Hello all, I hope you are enjoying the wonderful warm weather. I don’t know what happened in New Mexico, but we never had spring. One week I have all the fires going and was freezing. Next week we are in the 80’s. Forget spring, summer is here, let’s enjoy it. Those early morning walks really make my day.
Remember Barb Cady’s Million mile challenge to walk from Chicago to Orlando ends on May 31st. don’t forget to send your paperwork to TOPS by June 15th. Many chapters are doing a great job. Thanks to all that participated.
Remember at our SRD, Beverly told us about this Growth Bonus? Let’s work on it. Earn a ticket for each new chapter member during the period between this year’s recognition days to next year’s recognition days. I shall place the chapter name on each ticket earned and take them to IRD 2010 for a drawing to select the Bonus winner. One winner will be selected for each Regional Director’s combined area for a total of 10 chapter winners. This winner shall be announced at IRD when field staff are introduced. A check for $250.00 shall be awarded from TOPS Club, Inc. to the chapter selected in each RD’s area!
Our SRD is over, now we have started planning 2010 in Roswell. We had very few entries in our poster, name tag, hats, and skits. I think it is time to change that. We are thinking of dropping those and doing chapter scrapbook and individual costume. Let’s hear from you, this is your SRD. Tell us what you want.
How are you doing on your quilt squares? Having fun planning them? I will be mailing the quilt squares to those chapters that did not attend SRD. This is for the quilt that we will raffle off in 2010. Decorate your square with the theme “TOPS IS OUT OF THIS WORLD”. Also your chapter number. When finished I will let you know where to mail it. No hurry we have until the end of the year!
We have many new members since SRD. Leader, please make sure you read letter at next meeting.
Thanks, Paula
May, 2009
New Members: Welcome to TOPS, We are glad you are here.
TOPS#NM354, San Lorenzo Rebecca Guillot
TOPS#NM99, Alamogordo Anita Austin
TOPS#NM175, Roswell Frieda Lente
TOPS#NM216, Albuquerque Rebecca Hunt
TOPS#NM298, Santa Fe Judith Toler
TOPS#NM359, Alamogordo Kristy Bougteb
TOPS#NM381, Las Cruces Penny Simpson
TOPS#NM392, Albuquerque Patricia White
Best Losers of the Month for April:
TOPS#NM16, Albuquerque Lois Ross 4.00 lbs
TOPS#NM55, Las Cruces Danita Chambers 5.25 lbs
TOPS#NM73, Roswell Frances Carter 2.00 lbs
TOPS#NM73, Roswell Julie Dillon 2.00 lbs
TOPS#NM99, Alamogordo Karen Felix 12.75 lbs
TOPS#NM110, Roswell Marie Towler 9.00 lbs
TOPS#NM175, Roswell Pam Tharp 2.25 lbs
TOPS#NM203, Belen Mary Martinez 2.25 lbs
TOPS#NM216, Albuquerque Adam Spencer 19.75 lbs lbs
TOPS#NM219, Las Cruces Chris Liddle 4.60 lbs
TOPS#NM227, Albuquerque Lou Bourgeois ? lbs
TOPS#240, Sandia Park Belle Roberts 8.75 lbs
TOPS#NM242, Tucumcari Sylvia Wampler 11.75 lbs
TOPS#NM275, Farmington Terry McCaw 2.00 lbs
TOPS#NM298, Santa Fe Kate Lettenberger 8.00 lbs
TOPS#NM331, Albuquerque Cindy Clifton 10.00 lbs
TOPS#NM354, San Lorenzo Theresa Ferguson 5.50lbs
TOPS#NM359, Alamogordo Angie Trujillo 2.40 lbs
TOPS#NM381, Las Cruces Jackie Sloan 5.75 lbs
TOPS#NM390, Las Cruces Nancy Nunez 3.50 lbs
TOPS#NM392, Albuquerque Pat Wittman 5.00 lbs
TOPS#NM240, Sandia Park Belle Roberts
TOPS#NM381, Las Cruces Eula Bruner
KOPS Below Goal:
TOPS#NM16, Albuquerque Heather Darby
TOPS#NM30, Artesia Louise Daugherty
TOPS #NM55, Las Cruces Celia Anaya
TOPS#NM99, Alamogordo Loretta Bean, Barbara Carpenter, Claudie Guthrie, Mary Lou Kounter
TOPS#NM154, Rio Rancho Bob Clifton, Marie Evanoff, Muriel Morrissey, Terry McAleer, and Leona Pease, Sara Klein
TOPS#NM175, Roswell Frieda Parks, Earl Eakin, Charlene Eakin
TOPS#NM216, Albuquerque Beatrice Payne, Eva Allen
TOPS#NM219, Las Cruces Anne Gordon
TOPS#NM227, Albuquerque Grace Brooks, Martha Baum
TOPS#NM298, Santa Fe Rosemary Duck and Elna Strand, Emma Lyon
TOPS#NM331, Albuquerque Deora Odoms
TOPS#NM359, Alamogordo Virginia Scarbrough, Jerry Austin, Cece Szewczyk, Gloria Wohlert, Ed Scarbrough
TOPS#NM390, Las Cruces Ed Warner
TOPS#NM392, Albuquerque Betty Rein
KOPS in Leeway:
TOPS#NM99, Alamogordo Nancy Montgomery
TOPS#216, Albuquerque Barbara Ann Simon
TOPS#NM331, Albuquerque Ann Ortega and Mary Upson
TOPS#NM354, San Lorenzo Paula Norero
TOPS#NM359, Alamogordo Frank Smith
TOPS#NM368, Deming Donna Harris
TOPS#NM381, Las Cruces Sharon Falcolne
Programs/Contests/Special Activities by Chapter:
TOPS#55, Las Cruces
The “Weigh To Lose” 6-week team contest is in progress.
