $100
  5. Friends of Veterans $100
  6. Membership Challenge $500
  7. NSDAR Archives Fund $100
  8. President General’s Project $100

Note: All donations given that are not specified to a fund will go directly to the Chapter's General Fund. If you are interested in making a Friends contribution, lease contact the Chapter Regent or Chapter Treasurer.

*Chapter Requirement as part of the Chapter Achievement program. For more info about this program, contact the Chapter Treasurer


This questionnaire has been designed to serve as
a tool to sense member opinions and help chart future actions for our chapter.

  1. When is the best time for you to attend DAR monthly meetings:
Monday Afternoons_____ Sunday afternoons______Friday evenings______Saturday morning ______Other suggestions______

2.Would you like meetings to include program and:

Refreshments ____ Luncheon/Supper ______Pot Luck_____ Meeting only____

Would you be willing to pay every month to cover meal costs? Yes___ No____

Would you like a combination of meetings throughout the year with luncheons, potlucks, etc.? ____Yes ____No Please describe. ______

3. I am willing to pick-up other DAR members for monthly meetings______

4. I would like a car-pool ride to monthly meetings______

5.I can participate on DAR activities: (check all that apply)

Weekdays only_____ Weekends only_____ Evenings only______

Sept/Oct_____ Nov/Dec_____ Jan/Feb_____ Mar/Apr_____ Jun-Aug____

Fall _____ Winter _____ Spring _____ Summer _____

Most months of the year_____ Other_____

  1. I would be interested in volunteering: (check all that apply)

for activities that I can do at home
for activities with the C.A.R.
as an officer
as a committee chairman
as a committee member
on fundraisers
on patriotic activities
on educational activities, such as reading, tutoring, literacy
on genealogy & lineage research
on program and special workshops
on public relations, such as writing newspaper articles about chapter activities / on historic preservation
on membership, such as helping members become oriented
to make/draw posters and flyers for chapter activities for Constitution Week and American History month
on scrapbooking to help with Historian duties
to mentor prospective and/or new members"
 to assist with "adopt a member" (to occasionally visit, send cards, etc. to elderly members who can no longer attend meetings

7.1 work or volunteer: Full-time_____ Part-time_____

I am retired_____ I am at home full-time_____

I have children in school_____ Pre-school_____

I am between 18 and 35 years old_____ (Junior member) I am between 36-50 ______

I am between 51-70______I am 70-89 ______I am 90 years old or over______

8. Please include any additional comments:

Thank you!!!!! Please return this along with your dues to the chapter treasurer.