TOPS#NM175, Roswell
Race to the Kentucky Derby contest started April 7th & ended May 5th. Rules of contest as follows:
Chart provided w/each member represented by a horse w/name on it.
TOPS: Your horse will set at the starting gate until you lose weight. When you lose weight, your horse will move forward for each 1/4 lb. you lose marked by a blue line on the chart. If you gain weight you will move backward marked by a red line below the blue line, again marking for 1/4 lb. gained. For a turtle your horse will move forward 1/4 lb. mark.
KOPS: Your horse will move the same as the TOPS except all your line will be blue unless you go out of le-way, then the line will be red.
You must wear you derby hat the last day of the contest.
Winners of the contest were: Paula Hickman - 1st place, Glenna Bertola - 2nd place & Frances Goode 3rd place. All wore hats & pictures were taken with trophys won. Fun for all & some lovely hats were worn.
Four members of our chapter along with members from the two other local chapters met with Paula N. & Nancy M. on the evening of May 1st. to discuss requirements for SRD 2010. Nancy also presented a great program.
TOPS#NM203, Belen
No Gain Meeting – April 30
TOPS#NM219, Las Cruces
Cory Lane visited our chapter again. She presented a program on “Healthy Cooking and Healthy Eating” She prepared and brought “tasters” . Also spoke about the importance of your ph balance. Cory is the owner of the Juice Bar.
TOPS#NM242, Tucumcari
Easter Contest, Calendar Contest. Fun Night – Pat showed us how to make cloth boxes.
TOPS#NM275, Farmington
Red and Blue contest for the 4th of July
TOPS#NM298, Santa Fe
We have had 2 meetings on familiarizing our new members on procedures and to settle some differences with our members and now we have a new outlook on new ideas.
Color in the United States Travel Contest. We were given a printed map of the U.S. and we will fill in the states as we earn points. You can earn points for bringing a completed journal, weight loss, exercise, KOPS in good standing, attend entire meeting, called a member, etc.
TOPS#NM331, Albuquerque
We held our annual yard sale. Members donated items and several of us worked the sale. We made $230 for our SRD/IRD trips for 2010!
Several of us walked the 5 mile Race For the Cure annual cancer walk on May 26.
We ALL signed up for a Team Commitment to be accountable to the group for a weight loss for the end of the year. Definition of Commitment was stressed.
We finished our Crying Towel Contest. All hung towels on the line and a loss or turtle kept you on the line-a gain took you off. For KOPS, you must stay in leeway. Winners were TOPS-Wendy Johnson, KOPS split-Deora Odoms and Ann Ortega.
TOPS#NM359, Alamogordo
Everyone enjoyed our visit with our Area Captain, Nancy Montgomery and her program that she presented, "Time To Create Lasting Change".
Jerry Austin had a program on "Portion Control".
Our Chapter had a No Gain Meeting April 29.
Special Contests: We had a fun contest for April, called the Easter Egg Contest:Tops members were able to pick an egg from a bag every week they lost weight or stayed the same. Kops members got to pick two eggs every week as long as they didn't gain. At the end of the month the eggs were opened and winners were determined by special eggs that announced "Your the Winner" inside. One winner for the Tops and one winner for the Kops.
We had two raffles for the month. One was for an Easter Basket that was filled with Easter items. The other raffle was for a nice big basket. Money from these raffles will go into our SRD Fund.
TOPS #390, Las Cruces
For our exercise night, we hoola-hooped. We used the 3 and 5 pound TOPS hoops, and it was a blast trying to keep
the hoola hoops "up.
TOPS#NM392, Albuquerque
We had a no-gain meeting April 6 with 10 members weighing in. Net loss of 18.5 that night.
Tug of War Contest – Two teams compete to tug the rope to their side each week. Each person can earn up to 25 points by contacting another member, keeping a food journal, keeping an exercise journal, losing weight, and attending meeting. Each team moves rope according to points earn.
Coming Events
TOPS Desert Beach Rally June 20, 2009 10:00am to 3:00pm Christian Church, 1300 Hawaii Alamogordo
Admission is $5.00 per individual or $15 for multiple members from the same club. Charge covers all rallies in the state for entire 2009.
Come play games, watch skits, watch a Fashion Parade and get to know your fellow TOPS members from around the state.
Wear a TOPS T-shirt and get your name entered into a drawing for a prize.
Chapter 99 will be hosting a Salad Fundraiser Lunch: all you can eat chef salad and a drink for ONLY $5.00.
Come share the sunshine!
Deadlines are here!
v Remember it is time to review your by-laws and modify as necessary and approve by vote. Mail 2 copies to Paula Norero before June 1, 2009.
State Coordinator Area Captain Area Captain
Paula Norero, #660 Patricia Rael, #6069 Nancy Montgomery #6199
HC 71 Box 945 PO Box 695 3016 Thunder Road
Hanover, NM 88041 Santa Cruz, NM 87567 Alamogordo, NM 88310
575-536-9433 505-690-0188 575-430-0020